单选题The cargo fall over the dock is called the().Aburton fallBdown fallChatch fallDstay fall

The cargo fall over the dock is called the().

burton fall


down fall


hatch fall


stay fall


解析: 暂无解析


The two products _____ the same category.A: fall offB: fall downC: fall intoD: fall over

Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called ______.A.clean cargoB.delicate cargoC.dry cargoD.immune cargo

A wooden float placed between a ship and a dock to prevent damage to both is called a ______.A.camelB.dolphinC.rat guardD.wedge

When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?A.Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB.Unplug the deck scuppersC.Order the dock man to shut downD.Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

Deadfreight is the charge for the ______.A.carriage of demise cargoB.cost of transshipment of over-carried cargoC.difference in the amount of cargo loaded and the amount of cargo dischargedD.difference in the amount of cargo loaded and the amount of cargo booked,through no fault of the vessel

While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel's stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?A.Notify the engineroom of the need for propulsionB.Shut down any cargo transfer that's in progressC.Let go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chainD.Obtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out

The wooden planking that protects the tank top from cargo loading is called ______.A.CeilingB.ShoresC.FramesD.Toms

______ is not a proper procedure for a lashing of the timber deck cargo.A.to be efficiently attached to the deck stringer plate or other strengthened pointsB.to pass over the timber deck cargoC.to be shackled to eye platesD.to be applied not contacting with the timber deck cargo

The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tanker that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a ______.A.come-alongB.crossoverC.manifoldD.runaround

To allow for the rise or fall in tide and for change in draft of a tanker during cargo transfer,cargo hoses must be suspended with ______.A.Slings or saddles placed at 25-foot(8 meter)intervalsB.Enough slack in their bightC.Topping lifts and runners tied off to winchesD.All of the above

A cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is know as a ______.A.hygroscopic cargoB.measurement cargoC.stowage cargoD.weight cargo

Persons who load and discharge ships are called ()(装卸工人).A、cargo workersB、dockersC、port menD、stevedores

单选题A wooden float placed between a ship and a dock to prevent damage to both is called a().AcamelBdolphinCrat guardDwedge

单选题Securing cargo by running timbers from an upper support down to the cargo,either vertically or at an angle,is called().AbracesBdunnageCshoresDtoms

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ATrip the pump relief valveBOrder the dock man to shut downCCall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ACall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorBUnplug the deck scuppersCOrder the dock man to shut downDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题The cargo fall over the dock is called the().Aburton fallBdown fallChatch fallDstay fall

单选题Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called().Aclean cargoBdelicate cargoCdry cargoDimmune cargo

单选题When a tornado moves over the water from land it is called a().ATornadoBWaterspoutCHurricaneDCyclone

单选题The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a().AcrossoverBrunaroundCcome-alongDmanifold

单选题The Master of a cargo or tanker shall be responsible that each lifeboat,except those free-fall launched,is lowered to the water with crew and maneuvered at least once every().AweekBmonthCthree monthsDyear

单选题A cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is known as a().Ahygroscopic cargoBmeasurement cargoCstowage cargoDweight cargo

单选题The profit from the camage of cargo,which is often called(),keeps the mer-chant ship running.AobligationBfreightCcontractDdelivery

单选题When carrying a cargo of asphalt or molten sulfur,which are carried at temperatures of over 300°F,one of the biggest dangers is().Awater in the tanks or pipelinesBhaving the cargo too coolCexplosion of vapors after dischargeDinadequate ullage space

单选题The document which acknowledges that the cargo has been received and is in the carrier’s custody is called the().ADock ReceiptBHatch Report and RecapitulationCCargo ManifestDStowage Plan

单选题Deadfreight is the charge for the().Acarriage of demise cargoBcost of transshipment of over-carried cargoCdifference in the amount of cargo loaded and the amount of cargo dischargedDdifference in the amount of cargo loaded and the amount of cargo booked,through no fault of the vessel

单选题While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?()ANotify the engineroom of the need for propulsionBShut down any cargo transfer that's in progressCLet go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chainDObtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out

单选题Pinching of the cargo hose between the vessel and the dock should be prevented by().Aadjusting the hose supportsBlaying out an excess length of hose on deckCtying off the topping lifts and runners to winch headsDAll of the above