


通过首句可知这是Sara对David工作情况的一个了解或者访谈。Sara首先提出了她自己的理解,认为David肯定可以有更多的时间与家庭相聚。David用了一个while从句表示转折:尽管他能选择与家庭相聚的时间,但不可避免的(inevitable)问题也有。空格处需要填入一个问题才能符合空格前后的语义走向,四个选项中只有D选项符合题意:他最后落得(end up with)晚上和周末加班来赶工。B选项不是问题,而是优势,故不能选。


单选题Well done, Jim. You did very well in the high jump.()AI'm glad to hear thatBThat's rightCThank youDThe same to you

单选题You'd better have your TV set()ArepairBrepairedCrepairingDto repair


单选题Given the high price,() it's not surprising they didn't buy it.AandBbutC–(不填)Dthat

单选题I am going to()the meal, I insist.ApayBpay forCbuyDtake

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true?ACommunities all over the world have to face the fact that the world runs out of space to put its trash.BHaving no space to dump the garbage forces some countries to begin recycling programs.CRecycling was once unfavorably considered as a counter culture activity.DWe have to admit that recycling of the garbage will never move into the mainstream.

单选题()Very well, thank you. And you?AGood night.BHow ar eyou?CHow do you do?DHow do you like Chinese?

单选题Is that seat taken?()APlease don't worry.BI don't think so.CWhy not?DIt's very nice.

单选题() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.AOne whoBWhoeverCAnyoneDThose who

单选题I saw she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my()AservicesBmoneyCuseDchance

单选题Measles(麻疹)()a long time to get over.AspendBspendsCtakeDtakes

单选题There are()months in a year.()month is December.Atwelve;The twelfthBtwelfth;TwelveCthe twelve;Twelfth



单选题Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()Athank youBnot at allCthanksDlet it alone

单选题Sally's parents()come and stay with her soonAare goingBare going toCis going to

单选题Which language do you speak at home?()AI speak English very wellBI can speak English and FrenchCEnglish is my mother tongueDEnglish, most of the time

单选题Many()shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.AlocalBbroadCgeneralDpublic


问答题Practice 2  Now many countries find themselves still struggling with problems that are as old as man himself. Basic social problems such as poor or nonexistent health care, and nutrient-deficient diets continue to annoy developing countries, contributing to low life expectancy rates and hampering economic development.  While it may be true that some countries have found answers to these basic problems of humanity, this does not mean that their societies are problem-free. Indeed, in the solving of age-old problems more economically, advanced societies have found themselves facing new social problems, problems that are a direct outgrowth of their economic advancement. One such problem is that of aging.





单选题How()time are you going to spend with me?AmanyBlotCmuch

单选题No one should blind himself () the well-known fact.AwithBtoCforDover

单选题Do you want to wait? Five days()too long for me to wait.AwasBwereCisDare

单选题She works in()school near my office.A/BACthe