单选题Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending?AWTOBMotelCBookshelfDred-faced

Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending?











Blending is a process that creates new words by putting together non-morphemic parts of existing words.Awell-known example is smog (smoke and fog).()

Which of the following words is not the synonym of trailblazer? A、forerunnerB、creatorC、groundbreakerD、sponsor

Which of the following words is made up of bound morphemes only?A.happinessB.televisionC.ecologyD.teacher

Which of the following words does not contain a fricative?A.fiveB.changeC.showD.three

Which of the following words' pronunciation is exceptional to the assimilation rule?A.unbeatableB.impossibleC.illegalD.irregular

Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A.treeB.typewriterC.crashD.bang

The formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another is ( ) called A.blending B.clipping C.acronym D.compounding

The word“motel” is formed via word formation rule of ( ) A.clipping B.blending C.acronym D.coinage

Which one of the following studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are ( ) formed? A.Morphology B.Syntax C.Phonology D.Semantics

Which of the following is a blending word? A.lengthen B.nylon C.edit D.smog

单选题Which of the following words' pronunciation is exceptional to the assimilation?AunbeatableBimpossibleCillegalDirregular

单选题A System p administrator found a process on the server that should be stopped.  Which of the following commands can be used to list all the signal actions defined for this process()ApsBpstatClssigDprocsig

单选题On AIX systems, where DNS resolution takes precedence over NIS, a particular process needs to resolve names using /etc/hosts first.  Which of the following processes is the best way to accomplish this without affecting the rest of the system’s name resolution?()ASet the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to:NSORDER=local,nis,bindBSet the NSORDER environmental variable of the environment which invokes the process to:  NSORDER=hosts=auth,nis,bindCEdit /etc/netsvc.conf to add a line similar to the following: process /full/path/of/process {hosts=local,nis,dns}DUnset NSORDER environment variable of the environment which invokes the process

单选题Which of the following is NOT a process of the lexical change?AINVENTION.BACRONYM.CLEXICON.

单选题Which of the following words are formed by blending?AgirlfriendBtelevisionCsmogDbunch

单选题During which of the following phases of the imaging process is the latent image exposed to toner?()AChargingBDevelopingCExposingDTransferring

单选题Which of the following stages in the laser print process attracts toner to the latent image on the photoconductor?()AWritingBFusingCDevelopmentDTransfer

单选题Which one of the following words is most appropriate when you describe the character of Katherine in Wuthering Heights?AgenerousBcapriciousCcharitableDfrivolous

单选题Which of the letter“a” in the following words has a different pronunciation from others?AbaseBsakeClameDdam

单选题Which of the following forms of energy is demonstrated through the process of combustion?()AChemical energyBMechanical energyCThermal energyDElectrical energy

单选题Which of the following is NOT a phase of the troubleshooting process?()Aconfirm the repairBdefine the problemCdocument the resultsDsimplify the problem

单选题Which of the following words has the proper word stress?Ae'lconomicB'machineryCchimpan'zeeD'precarious

单选题which of the following terms best describes the pair of words kill and dill?Aminimal pairBphonemic contrastCClosed class wordsDBound morphemes

单选题Which of the following words best describes mum?APolite.BPatient.CChangeable.DClever.

单选题Which of the following words' pronunciation is exceptional to the assimilation rule?AunbeatableBimpossibleCillegalDirregular

单选题Which of the following words is formed through derivation?AstudentsBshorterCboughtDinsanity

问答题Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words to create other English words?  CARD BOX CODE BAG HASTE