单选题______Areduced Btransformed Cformed Dmade










词语搭配题。结合上下文,这里所填之词是动词的过去分词指“改变”,而且能与into连用。transform意为“改变;改善”,特别是用来指改善的变化,且能与into连用,其用法为transform sb./sth. (from sth.) into sth.;所以答案为B。句意为:他将林地和草原改造成了农田,将河流改造成用于灌溉或水力发电的湖泊和水库。



Which three are direct benefits of the multiprocess, multithreaded architecture of Oracle Database 12cwhen it is enabled?() A. Reduced logical I/OB. Reduced virtual memory utilizationC. Improved parallel Execution performanceD. Improved Serial Execution performanceE. Reduced physical I/OF. Reduced CPU utilization


The underlined phrase in paragraph 3 most probably means _____________.A. formed an idea forB. made an outline forC. made some space forD. chose some colors for

CCTV programs are _____ by satellite to the remotest areas in the country.[A] transferred[B] transported[C] transformed[D] transmitted

The energy( )by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.A.conveyedB.releasedC.transferredD.delivered

Which three are direct benefits of the multiprocess, multithreaded architecture of Oracle Database 12cwhen it is enabled?()A、Reduced logical I/OB、Reduced virtual memory utilizationC、Improved parallel Execution performanceD、Improved Serial Execution performanceE、Reduced physical I/OF、Reduced CPU utilization

In addition to potential cost savings and ROI, which three other benefits are made possible by deploying IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()A、enhanced labor relationsB、reduced byproducts and wasteC、improved production through putD、improved warehouse productivityE、support for regulatory complianceF、improved work planning/coordination

单选题65 A responded B transformed C recovered D continuedAABBCCDD

单选题The wordradaris formed by______.AabbreviationBconversionCderivationDblending

单选题An ocean towing bridle should().Ahave equal legs of sufficient lengthBhave a large angle between the legsCbe formed on a bight of cable through a ringDnever be made up of chain

单选题If keep the fuel injection of main engine unchanged when ship is fouled, that will causeⅠ.The speed of main engine to be reduced Ⅱ.Ship speed to be reduced Ⅲ.The resistance torque of propeller to be increased Ⅳ.Trim at stern to increase()AⅠ + ⅡBⅠ ~ ⅢCⅠ ~ ⅣDⅠ + Ⅱ + Ⅳ

单选题Waves formed by the wind blowing far away are known as().AseaBcurrentCtideDswell

单选题I am proceeding()reduced speed.AatBwithConDwithin

单选题Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending?AWTOBMotelCBookshelfDred-faced

单选题It is required that such insulator (绝热体).______a heat resistant material.Amust be made ofBshould be made ofCwill be made ofDwould be made of

单选题69.A conquered B threatened C transformed D assuredAABBCCDD

单选题Which of the following words are formed by blending?AgirlfriendBtelevisionCsmogDbunch

单选题() is a machine by which electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy.AAn alternatorBAn electric motorCA diesel engineDA main switchboard

单选题An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the().Afree surface effects are reduced due to pocketingBKG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of lollCeffective beam is increased causing BM to increaseDunderwater volume of the hull is increased

单选题Bread()wheatAis made ofBis made onCis made up withDis made in

单选题VRRP与BFD进行联动的配置命令是()AVrrp vrid 1 track bfd-session session-name 1 reduced 100Bbfd-session Vrrp vrid 1 track session-name 1 reduced 100Ctrack vrrp vrid 1 bfd-session session-name 1 reduced 100DVrrp vrid 1 track bfd-session-name 1 reduced 100

单选题What has happened in the past half-century?AThe population of 15 countries has reduced by more than half.BMany countries have made unprecedented economic progress.CMany countries are still struggling with underdevelopment.DUrbanization has been taking place at a fast pace.

问答题Practice 13  (1) Actually, the world’s birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before. Such advances have also reduced baby death rate. (2) Unless population growth is reduced, the world population may reach l2 billion in a century. Is the earth capable of providing a good life for so large a population?

单选题Which of the following words is formed through derivation?AstudentsBshorterCboughtDinsanity

单选题The fairy said, "You will be transformed into two statues of stone but still()your reason."AremainBrequireCinquireDretain

单选题In the closed cooling system, the water ().Ais made to circulate out of the systemBis made to circulate within the systemCis made circulate within the systemDis made circulate out of the system

单选题As a result of the epidemic of AIDS in Africa, _____.Athe life span for most of the people has been reduced by 40 yearsBmost young people have been infected with human immunodeficiency virusCpeople will have to learn to live with the disease for over 50 yearsDthe achievements made in preserving people’s health in the past will be wiped off