单选题现有:      class Cat  {      Cat (int c)  {System.out.print {"cat"+c+" ");  }      }      class SubCat extends Cat  {      SubCat (int c){super (5); System.out.print ("cable");}      SubCat()  {  this (4);  }      public static void main (String  []  args)  {      SubCat s= new SubCat();      }      }     结果为:()A cat5B cableC cat5 cableD cable cat5

现有:      class Cat  {      Cat (int c)  {System.out.print {"cat"+c+" ");  }      }      class SubCat extends Cat  {      SubCat (int c){super (5); System.out.print ("cable");}      SubCat()  {  this (4);  }      public static void main (String  []  args)  {      SubCat s= new SubCat();      }      }     结果为:()





 cat5 cable


 cable cat5


解析: 暂无解析




以下程序调试结果为:class Base{Base(){int i = 100;System.out.print (i);}}public class Pri extends Base{static int i = 200;public static void main(String argv[]){Pri p = new Pri();System.out.print(i);}} A.编译错误B.200C.100200D.100

现有:  class Parser extends Utils  { public static void main (String[]  args)    {     try{System.out.print (new Parser().getlnt("42"));      } catch (Exception e)    {      System.out.println("Exc");  }      }  int getlnt (String arg) throws Exception  {      return Integer.parselnt (arg);      }       class Utils  {  int getlnt (String arg)    {return 42;  }      }      结果为()    A、 42B、 ExcC、 42ExcD、编译失败

10. interface Jumper { public void jump(); }  ......  20. class Animal {}  ......  30. class Dog extends Animal { 31. Tail tail; 32. }  ......  40. class Beagle extends Dog implements Jumper {  41. public void jump() { }  42. }  .......  50. class Cat implements Jumper {  51. public void jump() { }  52. }  Which three are true?()A、 Cat is-a AnimalB、 Cat is-a JumperC、 Dog is-a AnimalD、 Dog is-a JumperE、 Cat has-a AnimalF、 Beagle has-a TailG、 Beagle has-a Jumper

现有:  class Parser (类)extends(继承) Utils {   public static void main(String [] args) {   System.out.print(输出打印)(new Parser().getInt("42"));  }   int getInt(String arg) {   return Integer.parseInt(arg);    }   }   class Utils {   int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }  }   结果为:()  A、 42B、 编译失败。C、 无输出结果。D、 运行时异常被抛出。

现有  class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {  try  {  System.out.print (new Parser () .getlnt ("42"))       }  catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println ("Exc") ;  }      }  int getlnt (String arg)  throws Exception  {     return Integer.parselnt (arg) ;      }      }  class Utils {  int getlnt ()  {  return 42;  }     }  结果是什么?()      A、 42ExcB、 ExcC、 42D、编译失败

现有:   class Parser extends Utils {   public static void main(String [] args) {     System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));    }   int getInt(String arg) {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }    }   class Utils {     int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }    }    结果为()  A、 42B、 编译失败。C、 无输出结果。D、 运行时异常被抛出。

11. class Animal { public String noise() { return “peep”; } }  12. class Dog extends Animal {  13. public String noise() { return “bark”; }  14. }  15. class Cat extends Animal {  16. public String noise() { return “meow”; }  17. }  .....  30. Animal animal = new Dog();  31. Cat cat = (Cat)animal;  32. System.out.printIn(cat.noise());  What is the result?() A、 peepB、 barkC、 meowD、 Compilation fails.E、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

现有:  class Cat {  Cat(int c) { System.out.print("cat" + c + " "); }  }  class SubCat extends Cat {  SubCat(int c) { super(5); System.out.print("cable "); }  SubCat() { this(4); }  public static void main(String [] args) {  SubCat s = new SubCat();  }  } 结果为:() A、cat5B、cableC、cable cat5D、cat5 cable

class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String [] args) {  try { System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));  } catch (NumberFormatException n) {  System.out.println("NFExc "); }  }  int getInt(String arg) throws NumberFormatException {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }  }  class Utils {  int getInt(String arg) { return 42; }  }  结果为:() A、42B、NFExcC、42NFExcD、编译失败

class Beverage {   Beverage() { System.out.print("beverage "); }   }   class Beer extends Beverage {   public static void main(String [] args) {   Beer b = new Beer(14);   }   public int Beer(int x) {   this();   System.out.print("beer1 ");   }   public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }  }   结果是什么?()  A、beer1 beverageB、beer2 beverageC、beverage beer1D、编译失败

public class Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Pet ”);  }  }   public class Cat extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Cat ”);  }  }   public class Dog extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Dog ”);  }  }   执行代码   Pet[] p = {new Cat(),new Dog(),new Pet()};   for(int i=0;i〈p.length;i++)   p[i].speak();   后输出的内容是哪项?()  A、Pet Pet PetB、Cat Cat CatC、Cat Dog PetD、Cat Dog Dog

