











单选题Next semester, Susan must take three compulsory courses.AformalBvoluntaryCpracticalDrequired

单选题There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places. Or you can go and see a colour film. Or you can read travel books. It would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的) account of travels which the author has actually made himself, if they are informative and have a good index (索引), then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective (客观的)description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can be sorted as a selected guide book. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or other. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an explanation. Like the first kind they can be inspiring and interesting. But their basic purpose is to help the reader who wishes to plan in the most practical way. Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "wonderful", "excellent" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in the twenty-first century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.This passage is about ().Ahow to travelBhow to buy travel booksChow to read a travel bookDtravel books

单选题Had you come five minutes earlier, you()the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.Awould catchBwould have caughtCcould catchDshould catch

单选题Could I borrow your car for a few days?()AYes, you may borrow.BYes, go on.CSure, here your are. Enjoy your journey.DIt doesn't matter.

单选题You are late! The discussion started minutes ago.()AWell, I don't care.BDon't blame me.CI am really sorry.DThat's great.

单选题In(), the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.AcommonBtotalCgeneralDparticular

单选题A: What time is it now? B: It's()Aten to nineBfifty past eightCfifty eight

单选题It was language that _____ the memories of the nation, the common experience and the historical record.AprotectedBpreservedClastedDexisted

单选题The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!Amust beBcan beCwould beDcould be

单选题()for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance.ABidBTo bidCBiddingDTo be bidden



单选题After stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved()to its next stop.AforwardBoffCwithDon


单选题You()buy some reference books when you go to college.AcouldBwill have toCmust toDmight


单选题How much is that meat, please?()ATen o'clock.BTen yuan a kilo.CI like it very much.DI don't like.

单选题I have()finished the report.AyetBalreadyCstillDsince



单选题Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?()ASorry, I don't know youBNo, you can'tCCertainly. Wait a minute, pleaseDLet me see

单选题Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?()AI'd rather stay here if you don't mind.BSorry, I don't like neither.CCertainly, why not?DYes, we like these two places.

单选题Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.Athat he sawBhad he seenCdid he seeDthat he had seen


单选题According to the author, what was the favorite subject of American modernist in the first several decades of the 20th century?ACountry scenes.BHuman feelings.CNew York.DCity landscapes.

单选题It can be inferred from the first paragraph that mankind _____.Ahas just begun to exploit the natural resources of the earthBbelieves that natural resources can be used in stagesChas discovered that there are unlimited sources of raw materialsDbelieves that the entire earth can be used as raw materials


单选题How long()you()the library book? For three days.Ahave; borrowedBhave; keptCdid; borrowDwere; kept