单选题Sometimes lights are()by fog,haze,dust,smoke,or precipitation which may be present at the light,or between the light and the observer,and which is possibly unknown by the observer.AobscuredBdarkenedCgreyedDdelighted

Sometimes lights are()by fog,haze,dust,smoke,or precipitation which may be present at the light,or between the light and the observer,and which is possibly unknown by the observer.









解析: 暂无解析


Blending is a process that creates new words by putting together non-morphemic parts of existing words.Awell-known example is smog (smoke and fog).()

You see only the thin blue haze like smoke, () is the dividing line between the heavens and the earth. A.in whichB.thatC.whichD.where

______ is not contained in the NM Weekly.A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsC.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry

A vessel is carrying three lights in a vertical line. The highest and lowest of these are red and the middle light is white. Which statement is always TRUE?A.During the day,she would display three balls in a vertical lineB.If making way,she would show masthead lights at nightC.If at anchor,she need not show anchor lights while displaying identifying lightsD.Her fog signal would consist of a rapid ringing of a bell for five seconds every minute

______ is a type of fog occurring close to the sea surface when the air is dry and cold-probably at least 9℃ below the sea surface temperature.A.MIXING FOGB.ADVECTION FOGC.RADIATION FOGD.ARCTIC SEA SMOKE

Haze is not caused by ______.A.forest firesB.smoke from industrial areasC.dust or sand stormsD.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95%

An extinguishing agent which effectively cools, dilutes combustible vapors, removes oxygen, and provides a heat and smoke screen is ______.A.carbon dioxideB.Halon 1301C.dry chemicalD.water fog

共用题干The Smog(烟雾)For over a month,Indonesia was in crisis.Forest fires raged out of control as the country suffered its worst drought for 50 years.Smoke from the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog.This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia,Singapore and Thailand.When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars,it soon became poisonous(有毒的).Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed(喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot(烟灰) covered everything. In some areas, water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high-rise city buildings to try and break up the smog.Finally,heavy rains,which came in November,put out the fires and cleared the air. But the environmental costs and health problems will remain.Many people from South-Eastern Asian cities already suffer from breathing huge amounts of car exhaust fumes(汽车排放的废气)and factory pollution. Breathing problems could well increase and many non-sufferers may have difficulties for the first time.Wildlife has suffered too.In lowland forests,elephants,deer,and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.But smog is not just an Asian problem.In fact,the word was first used in London in 1 905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog.Fog often hung over the capital. Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents.About 4, 000 Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.Indonesia was in crisis because of the drought.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

什么是“照相灰雾(Photo graphic fog)”和“曝光灰雾(exposure fog)”?

跑道边灯应为固定灯具,显示可变的白光。()A、Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.B、Runway middle lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.C、Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing vary white.D、Taxiway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.

单选题The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in().AOcean Passages for the WorldBAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsCIALA Maritime Buoyage SystemDAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

单选题What is the use of the books of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals? Their use is to ().AMention signal stations and ice,storm,traffic and port signalsBGive the international numbers of lightsCGive the correction of the lights and fog signalsDGive the information on the lights and fog signals

单选题A vessel is carrying three lights in a vertical line. The highest and lowest of these are red and the middle light is white. Which statement is always TRUE? ()ADuring the day,she would display three balls in a vertical lineBIf making way,she would show masthead lights at nightCIf at anchor,she need not show anchor lights while displaying identifying lightsDHer fog signal would consist of a rapid ringing of a bell for five seconds every minute

单选题The fog most commonly encountered at sea is called().Aconduction fogBradiation fogCfrontal fogDadvection fog

单选题Water fog from an all-purpose nozzle may be used to().Afight an electrical fireBfight a magnesium fireCeliminate smoke from a compartmentDAll of the above

单选题Full details of all lights and fog signals are shown on().Alarge scale chartBsmall scale chartCocean chartDrouting chart

单选题A high-velocity fog stream can be used in fire fighting situations to drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters in a passageway. This technique should only be used when().Ausing a 2-1/2 inch hoseBthere is an outlet for the smoke and heatCthe fire is totally contained by the ship's structureDat least two fog streams can be used

单选题A vessel towing where the tow prevents her from changing course shall carry().Aonly the lights for a vessel towingBonly the lights for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverCthe lights for a towing vessel and the lights for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverDthe lights for a towing vessel and the lights for a vessel not under command

单选题Sometimes lights are()by fog,haze,dust,smoke,or precipitation which may be present at the light,or between the light and the observer,and which is possibly unknown by the observer.AobscuredBdarkenedCgreyedDdelighted

单选题Section V of the ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS is().AReprints of Radio Navigational WarningsBAmendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsCAmendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog SignalsDAmendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

单选题Which kind of fog is also named as ground fog?()AAdvectionBRadiation fogCfrontal fogDSteam fog

单选题()gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit floating marks(over 8m in height),fog signals and lights of navigational significance.AOcean Passages for the WorldBAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsCIALA Maritime Buoyage SystemDAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

单选题()is not contained in the NM Weekly.AAmendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsBAmendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsCAmendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsDSupplement to Guide to Port Entry

单选题()is a type of fog occurring close to the sea surface when the air is dry and cold-probably at least 9℃ below the sea surface temperature.AMIXING FOGBADVECTION FOGCRADIATION FOGDARCTIC SEA SMOKE

单选题—______ will the fog and haze last?—I’ve no idea. There is no sign of an end.AHow soonBHow farCHow longDHow often

单选题Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.AencounteredBmetCcontactedDseen

单选题The Coast Radio Stations are found in().AAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsBAdmiralty Maritime CommunicationsCAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsDAdmiralty Digital List of Lights

单选题An extinguishing agent which effectively cools,dilutes combustible vapors,removes oxygen,and provides a heat and smoke screen is().Acarbon dioxideBHalon 1301Cdry chemicalDwater fog