现有:      class Cat  {      Cat (int c)  {System.out.print {"cat"+c+" ");  }      }      class SubCat extends Cat  {      SubCat (int c){super (5); System.out.print ("cable");}      SubCat()  {  this (4);  }      public static void main (String  []  args)  {      SubCat s= new SubCat();      }      }     结果为:()     A、 cat5B、 cableC、 cat5 cableD、 cable cat5

现有  class Beverage {  Beverage ()  {  System.out.print ("beverage ");  }        }  class Beer extends Beverage {  public static void main{string [] args) {        Beer b = new Beer (14) ;       }  public int Beer(int x) {       this () ;  System.out.print ("beerl") ;      }  public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }     }  结果是什么?() A、beerl beverageB、beer2 beverageC、beverage beer2 beerlD、编译失败

class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main(String [] args) {   System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));  }  int getInt(String arg) {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }  }  class Utils {  int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }  }  结果为:() A、42B、编译失败C、无输出结果D、运行时异常被抛出

单选题现有:   class Parser extends Utils {   public static void main(String [] args) {     System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));    }   int getInt(String arg) {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }    }   class Utils {     int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }    }    结果为()A 42B 编译失败。C 无输出结果。D 运行时异常被抛出。

单选题现有:  class Parser extends Utils  { public static void main (String[]  args)    {     try{System.out.print (new Parser().getlnt("42"));      } catch (Exception e)    {      System.out.println("Exc");  }      }  int getlnt (String arg) throws Exception  {      return Integer.parselnt (arg);      }       class Utils  {  int getlnt (String arg)    {return 42;  }      }      结果为()A 42B ExcC 42ExcD编译失败

单选题现有  class Beverage {  Beverage ()  {  System.out.print ("beverage ");  }        }  class Beer extends Beverage {  public static void main{string [] args) {        Beer b = new Beer (14) ;       }  public int Beer(int x) {       this () ;  System.out.print ("beerl") ;      }  public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }     }  结果是什么?()Abeerl beverageBbeer2 beverageCbeverage beer2 beerlD编译失败

单选题class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main(String [] args) {   System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));  }  int getInt(String arg) {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }  }  class Utils {  int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }  }  结果为:()A42B编译失败C无输出结果D运行时异常被抛出

单选题现有:  class Parser (类)extends(继承) Utils {   public static void main(String [] args) {   System.out.print(输出打印)(new Parser().getInt("42"));  }   int getInt(String arg) {   return Integer.parseInt(arg);    }   }   class Utils {   int getInt(String arg) throws Exception { return 42; }  }   结果为:()A 42B 编译失败。C 无输出结果。D 运行时异常被抛出。

单选题现有:      class Cat  {      Cat (int c)  {System.out.print {"cat"+c+" ");  }      }      class SubCat extends Cat  {      SubCat (int c){super (5); System.out.print ("cable");}      SubCat()  {  this (4);  }      public static void main (String  []  args)  {      SubCat s= new SubCat();      }      }     结果为:()A cat5B cableC cat5 cableD cable cat5

单选题现有:  class Cat {  Cat(int c) { System.out.print("cat" + c + " "); }  }  class SubCat extends Cat {  SubCat(int c) { super(5); System.out.print("cable "); }  SubCat() { this(4); }  public static void main(String [] args) {  SubCat s = new SubCat();  }  } 结果为:()Acat5BcableCcable cat5Dcat5 cable

单选题class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String [] args) {  try { System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));  } catch (NumberFormatException n) {  System.out.println("NFExc "); }  }  int getInt(String arg) throws NumberFormatException {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }  }  class Utils {  int getInt(String arg) { return 42; }  }  结果为:()A42BNFExcC42NFExcD编译失败

单选题11. class Animal { public String noise() { return “peep”; } }  12. class Dog extends Animal {  13. public String noise() { return “bark”; }  14. }  15. class Cat extends Animal {  16. public String noise() { return “meow”; }  17. }  .....  30. Animal animal = new Dog();  31. Cat cat = (Cat)animal;  32. System.out.printIn(cat.noise());  What is the result?()A peepB barkC meowD Compilation fails.E An exception is thrown at runtime.

单选题class Beverage {   Beverage() { System.out.print("beverage "); }   }   class Beer extends Beverage {   public static void main(String [] args) {   Beer b = new Beer(14);   }   public int Beer(int x) {   this();   System.out.print("beer1 ");   }   public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }  }   结果是什么?()Abeer1 beverageBbeer2 beverageCbeverage beer1D编译失败

单选题现有  class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {  try  {  System.out.print (new Parser () .getlnt ("42"))       }  catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println ("Exc") ;  }      }  int getlnt (String arg)  throws Exception  {     return Integer.parselnt (arg) ;      }      }  class Utils {  int getlnt ()  {  return 42;  }     }  结果是什么?()A 42ExcB ExcC 42D编译失败

单选题public class Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Pet ”);  }  }   public class Cat extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Cat ”);  }  }   public class Dog extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Dog ”);  }  }   执行代码   Pet[] p = {new Cat(),new Dog(),new Pet()};   for(int i=0;i〈p.length;i++)   p[i].speak();   后输出的内容是哪项?()APet Pet PetBCat Cat CatCCat Dog PetDCat Dog Dog