单选题Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().Astored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completedBresealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each useCcovered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesDstored in a suitable gear locker

Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().

stored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completed


resealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each use


covered at all times to protect from ignition sources


stored in a suitable gear locker


解析: 暂无解析


Paints and solvents on a vessel should be ______.A.stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.returned to the paint locker after each useC.covered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesD.stored in a suitable gear locker

________ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ________ be held to be unseaworthy.A.If/mayB.Will/shallC.Should/wouldD.Would/should

On no account ______ proceed without pilot in this water area.A.the vesselB.shall not vesselC.the vessel shouldD.should vessel

Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ______.A.Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present courseB.vessel must be in extremisC.Master should agree to sign a release of liability formD.Master must first request the Pilot to take corrective action

On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a ______.A.Notice of ReadinessB.Master Certificate of ServiceC.Shipmasters DeclarationD.Vessel Utilization and Performance Report

For safety reasons,when assistance towing ______.A.the disabled vessel should be towed to the nearest portB.the disabled vessel should be inspected for flammable gasesC.passengers should always be removed from the disabled vesselD.personnel on the disabled vessel should don PFD's

That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH WATCH END means that ______.A.any list,no matter where it is posted,shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOWB.the vessel should not be removedC.any and all lists on board the vessel should be taken offD.the inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW

Prior to loading barges over the stern of a LASH vessel,the vessel should be trimmed in what manner ________.A.Two to four feet by the bowB.Slightly by the bowC.No trim should be permittedD.Slightly by the stern

单选题Prior to loading barges over the stern of a LASH vessel,the vessel should be trimmed in what manner?().ATwo to four feet by the bowBSlightly by the bowCNo trim should be permittedDSlightly by the stern

单选题According to Sinotime,during the period of this Charter,should the Vessel be requisitioned by the government of the Vessel’s nationality,hire to()from the time of her requisition.AcontinueBstopCcommenceDcease

单选题Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?().AThe first vessel to sight the other should give wayBThe vessel making the slower speed should give wayCBoth vessels should alter course to starboardDBoth vessels should alter course to port

单选题To determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry you should().Arefer to the vessel's Certificate of InspectionBexamine the cargo tanks and fittingsCask the terminal supervisor or his representativeDcheck the loading order

单选题()should generally best for handing acids,alkalis,various types of oils,solvents and chemicals in general.AHeat-resistant glovesBRubber glovesCPVC glovesDLeather gloves

单选题You have a large,broken-down vessel in tow with a wire rope and anchor cable towline. Both vessels have made provision for slipping the tow in an emergency; however,unless there are special circumstances().Athe towing vessel should slip firstBthe vessel towed should slip firstCthey should slip simultaneouslyDeither vessel may slip first

单选题Two barges are being pushed ahead by a tugboat.Which statement is TRUE concerning lights on the barges().AEach vessel should show sidelightsBEach vessel should show at least one white lightCThe barges should be lighted as separate unitsDThe barges should be lighted as one vessel

单选题Your vessel is NOT making way,but is not in any way disabled.Another vessel is approaching you on your starboard beam.Which statement is TRUE().AYour vessel is obligated to stay out of the wayBThe other vessel must give way,since your vessel is stoppedCYou should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under commandDYou should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver

单选题Before personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket,the vessel should be().Adirectly under the boomBmoving away from the boomCstopped dead in the waterDtied to the boom

单选题For safety reasons,when assistance towing().Athe disabled vessel should be towed to the nearest portBthe disabled vessel should be inspected for flammable gasesCpassengers should always be removed from the disabled vesselDpersonnel on the disabled vessel should don PFD's

单选题When within the entrance, the vessel should()surf islet.AnavigateBarrive atCsteer forDmaneuver for

单选题You notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel. You should first().Astop fuelingBnotify the senior deck officerCnotify the terminal superintendentDdeterm ne whether your vessel is the source

单选题When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, you should FIRST ().Astop loadingBnotify the senior deck officerCnotify the terminal superintendentDdetermine whether your vessel is the source

单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag “J” hoisted. What should you do?()AKeep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargoBAttempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicateCApproach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchorDProceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug

单选题A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ().Acomes over the bowBblows the fire back toward the vesselCcomes over the sternDcomes over either beam

单选题At sea,you are approaching a small vessel and see that it has the signal flag P hoisted. What should you do?().AProceed on present course and speed since the vessel is stopped and making no way through the waterBKeep clear of the vessel because it has a diver downCAttempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because someone on board requires medical assistanceDApproach with caution because the vessel is a fishing vessel and its nets are fouled on an obstruction

单选题Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().Astored safely at the work site until work is completedBreturned to the paint locker after each useCcovered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesDstored in a suitable gear locker

单选题That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH WATCH END means that().Aany list,no matter where it is posted,shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOWBthe vessel should not be removedCany and all lists on board the vessel should be taken offDthe inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW

单选题At night,if you see a vessel ahead displaying the lights shown you should().Aprovide assistance as the vessel is in distressBstay clear as the vessel is transferring dangerous cargoCstay clear as the vessel is fishingDchange course to the right as the vessel is crossing your bow