单选题_____AThe design.BThe price.CThe color.DThe size.
The design.
The price.
The color.
The size.
该题问的是女士对书架最关心的是什么。由“size first”可知,女士对其大小最关心。
该题问的是女士对书架最关心的是什么。由“size first”可知,女士对其大小最关心。
单选题Obtaining enough food is the first concern for every nation; in some countries food shortages have become a serious problem.A生产足够的粮食是各国的首要国策;有些国家已面临粮食减产这一重大问题。B能否获得充足的粮食关系到每个国家的生存;有些国家粮食短缺的问题日益严重。C获得足够的粮食是所有国家的头等大事;粮食短缺已成为一些国家的严重问题。
单选题The writer thinks that the railways are very much alive because _____.Awe can have a troubled journeyBwe have enough money to fly in planesCwe can now travel by superfast trainsDwe can travel by motorcars as well
单选题By making some very simple changes at home, old people _____.Aare free from home accidentsBcan improve their healthCare likely to live longerDcan live more safely
单选题Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?ATypes of Doctors in the United StatesBHealth Care in the United States and BritainCTreatment of Sick Children in the United StatesDMedical Insurance in the United States and Britain
单选题Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.A多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。B大多数有关人事管理问题已经得到圆满解决,只剩下几个次要的问题还有待于讨论。C很多有关人员配备问题基本上都得到了答复,只有第二个重要问题还未经过讨论。
单选题_____AShe should repair the telephone herself.BShe can turn to Mike for help.CHe knows nothing about telephone.DHe will call the telephone company.
单选题_____AShe was busy working.BShe was having a holiday.CShe wanted to get relaxed.DShe wanted to shop for Christmas.
填空题What qualifies should a candidate have if he wants to be the sales manager?He must be active and ____.
单选题Only in this way can Chinese enterprises improve their competitiveness and avoid being defeated by their foreign rivals after China’s entry into the WTO.A只有这个方法才能帮助中国企业去参加竞争,避免在加入世贸组织后被其外国对手所击败。B只有这样中国企业才能提高竞争力,并且在中国加入世贸组织后不会败给它们的外国对手。C如果中国企业要想在世贸组织中参加竞争,必须通过这种办法才能击败它们的外国对手。
单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.Ateenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White HouseBforeigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White HouseCseparate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitorsDsecurity is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours
单选题The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that _____.Aeggs break easily on a moving skateboardBcars should not be stopped suddenlyCseat belts are important to safetyDdriving is a dangerous act
单选题Jack would rather spend time complaining than _____ the problem by himself.AsolveBsolvedCsolvesDto solve
填空题Who lived in the building at the time of the fire?Only a few ____.