单选题Some ships have special duties, such as()(驳船).Aliquid cargo shipsBgeneral cargo shipsCbargesDtugs

Some ships have special duties, such as()(驳船).

liquid cargo ships


general cargo ships






解析: 暂无解析


Do mothers only work in some special professions today?_____________________________________________________

(b) Anne is experiencing some tension due to the conflict between her duties and responsibilities as an employee ofFillmore Pierce and as a qualified professional accountant.Required:(i) Compare and contrast her duties and responsibilities in the two roles of employee and professionalaccountant. (6 marks)

Tell me about a city you have visited.You should say:where the city is and when you went therewhat people can see and do in that citywhy that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

—Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity!A.No, nothing specialB.Yes, I have promised to call on some friendsC.Yes, of courseD.No, I’m not sure. Why?

I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gilt. Do you have _____in mind?A. special somethingB. special anythingC. anything special

Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes for bicycles on some of the main streets, but though they have got some supporters, ( )likes the idea.A、everyoneB、not everyoneC、no oneD、someone

We planned to( ) some friends for the special occasion.A、call outB、call onC、call overD、call off

According to the international regulations concerning the prevention of pollution of sea areas from ships, the disposal into the sea of all plastics is______.A.welcomeB.admitted in some special sea areasC.prohibitedD.acceptable

Do you have any licenses of other special qualifications?

People in the plane can__________A.have a good sleepB.have some small giftsC.buy some duty-free goodsD.go to the bar to have a drink

The Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying out _____ to enhance safety of ships.A.CPPB.FPPC.FSCD.PSC

Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships to which this Annex of MARPOL 73/78 applies shall be ______ except when special conditions are satisfied.A.requiredB.requestedC.promotedD.prohibited

很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起货机。()A、Many ships have two derricks at each hatch.B、Many ships have two winches at each hatch.C、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.D、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover.

Some ships have()(特殊职责) ,such as tugs.A、dutyB、special dutiesC、special dutyD、special

We have some white paint, but we ().A、haven’t any black paintB、have some black paintC、have some white paintD、hasn’t any black paint

单选题Which of the following isn’t included in babysitter’s duties?ADressing two children.BCooking the dinner.CDoing some homework.

多选题A:I want to buy some stamps with different face values .B:Special stamps?A:Yes.B:We have stamps of(    ).A60fenB2yuansC60fensD3yuan20fen

单选题A survey (special purpose mark) buoy().Amust be lightedBmay have a flashing red lightCmay have a fixed white lightDNone of the above

单选题Some ships have special duties, such as()(驳船).Aliquid cargo shipsBgeneral cargo shipsCbargesDtugs

单选题Some ships have()(特殊职责) ,such as tugs.AdutyBspecial dutiesCspecial dutyDspecial

单选题Eric: Hello, I’m home!  Julie: Hello! ______  Eric: Busy! I didn’t even have time for lunch.  Julie: Oh, dear, you must be starving. I’m cooking pasta—with my special tomato garlic sauce._______  Eric: Thanks, Julie. It smells really good. You’re a lifesaver.AWhat happened? ; Help yourself.BWhere have you been? ; Enjoy it.CHow was your day? ; Do you want some?DAnything wrong? ; Why not take some?

单选题he Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying out () to enhance safety of ships.ACPPBFPPCPSCDFSC

单选题Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of the them must assume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?().ACSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels,dry cargo vessels,or tankers in that order of precedenceBThe CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the ships concernedCA tanker should never be assigned CSS duties unless only tankers are presentDThe first vessel to arrive at the distress incident is designated as the CSS

单选题According to the international regulations concerning the prevention of pollution of sea areas from ships, the disposal into the sea of all plastics is ().AwelcomeBadmitted in some special sea areasCprohibitedDacceptable

单选题Special thrust devices are provided on ships to improve their () at zero ship speed when the rudder is relatively ineffective.Abrake capabilitiesBreversing capabilitiesCmaneuvering capabilitiesDacceleration capabilities

单选题In the process of the shafting management, special attention should be paid to()Aon the sailing, the water in the aft peak tank should be excluded as much as possibleBthe stuffing style ahead sealing shouldn’t have any water leaking outCSimplex astern sealing shouldn’t have any oil leaking outDSimplex ahead sealing can have some oil leaking out

填空题Now some consumers are willing to pay extra money for food with a special nutritional or health benefit.____

单选题Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names ().AwhichindicatedtheircharacterpropertiesBwhosecharacteristicpropertiesareindicatingCwhatcharacterizetheirindicatedpropertiesDthatindicatetheircharacteristicproperties