单选题The vessel is at a speed of 16().Akilometers per hourBmiles per hourCrevolution per minuteDmeters per hour

The vessel is at a speed of 16().

kilometers per hour


miles per hour


revolution per minute


meters per hour


解析: 暂无解析


A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.A.turning maneuverB.course settingC.position fixingD.regulating speed

The term "moderate speed" was previously interpreted(解释) as meaning a speed which would enable a vessel ______within half the range of visibility.A.stoppingB.being stoppedC.to stopD.to be stopped

THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is ______.A.Ground speedB.Boarding speedC.Relative speedD.Speed of the vessel

The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT ______.A.evaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactB.adjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityC.reduce speed only where local speed limits are postedD.enter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

A vessel which is being assisted by an icebreaker would display a flag hoist consisting of the code numeral "4" when the vessel ______.A.speed begins to dropB.stopsC.receives ice damageD.becomes icebound

An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction

Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is ______.A.in doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collisionB.altering course to starboardC.altering course to portD.the stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed

If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation ______.A.you must keep your course and speedB.you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC.the other vessel must keep her course and speedD.both vessels must keep their course and speed

单选题If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation().AYou must keep your course and speedBYou may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearCThe other vessel must keep her course and speedDBoth vessels must keep their course and speed

单选题The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT().Aevaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactBadjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityCreduce speed only where local speed limits are postedDenter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

单选题Which effect does speed through the water have on a vessel which is underway in shallow water ().AA decrease in the speed results in a decrease in steering response and maneuverabilityBAn increase in speed results in the stern sucking down lower than the BowCAn increase in speed results in the vessel rising on an even planeDA decrease in speed results in the vessel sucking down on an even plane

单选题The pivoting point of a fully loaded vessel with normal trim proceeding ahead at sea speed is().Aright at the bowBone-third the length of the vessel from the bowCone-half the length of the vessel from the bowDtwo-thirds the length of the vessel from the bow

单选题In stopping distances of vessels,head reach can best be described as the().Adifference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speed ordered on the telegraphBdistance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was orderedCdistance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in the waterDspeed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped

单选题The term “moderate speed” was previously interpreted as meaning a speed which would enable a vessel ()within half the range of visibility.AstoppingBbeing stoppedCto stopDto be stopped

单选题Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is().AIn doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collisionBAltering course to starboardCAltering course to portDThe stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed

单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that it has the signal flag “O” hoisted.What is your next action().AProceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a pilotBAttempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone and begin a search because the vessel has a man overboardCAttempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because it is disabledDApproach with caution because the vessel is stopped and making no way through the water

单选题Once a towline is connected between the towing vessel and the disabled vessel,the towing vessel should().Anot exceed bare steerageway during the transitBtake a strain as soon as you can to control the towCcome up to speed very slowly and maintain a safe speedDcome up to speed quickly,then cut back power considerably to ease the strain

单选题When shall the stand-on vessel change course and speed?()Athe stand-on vessel may change course and speed at any time as it has the right of wayBafter the give-way vessel sounds one blast in a crossing situationCwhen action by the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collisionDwhen the two vessels become less than half a mile apart


单选题Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed where().Ayou can stop within your visibility rangeByou can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionCyou are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsDno wake comes from your vessel

单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().Aapparent wind speed onlyBtrue wind speed and true wind directionCtrue wind speed onlyDapparent wind speed and true wind direction

单选题Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed()the prevailing circumstances and conditionsAadapted toBused byCliable toDadaptation to

单选题The vessel is at a speed of 16().Akilometers per hourBmiles per hourCrevolution per minuteDmeters per hour

单选题Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,()to another vessel observing visually or by radar.Abe large enough to be readily apparentBbe a succession of small alterationsCbe with due regard to the power and speed of the vesselDleave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdispla ement of a vessel multiplied by her speed

单选题The speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot boat at which the pilot can safely embark is().Aground speedBboarding speedCrelative speedDspeed of the vessel

单选题A radar contact will remain stationary on a relative motion radar display only when it is().Aon the same course as your vesselBat the same speed as your vesselCon the same course and speed as your vesselDon a reciprocal course at the same speed as your vessel

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdisplacement of a vessel multiplied by her speed