单选题Loose paint and scale are removed with ().Aa chipping hammerBa scraperCa lining brushDsaw

Loose paint and scale are removed with ().

a chipping hammer


a scraper


a lining brush




解析: 暂无解析


The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is ______.A.appliedB.suppliedC.repliedD.complied

A lot of spots haven’t been ()(覆盖) paint.A、satisfied withB、collision withC、covered withD、removed with

We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a ()(敲锈锤).A、scraperB、hammerC、chipping hammerD、lining brush

用敲锈锤敲去厚锈。()A、Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.B、Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.C、Heavy rust is removed with a scraper.D、Loose paint and scale are removed with a chipping hammer.

Put on your chipping ()when chipping and scraping.A、gogglesB、glassesC、goggleD、hammer

Loose paint and scale are removed with ().A、a chipping hammerB、a scraperC、a lining brushD、saw

刮刀用来铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。()A、Loose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.B、Heavy rust is removed with a scraper.C、Loose paint and scale is removed with a chipping hammer.D、Heavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.

弯漆刷()A、gooseneck paint brushB、flat paint brushC、hacksawD、hand saw

We can use ()to cut wire.A、a hammerB、a spannerC、a pair of pliersD、a saw

We can remove the heavy rust on the plate with a ().A、scraperB、hammerC、chipping hammerD、saw

Loose paint and scale are removed with a ()(刮刀).A、chipping hammerB、scraperC、lining brushD、hammer

Excuse me, may I borrow your ()(扳手) ?A、hammerB、sawC、spannerD、crowbar

水手长正在甲板上刮掉起皮的油漆。()A、The bosun is cleaning the heavy paint on deck.B、The bosun is scraping the heavy paint on deck.C、The bosun is scraping the loose paint on deck.D、The bosun is cleaning the loose paint on deck.

please use the ()(拖把) to clean the floor.A、brownB、broomC、brushD、mop

Loose paint and scale are removed with a scraper.()A、用敲锈锤铲去重锈。B、用敲锈锤铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。C、用刮刀铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。D、用刮刀铲去重锈。

扁漆刷()A、hacksawB、hand sawC、flat paint brushD、gooseneck paint brush

I’ll thin down the()for you right now.A、hammerB、pulleyC、paintD、bridge

单选题Paint is stowed in the paint ().AcabinBlockerCroomDdeck

单选题Loose paint and scale are removed with a scraper.()A用敲锈锤铲去重锈。B用敲锈锤铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。C用刮刀铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。D用刮刀铲去重锈。

单选题用敲锈锤敲去厚锈。()AHeavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.BLoose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.CHeavy rust is removed with a scraper.DLoose paint and scale are removed with a chipping hammer.

单选题水手长正在甲板上刮掉起皮的油漆。()AThe bosun is cleaning the heavy paint on deck.BThe bosun is scraping the heavy paint on deck.CThe bosun is scraping the loose paint on deck.DThe bosun is cleaning the loose paint on deck.

单选题刮刀用来铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。()ALoose paint and scale is removed with a scraper.BHeavy rust is removed with a scraper.CLoose paint and scale is removed with a chipping hammer.DHeavy rust is removed with a chipping hammer.

单选题Loose paint and scale are removed with a ()(刮刀).Achipping hammerBscraperClining brushDhammer

单选题The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is().AappliedBsuppliedCrepliedDcomplied

单选题Put on your chipping ()when chipping and scraping.AgogglesBglassesCgoggleDhammer

单选题弯漆刷()Agooseneck paint brushBflat paint brushChacksawDhand saw

单选题Your vessel is listening 4°to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by th end with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take first?()APress up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tankBPump out the forepeak tankCEliminate the water in the tween decks aftDJettision stores out of the paint locker in the focsle