单选题若在屏幕上出现“NO System disk o rdisk error”则表示()。A机器出现故障B未插系统盘和磁盘C内存检查出故障D某外部设备出故障

若在屏幕上出现“NO System disk o rdisk error”则表示()。









解析: 暂无解析


电脑开机后,屏幕上先后出现了“Device error”和“Non—System disk or disk error,Replace and strike any key when ready”等提示信息,无法正常启动,可能的故障原因是(14)。A.硬盘数据线连接错误B.CMOS中的硬盘类型设置参数丢失C.硬盘被烧坏D.硬盘中的系统引导文件被破坏

开机后屏幕上出现“Error loading operating system”或“Missing operating system”的信息提示,造成该故障的原因一般是DOS引导记录出现错误。 A.错误B.正确

Boot.ini文件的操作系统部分,() 表示SCSI总线号。A.Rdisk(0)B.Disk(0)C.Partition(3)D.Partition(0)

In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()A.extendvgB.cfgmgrC.reducevgD.varyoffvg

若在屏幕上出现“NO System disk o rdisk error”则表示()。 A.机器出现故障B.未插系统盘和磁盘C.内存检查出故障D.某外部设备出故障

电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,只需用与硬盘上版本相同的DOS系统盘引导系统即可消除故障。

一台微机,从硬盘启动时引导DOS失败,屏幕显示下列信息:Non system disk or disk error试判断故障原因是()

某微机,对硬盘能够进行正常的分区操作,但用“FORMAT C:///S”命令对C盘进行格式化时出现故障中断,屏幕上显示如下信息:Disk unsuitable for system disk试判断故障原因为()。

一台微机,从硬盘启动装入 DOS 时出现故障中断,屏幕显示下列信息:Error loading operating system试判断故障原因为()。


电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,用FormatC://s命令重新建立引导分区,再把C盘系统文件恢复即可。如果感染病毒,则需要重新分区并恢复系统文件。

系统引导时屏幕上显示如下错误信息:Non-system disk or disk error,使用下述()程序,有可能的错误A、FDISK·EXEB、SYS·COMC、DEBUG·EXED、UNDELETE·EXE

插入软盘片启动软盘驱动器后屏幕显示:non--system disk or disk error.Replace and strike any key where ready.故障原因是()A、软盘驱动器有问题B、软盘驱动器的接口有问题C、软盘片处于写保护D、软盘片上没有系统引导程序

一台计算机从硬盘启动时,屏幕显示“Non system disk or disk error”,原因是()A、硬盘主引导程序损坏B、硬盘分区表损坏C、硬盘驱动器与主机连线插接不良D、硬盘分区格式化后未安装系统

如果计算机联锁系统显示器屏幕上给出“Non-system disk or disk Error”提示说明()故障。A、CPUB、电源C、采集板D、硬盘或DOM

Which of the following commands would create an emergency repair disk for the Windows 2000Professional operating system? ()A、rdisk.exeB、bootdisk.exeC、bootcfg /rebuildD、erd.exe

When attempting to boot a PC, the POST process completes without error. The PC then displays,‘non system disk or disk error’. Which of the following would MOST likely cause the issue?()A、Out-of-date BIOSB、Invalid motherboard jumper settingsC、Failing power supplyD、Floppy disk in the drive

In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()A、extendvgB、cfgmgrC、reducevgD、varyoffvg

Which system resources does WLM have the capability to control?()A、 CPU, Memory and Network I/O B、 CPU, Memory and Disk I/O C、 CPU and Memory D、 CPU and Disk I/O

若在屏幕上出现“NO System disk o rdisk error”则表示()。A、机器出现故障B、未插系统盘和磁盘C、内存检查出故障D、某外部设备出故障

开机后屏幕上出现“Error loading operating system”或“Missing operating system”的信息提示,造成该故障的原因一般是DOS引导记录出现错误。

IBM hardware support has just replaced a disk, and commented that the system administrator might want to remove the "DISK OPERATION ERROR" from the error report.  Which of the following commands is used to delete the "DISK OPERATION ERROR" from the following error report() IDENTIFIER TIMESTAMP T C RESOURCE_NAME DESCRIPTION F89FB899 0616150005 P O dumpcheck The copy directory is too small. 5DFED6F1 0616075205 I O SYSPFS UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SPACE IN FILE SYSTEM AA8AB241 0615153905 T O OPERATOR OPERATOR NOTIFICATION 35BFC499 0412130605 P H hdisk6 DISK OPERATION ERROR 91FBD5DB 0525045805 P S ssa1 SOFTWARE PROGRAM ERROR 05F97A32 0525045805 P H ssa1 ADAPTER ERRORA、errclear -k 35BFC499 0B、errclear 35BFC499 00C、errclear -j 35BFC499 0D、errclear 35BFC499 0

判断题电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,用FormatC://s命令重新建立引导分区,再把C盘系统文件恢复即可。如果感染病毒,则需要重新分区并恢复系统文件。A对B错

判断题开机后屏幕上出现“Error loading operating system”或“Missing operating system”的信息提示,造成该故障的原因一般是DOS引导记录出现错误。A对B错

单选题IBM hardware support has just replaced a disk, and commented that the system administrator might want to remove the "DISK OPERATION ERROR" from the error report.  Which of the following commands is used to delete the "DISK OPERATION ERROR" from the following error report() IDENTIFIER TIMESTAMP T C RESOURCE_NAME DESCRIPTION F89FB899 0616150005 P O dumpcheck The copy directory is too small. 5DFED6F1 0616075205 I O SYSPFS UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SPACE IN FILE SYSTEM AA8AB241 0615153905 T O OPERATOR OPERATOR NOTIFICATION 35BFC499 0412130605 P H hdisk6 DISK OPERATION ERROR 91FBD5DB 0525045805 P S ssa1 SOFTWARE PROGRAM ERROR 05F97A32 0525045805 P H ssa1 ADAPTER ERRORAerrclear -k 35BFC499 0Berrclear 35BFC499 00Cerrclear -j 35BFC499 0Derrclear 35BFC499 0

单选题如果计算机联锁系统显示器屏幕上给出“Non-system disk or disk Error”提示说明()故障。ACPUB电源C采集板D硬盘或DOM

判断题电脑启动时屏幕提示Non-system disk or disk error出错信息,只需用与硬盘上版本相同的DOS系统盘引导系统即可消除故障。A对B错