




单选题China is()the Great Wall.AonBfamousCfamous forDfamous as


单选题Nice to see you. I()you for a long time.Ahaven't seenBdidn't seeChadn't seenDdon't see


问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映新中国成立70年来人均寿命的增长以及人口素质的提升。  题目:中国人口结构的变化

单选题John Preston was tired()living in east London, in which he had moved after his wife's death.AtoBofCatDfor

单选题How()do you have?Amany baggageBmuch baggagesCmany baggagesDmuch baggage

单选题()these honors he received a sum of money.AExceptBButCBesidesDOutside

单选题Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.AlikeBasCofDabout

单选题— Has Mr. Smith had an accident? —()AI don’t hope so.BI hope not so.CI hope not.DI hope to be not.

单选题() driving to work, Mr. Lead usually goes to his office downtown by train.AWithoutBInstead ofCIn case ofDIn spite of


单选题Hello, is Tom in? -()AWho's speaking, please?BHow's everything going?CWho's this?DHold on, please. Wrong number!

单选题Voters fear that the candidate’s provincial outlook and inexperience might be in his way.AsacredBregionalCnarrowDpopular

单选题If any man here does not agree with me, he should _____ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.Aput onBput outCput inDput forward

单选题You look great in this dress!()AYou can't wear it.BIt's not very expensiveCThank you.DYou are welcome.

单选题The passage suggests that “seconds” _____.Aare of better quality than “substandard goods”Battract buyers as particularly good bargainsCare defective but marked as perfectDare goods with serious defects



单选题Happy birthday to you!()AHappy birthday to you!BI am very glad.CThat's all right.DThank you.


单选题It is high time that we()working to take a break.Ashould stopBwould stopCstoppedDstop

单选题This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of()AurgencyBcrisisCimmediacyDemergency

单选题Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _____ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.ApursuingBchasingCreachingDwinning

单选题I think()strange that he is always saying nice things about you.AwhatBthatCthisDit

单选题--What about going for a walk? ---()AWhy not? A good ideaBThat’s all rightCSo, do IDWalking is good to you


单选题His attitude toward us seems()AnicelyBwarmlyCkindlyDfriendly