












单选题Mr. Smith()a most important part in the development of our city.AtookBhadCplayedDmade


单选题This piece of () is long enough for you to make a shirt.AclothBclothesCclothingDsuit

单选题— What a lovely day! Why not go swimming this afternoon? —()ABecause it’s raining.BHave a good time!CWhy do you go swimming?DIt sounds nice

单选题Tom()more than twenty pounds on the novel.AspentBpaidCcostDtook

填空题The only way to conquer a fear is to face it, and doing so as frequently as possible.

单选题We do not go to college()nothing.AonBforCbyDin

单选题--May I know your address? --()ASure. Here you areBI have no ideaCIt’s far from here


单选题She's part of a team of scientists who are()upon cancer research.AworkedBarrangedCengagedDinvolved

单选题A new task facing biological security is to prevent _____ diseases and misuse of deadly agents.AethnicBessentialCepidemicDexterior

单选题On this barren place on Aikhanom Hill, overlooking fields peppered with land mines, soldiers come to lay a stone or say a prayer for friends lost in years of war.AinfertileBdisastrousCplausibleDimpeccable

单选题I strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships. As a psychologist for more than twenty years I can tell you that I have never had an adult looking back at her childhood and complaining that her parents were too understanding. And similarly, I have met many divorced people who still love each other but yet they never really understood each other.The painful reality is that love is just not enough. I"ll admit that there are people who I love and who I still need to better understand. I hope I"ll continue my work to understand them. The willingness to understand is very important. It is not always easy, but healthy love is strengthened by the willingness to understand. Love without understanding will wilt like flowers without water.Our egos are what seem to get in the way of understanding those who we love and care about. Often it is our need to be right that makes what others think and feel so wrong for us. I have certainly been quite guilty of this in some of my relationships.As I have written repeatedly in my books, empathy, is truly the emotional glue that holds all close relationships together. Empathy allows us to slow down and try towalk in the shoes ofthose we love. The deeper our empathy, the deeper—and healthier—our love. Not all relationships are meant to be. Yet all relationships that are meant to flourish in a healthy way, must stress understanding just as much, if not more, than love.Which of the following statements is true according to the passageAUnderstanding is more important to parenting relationship than to other intimate relationships.BUnderstanding is less important than love as far as marriage is concerned.CUnderstanding is more important than love to some degree.DUnderstanding is more often neglected in parenting relationship.

单选题I'm leaving for New York()three days' time.AforBinCatDon

单选题____AwhereasBalthoughCjust becauseDjust as

单选题–Would you like something to drink ? -(), please.ATwo cups of watersBTwo cup of watersCTwo cups of water

单选题With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read()as they could the year before.Aas twice fastBas fast as twiceCas twice as fastDtwice as fast

单选题I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.AinBonCat

单选题I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.() You looked tired last time I saw you.AI hope soBReallyCI'm glad you didDThe sound was nice

单选题---()is your girl friend like? ----She is very kind and good-lookingAHowBWhatCWhichDWho

单选题I’m afraid there are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.AliberallyBactuallyCtheoreticallyDsolely


问答题题23  旅游是一种集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。旅游业随着时代进步而不断发展。20世纪中叶以来,现代3旅游在世界范围迅速兴起,旅游人数不断增加,旅游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位显著提升,旅游活动日益成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道,对人类生活和社会进步产生越来越广泛的影响。  古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。在古代,中国先哲们就提出了“观国之光”的思想,倡导“读万卷书,行万里路”,游历名山大川,承天地之灵气,接山水之精华。

单选题Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? ()AIt‘s not very far from here.BThe supermarket is very large.CThe goods there are very expensiveDSorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself


单选题It is a good idea()people to take holidays.AofBforCtoDwith

单选题Because of adverse weather conditions, the travelers stopped to camp.AlocalBunfamiliarCgoodDunfavorable