单选题The passage suggests that “seconds” _____.Aare of better quality than “substandard goods”Battract buyers as particularly good bargainsCare defective but marked as perfectDare goods with serious defects

The passage suggests that “seconds” _____.

are of better quality than “substandard goods”


attract buyers as particularly good bargains


are defective but marked as perfect


are goods with serious defects




Judging from the passage, the author ______.A.suggests that New Castle is fortunateB.wonders at Wilmington's prosperityC.regrets that the two places should have become so differentD.thinks that Wilmington should not tear down old houses

The passage suggests that the early shops for making tools were ______.A.not very sophisticatedB.known for doing very quick WorkC.dependent on imported materialsD.frequented only by fashionable people

The passage suggests that______.A. most people don't realize how important passports areB. passports aren't important once you are in the country you've chosen to visitC. passports are simple to obtain through the mailD. passports are obtained at the embassy once you enter a country

This passage suggests that an individual's IQ ______.A. can be increased by educationB. can be predicted at birthC. is inherited from his parentsD. is determined by his childhood

This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you ______.A. dream more oftenB. have poor healthC. nervousD. breathe quickly

TheUNDO_RETENTIONparameterinyourdatabaseissetto1000andundoretentionisnotguaranteed.Whichstatementregardingretentionofundodataiscorrect?() A.Undodatabecomesobsoleteafter1,000seconds.B.Undodatagetsrefreshedafterevery1,000seconds.C.Undodatawillbestoredpermanentlyafter1,000seconds.D.Committedundodatawouldberetainedfor1,000secondsiffreeundospaceisavailable.E.UndodatawillberetainedintheUNDOtablespacefor1,000seconds,thenitgetsmovedtotheTEMPORARYtablespacetoprovidereadconsistency.

The passage suggests that______.A) creativity is an important element of business successB) Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothersC) Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray KrocD) California is the best place to go into business

How often are IS-IS Hello packets transmitted?() A. 3 seconds for DIS; 9 seconds for non-DISB. 9 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISC. 10 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISD. 10 seconds for all routers

Youworkasanetworktechnicianat.Yourboss,Mrs.,isinterestedintheSpanningTreeProtocoltimers.WhatcanyoutellherregardingthedefaultSTPtimers?() A.Thehellotimeis5seconds.B.Theforwarddelayis10seconds.C.Thehellotimeis2seconds.D.Theforwarddelayis15secondsE.Themax_agetimeris15seconds.F.Thehellotimeis10seconds.G.Themax_agetimeris20seconds.H.Theforwarddelayis20seconds.I.Themax_agetimeris30seconds.

The passage suggests that ________A.all the native Indians built trunk walls all around their housesB.all the native Indian houses were built with poles tied togetherC.the Iroquois Indians took safety into account while building their wigwamsD.the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi built their wigwams with straight sides and ends

According to Para.7,which of the following is not the way that passage suggests to improve cyber-security?( ) A.Be quick to predict and respond when there is insecurity. B.Make sure everyone is equipped with fundamental knowledge of cyber-security. C.Be cooperative with counterparts on cyber-security. D.Be cautious using Internet.

What are the default values for GRE tunnel keeplive time and number of retries?()A、5 seconds and 3 retriesB、10 seconds and 5 retriesC、10 seconds and 3 retriesD、20 seconds and 5 retriesE、5 seconds and 5 retries

How often does the CSQ stat screen automatically refresh?()A、1 second  B、5 seconds  C、10 seconds  D、30 seconds  E、60 seconds

You work as a network technician at. Your boss, Mrs. , is interested in the Spanning Tree Protocol timers.  What can you tell her regarding the default STP timers? ()A、The hello time is 5 seconds.B、The forward delay is 10 seconds.C、The hello time is 2 seconds.D、The forward delay is 15 secondsE、The max_age timer is 15 seconds.F、The hello time is 10 seconds.G、The max_age timer is 20 seconds.H、The forward delay is 20 seconds.I、The max_age timer is 30 seconds.

What is the maximum amount of Cisco Agent Desktop downtime after a failover when using highavailability in Cisco Unified Contact Center Express 4.0?()A、10 seconds  B、30 seconds  C、45 seconds  D、60 seconds

How often are IS-IS Hello packets transmitted?()A、3 seconds for DIS; 9 seconds for non-DISB、9 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISC、10 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISD、10 seconds for all routers

单选题The passage suggests which of the following about direct selling?AIt is used in the marketing of most industrial products.BIt is often used in cases where there is a large program target.CIt is not economically feasible for most marketing programs.DIt is used only for products for which there are many potential customers.

单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?AThe author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.BBoth of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.CThe first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,DThe first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.EThe author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

单选题How often are IS-IS Hello packets transmitted?()A3 seconds for DIS; 9 seconds for non-DISB9 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISC10 seconds for DIS; 3 seconds for non-DISD10 seconds for all routers

单选题In the context of the passage, translated (line 38) suggests that ______.Agrace and elegance are difficult to achieveBan individual's demeanor can mirror that person's characterCtrue beauty reveals the presence of inherent characteristicsDsophisticated individuals can transform their appearancesEethereal qualities such as grace are connected to class

单选题The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are _____.Adifferent from learning other skillsBthe same as learning other skillsCnot really important skillsDmore important than other skills

单选题This passage suggests that the U.S. parentsAdo not respect orders.Bdo not trust their schools.Cshould pick up their children first in case of evacuation.Dwill protect their children at all cost.

单选题The passage suggests that “seconds” _____.Aare of better quality than “substandard goods”Battract buyers as particularly good bargainsCare defective but marked as perfectDare goods with serious defects

单选题How often does the CSQ stat screen automatically refresh?()A1 second  B5 seconds  C10 seconds  D30 seconds  E60 seconds

单选题What are the default values for GRE tunnel keeplive time and number of retries?()A5 seconds and 3 retriesB10 seconds and 5 retriesC10 seconds and 3 retriesD20 seconds and 5 retriesE5 seconds and 5 retries

单选题In saying that the benefits of ecosystems are not commodities (line 96) Passage 2 suggests that they ______.Aare less expensive to maintain than factoriesBare difficult to track and evaluateCare not as beneficial to consumers as purchased goodsDdo not represent a financial burden if they are destroyedEare found everywhere in abundance

多选题You work as a network technician at. Your boss, Mrs. , is interested in the Spanning Tree Protocol timers.  What can you tell her regarding the default STP timers? ()AThe hello time is 5 seconds.BThe forward delay is 10 seconds.CThe hello time is 2 seconds.DThe forward delay is 15 secondsEThe max_age timer is 15 seconds.FThe hello time is 10 seconds.GThe max_age timer is 20 seconds.HThe forward delay is 20 seconds.IThe max_age timer is 30 seconds.

单选题The term PROLONGED BLAST refers to().Aa blast of from five to seven seconds' durationBa blast of from five to six seconds' durationCa blast of from four to six seconds' durationDa blast of from six to seven seconds' duration