单选题As oil pipe line connections were broken,()quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.Aa not knowingBan unknowingCan unknownDa not known

As oil pipe line connections were broken,()quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.

a not knowing


an unknowing


an unknown


a not known


解析: 暂无解析


If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at theA.fuel line connections to the cylinder injection valvesB.gasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersC.discharge fittings of the fuel injector pumpsD.suction side of the fuel oil transfer pump

Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result from ____.A.the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB.the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC.broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD.the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

According to this passage, if the cylinder non-return valve were not leakyA.an explosion would not be causedB.there still would be a danger of explosionC.oil would not deposit in the air pipeD.pipe lines would not have to be drained

______continuously extract the crankcase atmosphere, via a pipe system, and move it past a sensitive and accurate opacity(不透明性) measuring track.A.The oil mist detectorsB.The smoke detectorsC.An oily water monitorD.Oil discharge monitoring and controlling system

Which of the following is NOT on the list items to be recorded in Oil Record Book Part I (machinery space operation)?A.accidental discharge of oilB.disposal of oil residuesC.quantity of water produced by F.W.GD.discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks

The oil transfer procedures aboard a tanker transferring oil are NOT required to contain ______.A.The name of each person designated as the person in charge of transferB.A line diagram of the vessel's oil transfer pipingC.Special procedures for topping off tanksD.A description of the deck discharge containment system

You have completed a crude oil wash.What action should be taken with the oil in the lines running to the washing machines ________.A.Open a COW nozzle forward and one aft and drain the line into the after tank by gravityB.Blow the line out using compressed airC.Pull a suction using the supply line pumpD.Close off all valves in the system and leave the oil in the line primed for the next crude oil wash

As oil pipe line connections were broken, _____ quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.A.a not knowingB.an unknowingC.an unknownD.a not know

单选题If oil density were greater than water’s, the oil separator ().Adid workBwould work wellCdidnt workDwouldnt work

单选题If an incorrect entry were made in the Oil Record Book, you should ().Aerase the entry and rewrite itBnotify the ships officer-in-chargeCcompletely black it out and make the correct entry alongsideDdraw a single line through the wrong entry and initial it

单选题If the cooling water temperature and the lube oil temperature in a diesel engine are too high, the cause can be ()Aa dirty lube oil strainerBinternal water leaksCan oil suction line restrictionDexcessive wears of the cooling water pump

单选题In a bypass type lubrication system for a diesel engine, the dirty oil line to the centrifuge should be taken from the ().Alube oil pump suction lineBlube oil pump discharge lineCbottom of the lube oil sumpDoutlet from the lube oil header

单选题Crude oil washing of cargo tanks has the following advantages except for ()Areducing the erosion of the cargo tanksBincreasing the total quantity of oil to carryCreducing the quantity of water contained in oilDreducing cargo discharged time

单选题During inspection of oil and oily mixtures from machinery spaces, which of the following factors should be taken into account by the PSCO? ()AThe quantity of oil residues generatedBThe capacity of sludge and bilge water holding tankCThe capacity of the oily water separatorDAll of the above

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine could be caused by()Aworn or broken cylinder liner sealing ringsBhigh cooling water temperatureCworn or broken piston ringsDlow fuel oil pressure

单选题“Before disconnecting the oil pipe, would you flush the oil retained in the pipe?” asked the oil barge owner ()Aby using of fresh waterBwith compressed airCby using of sea waterDwith chemical compound

单选题Before dismantling the pipe, would you ()the oil retained in the hose with ()?Aflash;fresh airBwash;fresh waterCflush;compressed airDrush;diesel oil

单选题As oil pipe line connections were broken,()quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.Aa not knowingBan unknowingCan unknownDa not known

单选题The lubricating system for the cylinder walls is different from the bearings in that the oil for former one is supplied in () while that for latter one is ().Asufficient quantity; measuredBmeasured quantity;sufficientCexcessive quantity;sufficientDthe less quantity the better;the more the better

单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning an oil cooler?()AThe oil temperature is less than the cooling water temperatureBThe oil pressure is less than the cooling water pressureCThe oil pressure is greater than the cooling water pressureDThe oil flow control valve is always installed in the oil input line

单选题In engines with system, the lubricating oil can be added to the engine through the filling hole in the crankcase cover, by using a hand oil can, or through the separator pipe()Alubricating oilBdry sumpCcirculated tankDwet sump

单选题The purpose of the delivery check valve used in a diesel fuel injection jerk pump is to ().Aassist in a quick cutoff of fuel injectionBallow oil backflow from the injector to the helixCreduce fuel oil pressure between injection strokesDmeter the quantity of fuel delivered

单选题The total quantity of oil discharge into the sea()for existing tankers 1/15000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo or which the residue formed a part().Adoes not exceedBshould exceedCshould be up toDshould be no more than

单选题The oil quantity for bearing lubrication should be applied in such an amount as to be sufficient to carry away the () caused by the friction at the bearings.AacidsBadditivesCheatDgear

单选题Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast () must be fitted in the pipe so that only the ballast main or the oil transfer main connected to the tank.Aa sea water chestBa change-over chestCa buffer tankDa three-way valve

单选题If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at the ()Afuel line connections to cylinder injection valvesBgasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersCdischarge fitting of the fuel injector pumpsDsuction side of the fuel oil tran

单选题When separating fuel oil in oil separator, the separating quantity is() of the real quantity.A100%B80%C1/2D1/3

单选题When the incinerator is stopped, which of the following is wrong?()AAfter stopping supplying sludge oil, the value and pipe should be flushed by flushed by diesel oil and the incinerator continue burning for 10 minutesBClose auxiliary burner firstly and then close main burnerCAfter stopping fuel, restoring the position of main fuel supply valveDStop blower as soon as stopping supplying fuel oil