单选题I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.AinBonCat

I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.







解析: 暂无解析


I had planned to leave Guangzhou () the morning of the 20th, but the take-off was postponed till the late afternoon because of the weather. A、inB、onC、atD、for

His being careful made a deep impression () the young girl. A、inB、onC、forD、to

8.1 don't want to go ___________ a drive.A.inB.onC.forD.of

9. Our school begins ________September Ist.A.inB.onC.forD.at


2. —What do you do_________ Friday evening?—I play the piano.A.inB. onC. atD. to

Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information, and then go to a physical store to do the ______ shopping. A virtual ;B simulatedC actual

I have to go now. I have to pick _____my son from school.A.inB.withC.up

-May I see the menu, please? I’ve been waiting an hour already-(). A、That is the menu, sirB、Yes, please go onC、Here you are, sirD、Of course, sir

-- May I see the menu, please?-- _____.A. This is the menu, sirB. Yes, please go onC. Here you are, sirD. Of course, sir

The case happened _________ Tuesday afternoon. A、inB、onC、at

____ three days to go before the final exams, shouldn’t you work harder?A: InB: OnC: ByD: With

I’m interested ______ finding out what she lost A、inB、onC、atD、for

I sometimes go to the pub ( ) Friday ( ) my colleagues.A. on, withB. at, toC. in, for

( )There is going to be a wonderful party __________ the evening of October 1st, 2009.A.inB.onC.atD.for


15. —When were you born? .—I was born ________the morning of May 7th,1995.A.inB.onC.atD.during

The certificate will remain in force ______ July lst,2008.A.inB.onC.tillD.to

I submit this report ______ your record.A.inB.onC.toD.for

An accident came ______ my mind when I saw the broken case.A.inB.onC.toD.with

I've lost my interest(  )physics.A.inB.onC.atD.for

Jane had already finished cooking__________the time I got home.A.inB.onC.byD.at

( )They lives______the other side of the road.A.inB.onC.forD.by

I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.AinBonCat

I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.A、inB、onC、at

There are a lot of news()today's newspaperA、inB、onC、atD、with

单选题I sometimes go to the pub()Friday.AinBonCat

单选题Roger: Come in. Oh, hello Charles, it’s you. How are you?  Charles: I’m fine, thanks.______  Roger: Sure, yes. What can I do for you?AAre you busy now, Roger?BWould you like to go for a picnic tomorrow?CHave you got a minute, Roger?DHave you got time to go to the pub tonight?