单选题In Feb. ()came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.A1979B1972C1973

In Feb. ()came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.







解析: 暂无解析


The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to () President again. A、take afterB、take forC、run afterD、run for

–What’s the news?–() A、I don’t know.B、The president is going to visit the town tomorrow.C、Yes, it is interesting.D、It doesn't matter.

Former President Nixon remarked on several occasions that drug abuse is American’s “number one enemy” and that “we must declare war against it.”.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Tianan Men Square and () Great Wall are tow of the places everyone should see in () People’s Republic of China. A.the…theB./…/C.the…/D./…the

It was not long __________ the news spread and people from all over the country came to visit the village. A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.after

Beijing is () beautiful city.It's () capital of China. A、a;aB、the;theC、a;the

下列关于CAME1S评级的说法,正确的有( )。 A.CAME1S评级结果以1~5级表示,数字越小表明级别越低和监管关注程度越高 B.CAME1S评级包括五大类要素评级和一个综合评级 C.CAME1S评级的要素“C”是指“成本” D.CAME1S评级是国际通用的、系统评价银行机构整体财务实力和经营管理状况的一个方法体系 E.CAME1S评级内容包括评价董事会和管理层的能力和效率

Strict _____________ measures have been taken during the President's visit. A.secureB.securityC.safeD.save

The police tried to hold the journalists () when the President came out of the car.A、backB、onC、offD、in

According to our usual practice we prefer our export shipment to be insured by the People’s Insurance Company of China.(英译中)

The bride’s mother made a lot of efforts to smooth over the wrinkles in her daughter’s dress, but, to her great disappointment, nothing much ()it.A.Came fromB.Came ofC.results inD.leads to

A man came to visit the boy's father on________。A. the second dayB. the third dayC. the fourth dayD. the fifth day

The president came out of the house, ____by his 3 bodyguards.A.followsB.followedC.followingD.follow

The American president involved in Watergate Scandal was( ) A.Richard Nixon B.George Bush C.Andrew Jackson D.Bill Clinton

A president can serve()term(s).Aonly oneBtwoCmore than twoDas many as four

Beijing is()capital of China. It's()very big city.A、a;theB、the;aC、a;a

In Feb. ()came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.A、1979B、1972C、1973

The law-making or the legislative body in the government is ()A、the Supreme CourtB、the CongressC、the CabinetD、the president’s committee

单选题President Jiang Zemin’s visit to America helped the United States and China to have a better _____ understanding.AhabitualBrelevantCequivalentDmutual

多选题Frederick Law Olmsted’s design of New York’s Central Park was ______ in part by the designer’s visit to England’s Derby Arboretum in 1859AfacilitatedBinspiredCconceivedDacceleratedEinfluencedFstructured

单选题A president can serve()term(s).Aonly oneBtwoCmore than twoDas many as four

单选题Beijing is()capital of China. It's()very big city.Aa;theBthe;aCa;a

单选题Who was the first president of an independent Lebanon? ACaland’s father.BCaland’s grandfather.CCaland’s mother.

单选题Last week a old friend of mine came to Beijing and paid me a visit.ALast weekBa old friend of mineCcame toDpaid me a visit

单选题The day after the narrator’s father died, new life came into the family when .Athe narrator returned home to liveBthe neighbors came in to assist with the funeralCThe narrator’s mother had a new babyDthe narrator’s aunt moved in with them

单选题The other day your cousin came to visit us without giving notice _____.Ain additionBin advanceCin factDin nature

单选题If you want to spend time with nature, you can do the following things except _____.Ato visit national parksBto see the countryCto stay by a lakeDto visit historic places