单选题() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.AOne whoBWhoeverCAnyoneDThose who

() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.

One who






Those who


解析: [解析] 句意:无论是谁第一个回来都应该赢得奖品。名诃性从句。空中缺失一个引导主语从句的引导词,在整个主语从句中又缺失主语,所以选用whoever,表示“无论谁”。


() breaks the law should receive severe punishment. A、WhoB、WhoeverC、WhatD、Whatever


The City Bank will pa fifty pounds to _____ who helps the police to catchthe man.A:someoneB:nobodyC:anyoneD:somebody

It is likely _____ she will win the prize.A: whenB: in whichC: whichD: that

One of the features of language use that is of interest to pragmatists is its appropriacy in relation to those who use it and those they address to.()

He says he will tell ________ wants to know.A、whateverB、whoeverC、whicheverD、who

The “lazier and more inventive” criminal refers to 。A. the car thief who stays at homeB. one of those who put the ads in the paperC. one of the policemen in ChangwaD. the owner of the pigeons

The bride and groom gave __________ attended their wedding some gifts to share their happiness.A.whomeverB.whoeverC.whomD.who

There are two syllables in the word "motto". /ēü/ occurs in both syllables, but the first one is longer than the second because __________.A.it is stressedB.it comes before a consonantC.it is in the first syllableD.it comes between two consonants

He wishes ill to no one except those who intentionally offend him.A:deliberately B:absolutelyC:potentially D:noticeably

Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.A:posted B:sent C:given D:handed

共用题干Kicking the HabitWhat is a bad habit?The most common definition is that it is something that we do regularly,almost without thinking about it,and which has some sort of negative consequence.This consequence could affect those around us,or it could affect us personally.Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad habits are part of what makes us human.Many early habits,like sucking our thumb,are broken when we are very young.We are either told to stop doing it by our parents,or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit,and we gradually grow out of it.It is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem.Unless we can break that habit early on,it becomes a part of our life,and becomes"programmed"into our brain.A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change our habits,it is the old ways that tend to win,especially in situations where we are rushed,stressed or overworked.Habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back.During the study programme,the researchers showed a group of volunteers several pictures,and gave them words to associate with them.They then showed the volunteers the same pictures again,and gave them new words to associate with them.A few days later,the volunteers were given a test.The researchers showed them the pictures,and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one.It came as no surprise that their an- swers were split between the first set of words and the second.Two weeks later,they were given the same testagain.This time,most of them only gave the first set of. words.They appeared to have completely forgotten the second set.The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time.We may try to change our ways,hut after a while,the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned.The more that response is used,the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way.The study therefore suggests that over time,our had habits also become automatic,learned behavior. This is not good news for people who picked up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them.Even when we try to put new,good intentions into practice,those previously learned habits remain stronger in more automatic,unconscious forms of memory.The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond to what we learn first?A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

__________ finishes eating lunch last ought to wash the dishes.A.The personB.WhoeverC.AnyoneD.Who

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.AOne whoBWhoeverCAnyoneDThose who

To be frank, ()is a great joy for me to win the prize.A、thisB、thatC、itD、there

All the evidence points to the fact()he is the murdererA、whoB、whichC、thatD、those

() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.A、One whoB、WhoeverC、AnyoneD、Those who

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.A、supportedB、was indifferent toC、attackedD、had nothing to do with

单选题接待来船拜访人员。()AReceiving the person who comes on board to do their business.BReceiving the persons who comes on board to visit.CReceiving the persons who comes on board to do the job.DReceiving the persons who comes on board to look around the ship.

单选题() comes back first is supposed to win the prize.AOne whoBWhoeverCAnyoneDThose who

单选题Which one of the following describes who will be able to see an existing doc that contains a readers field ?()Aonly those people listed in the access listBanyone listed as a reader or above in the aclConly those people list in the readers fieldDanyone list as a reader or above in the acl and who is also list in the readers field

单选题Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

单选题The parenthetical phrase in lines 22-23 (who had., attention) suggests that ______.ARachel fears that she will be seen as proud. because of her friend's jealousyBmany of those who are accustomed to receiving praise are given to vanityCwomen who do not receive compliments are often jealous of those who doDpeople who are envied by others have just cause to be egotisticalEAphra realizes that the attention Rachel receives will one day make her arrogant

单选题He is one of those men who, I am sure, always do ______ best even in most trying circumstances.AthemBhisCtheirDone’s

单选题“The La Brea Tar Pits” in paragraph 4 probably signifies things that _____.Acan be traced back to the prehistoric ageBare traps for those who want to inquireCare located in one place foreverDdon’t deserve full investigation

单选题Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice.Athe firstBthe bestCitDsuch a

单选题Which of the following conclusions does information in Paragraph 2 support?AMen are more susceptible to colds than women.BWomen having babies are more susceptible to colds.CPeople who live in a cold climate have more colds than those who live in a warm one.DPeople who don’t have children are more susceptible to colds than those who do in their thirties or forties.