单选题Which of the following statements is true?AScientists have solved the mystery about the fish killer.BMore studies need to be made about the fish killer.CIt is proved that the algae are reducing fish populations.DHumans have already been affected by the toxin.

Which of the following statements is true?

Scientists have solved the mystery about the fish killer.


More studies need to be made about the fish killer.


It is proved that the algae are reducing fish populations.


Humans have already been affected by the toxin.


推断题。从第五段提到的“To understand the killer algae further, scientists must…and determine….They also need to know….”,可知要对这种微生物有进一步的了解,还有更多的研究工作要做。因此选B。


Passage FiveThe Northern Pike is a very bad fish. It is a big, hungry fish, and swallows little fish such as trout and perch. Many Northern Pikes live in Lake Davis. They are killing all the smaller fish in the lake. The Northern Pike are a serious threat to the lake because they eat all the smaller fish. Soon, all other species of fish in the lake will be killed off. This is not healthy for the environment.Experts are afraid that the Northern Pike will swim out of Lake Davis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake. They could spread all over the country and damage many other water environments. If that happens, it would be too late to stop the Northern Pike.For ten years, officials have been trying to remove the Northern Pike from Lake Davis. They haw. tried using nets, explosives and poisons. However, the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis. Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish. They worry that the poi- sons are bad for humans who use the water. No trace of the poisons has ever been found in local wells, however.Scientists are going to try the poison again. This time, they will drain the lake before they add the poison to the water. A public hearing will be held to talk about the problem.52. Why are some people against the use of poisons to kill Northern Pike?A. Fishermen will be poisoned too.B. The poisons are expensive.C. They think that wells will be polluted.D. The lake will become unsafe.

The sharp hearing of a fish _______ by two scientists. A.have been provedB.have provedC.has provedD.has been proved

Today a neighbor brought us some fresh fish he had caught on his last boat trip. As thanked him,he said,‘They are not from me; they only come through me.’At that moment I noticed the similarity between fish and haiku.Nowadays, if Mom doesn't ever serve fish for dinner at least the kids get a taste ofhaiku at school.For most of us,our first introduction comes from reading translations from Japanese,which is a bit like comparing sushi to frozen fish sticks. Even with the knowledge of theexotic, most poets stick to the meat and potatoes of English literature. It often isn’t until we get older that we accept the simple goodness of fish,adding them to the menu more often.Having acquired a taste for fish and learned how to cook them, one is better able toappreciate the short form. of haiku. Like fishing, haiku writing can be done with minimalequipment. A pin or a pen,and a scrap of paper, is enough,but it is tempting to go all out and buy a rod and reel (even study Zen,visit a monastery or take a trip to Japan).If one goes in for deep sea fishing,a computer and laser printer are soon on the list of 'must haves'.Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku areeverywhere. Still,you have to know the secret places where they hide and how to get there.Wearing old comfortable clothes(usually thought of as a meditative state) we look aroundjust where we are. It does little good to only read of fishing off the coast of Japan whensitting beside the lake by our own front door. It does help to know which fish are edible and which are not. There are two ways of finding this out. We can either eat everything we catch and publish what feels right, or we can read books containing others’experiences while making up our minds about what kind of fish to go for.If we compare spending days on rough seas to fish or strolling on the beach writinghaiku; it is very easy for me to decide where my interest lies. Still I do love a fish dinner and I hope my neighbor enjoys my latest poems.(1). The similarity between fishing and writing haiku the text does NOT mention isA. the freedom to choose what we do with the product of each activityB. the delayed appreciation of both activitiesC. the thrill experienced when engaging in themD. the limited resources required for practising them(2). In paragraph 2,the author refers to sushi_.A. to point out that the American eat frozen fish sticks more oftenB. to contrast it with meat and potatoesC. to give an example of an exotic dishD. as a metaphor for original Japanese texts(3). According to the author, haiku writers have to_·A. read about the process of haiku writingB. be observant of what is around themC. try to have their poems publishedD. get acquainted with Zen philosophy(4). The best title of this text would be_·A. Something fishy about haikuB. The forgotten skill of fishingC. Writing haiku is easyD. The art of writing haiku(5). The author's attitude towards haiku is_.A. positiveB. neutralC. indifferentD. negative

Great quantities of fish ______ in the river in the past few days. A. is caughtB. are caughtC. has been caughtD. have been caught

Which of the following statements can best be inferred from the passage?A. Fishes only "speak" to communicate with each other.B. Researches are now being made to study the significance of fish sounds.C. Sea animals have a sharper hearing ability than men.D. Sounds made by fish cannot be transmitted through the air.

Which of the following statements about older adults is TRUE?( )[A] They have to find an identity again.[B] They.will retire in several months.[C] Their bodies become immortal.[D] Their children have left home.

What is the text mainly about?A. Fish dieting and human dieting.B. Dieting and health.C. Human dieting.D. Fish dieting.

Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?A.Language is a system B.Language is symbol C.Animals also have language D.Language is arbitrary

共用题干Lakes,Too,Feel Global WarmingThere's no doubt:In the last few decades,the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years.Around the world,people are starting to measure the effects of global warming一 and trying to figure out what to do about it.Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world,and they found that lakes are heating up.Between 1985 and 2009,satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the sur- faces of 167 lakes.During those 24 years,the lakes got warmer by an average of about 0.045 degreeCelsius per year.In some places,lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate,a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years.That difference may seem small一you might not even notice it in your bath.But in a lake,slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae(水藻),and algae can make the lake poisonous to fish.The study shows that in some regions,lakes are warming faster than the air around them.This is impor- tant because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well,scientists can get a better picture of global warming. The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.That's going to be useful,since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.Scientists aren't the only ones concerned.Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it,especially by reducing theamount of greenhouse(温室)gases we put into the air.That's why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change,or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets,and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.A slight temperature increase in a lake could be harmful to fish.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which increase the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:"capture"(or wild)and"aquaculture"(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is cau~;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAO's price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotreau.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being unsellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.Tuna and salmon are mentioned to show that______A.salmon is not as expensive as tunaB.tuna is more popular among consumersC.wild fish is more precious than farmed fishD.the prices of fish are in fact decided by FAO

Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which increase the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:"capture"(or wild)and"aquaculture"(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is cau~;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAO's price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotreau.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being unsellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.The most suitable title for the text is_____A.Wild Fish:Demand Decides PriceB.The Rising Price of Rare Wild FishC.Ffumed Fish:Making ImprovementsD.The Prices of Fishes:Rising Differently

Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which increase the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:"capture"(or wild)and"aquaculture"(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is cau~;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAO's price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotreau.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being unsellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.The global fish price is growing because of_____A.the shonage of fishermenB.ever-increasing oil pricesC.the change of Chinese dietsD.high market demand and cost

Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which increase the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:"capture"(or wild)and"aquaculture"(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is cau~;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAO's price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely changed in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the story of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotreau.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being unsellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.The production of farmed fish is growing due to the following reasons except_____A.disease controlB.lower labour costC.energy conservationD.reduction of fish feed

共用题干Lakes,Too,Feel Global WarmingThere's no doubt;In the last few decades,the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it hasbeen in hundreds of years,Around the world,people are starting to measure the effects of global warming一 and trying to figure out what to do about it.Scientists recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world,and they found that lakes are heating up.Between 1985 and 2009,satellites recorded the nighttime temperatures of the sur- faces of 167 lakes.During those 24 years,the lakes got warmer一by an average of about 0.045 degreeCelsius per year.In some places,lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate,a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years?That difference may seem imull一you might not even notice it in your bath.But in a lake,slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae(水藻),and algae can make the lake poisonous(有毒的)to fish.The study shows that in some regions,lakes are warming faster than the air around them.This is impor- tant because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming.By using lake temperatures as well,scientists can get a better picture of global warming.The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.That’s going to be useful,since no country is too big or too small to ignore climate change.Scientists aren't the only ones concerned、 Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming ofthe planet.Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it,especially by reducing the amount of greenhouse(温室)gases we put into the air.That’s why the United Nations started the F'ramework Convention on Climate Change,or UNFCCC. Every year the convention meets,and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.A slight temperature increase in a lake could be harmful to fish.A:Right B:WrongC:Not mentioned

Which of the following statements about California is NOT TRUE?( ) A.California is a sexually liberated state B.California has a high abortion rate C.About 40% of the pregnant teenagers chose to have an abortion D.A recent poll showed that less than half of the respondents supported the amendment

Which of the following statements about a Sales Catalog is TRUE?()A、A store can only have one sales catalog.B、A sales catalog is used to bundle similar products.C、A sales catalog may be used to place a product in more than one category.D、Every store must have a sales catalog.

单选题Which of the following questions is answered according to the information given in the passage?AWhat is the toxin used by the fish killer?BWho first discovered the organism?CHow does the fish killer paralyze fish?DHow many fishes can the organism kill each day?

单选题They have sold _____ their whole stock of frozen fish.AforwardBupCoutDshort

单选题Which of the following statements is true about Japan?AIt has a very short life-expectancy on average.BIt has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world.CYoung people want to have more children.DThe number of young people fit for work is decreasing.

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe women having children show a rise in cold infections than those without children.BPeople with low income will surely more colds than people with high income.CJuniors are easier to have colds than seniors.DIt has not been proved scientifically that poor nutrition affects susceptibility to colds.

单选题Which of the following statements about a Sales Catalog is TRUE?()AA store can only have one sales catalog.BA sales catalog is used to bundle similar products.CA sales catalog may be used to place a product in more than one category.DEvery store must have a sales catalog.

单选题Which of the following is NOT true about new information and communication technologies?AThey have brought down the cost of global communication.BThey provide the power for the global economy.CThey have made innovative tools more and more irrelevant.DThey are opening up the global marketplace.

填空题In warm and mild regions, farmed fish and shellfish are also affected by POPs because they are fed fish meal.____

单选题In context, which version of the underlined part of sentence 3 (reproduced below) is the best?Baby lobsters are preyed on by fish and crabs because they don't have a hard shell yet and can't defend themselves with fierce claws yet.Athe lobsters still lack both hard shells and fierce claws with which to fend off predatorBthe lobsters cannot attack their fish and crab predators with fierce claws or fend their predators off with a hard shellCthey don't have a hard shell yet and can't defend themselves with fierce claws yetDthe lobsters don't have a hard shell and can't yet defend themselves with fierce clawsEthe fish and crabs do not have hard shells or fierce claws yet

单选题Which of the following statements is true about Sony?ASony is making a new effort for more technological and marketing innovations.BIts revenue and profits have improved recently.CSony is trying to make friends with Microsoft, another player in this industry.DMicrosoft has been making computer games for the last 20 years.

单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE? ______.ACredit cards have more advantages than travellers’ cheques.BDollar bills are as convenient as credit cards.COne-cent coins have been withdrawn from circulation.DYou can increase your credit limit as you like.

单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe less education he or she has, the more regrets she or he would have.BThe more education he or she has, the less regrets she or he would have.CMore women than men had regrets about love and family.DThe regret of action seems to last longer than that of inaction.