











How long is the longest cross-sea bridge?() A、It has a total length of 94.968 kmB、It has a total length of 49.968 kmC、It has a total length of 68.988 km

The ORDERS table has these columns:ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULLCUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULLORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2)The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs.Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()A. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;B. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;C. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;D. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;E. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;

有如下的程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行的循环次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total * Counter + 1 Print total Counter=Counter +1 If total > 10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10A.4B.10C.15D.20

有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total + Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter <=10A.5B.10C.15D.20

有如下的程序段,该程序段的执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click() total=0 Counter=l Do Print Counter total=total+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>=10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20

以下代码的运行结果为:public class Calc {public static void main (String args []) {int total = 0;for (int i = 0, j = 10; total >30; ++i, --j) {System.out.println(" i = " + i + " : j = " + j);total += (i + j);}System.out.println("Total " + total);}}A. 产生运行错误B. 产生编译错误C. 输出 "Total 0"D. 产生如下输出:i = 0 : j = 10i = 1 : j = 9i = 2 : j = 8Total 30

The school trip has become an annual event.A:yearly B:averageC:tedious D:abnormal

TPM是以下()英文缩写。A、Total Productive MaintenanceB、Total Productive ManufacturingC、Total Productive ManagemenD、Total Productive Motivation

TPM是下面哪项的英文缩写?()A、 Total Productive MaintenanceB、 Total Productive ManufacturingC、 Total Perfect ManagementD、 Total People Motivation


What does the FREQ column show when running the tprof option?()A、 Total amount of Ticks used by all users B、 Total amount of Ticks used by all processes C、 Total amount of Ticks used by a specific user D、 Total amount of Ticks used by a specific type of process

Companycom is about to purchase a POWER5 Enterprise server which requires two Ethernet ports and two disks for each of the four LPARs. It has been configured and validated using the IBM eConfig tool. Which of the following is very important to verify in addition to the eConfig validation?()A、Total number of SCSI adaptersB、Total number of Ethernet adaptersC、Total number of Ethernet adapters and number of SCSI paths per LPARD、Total number of SCSI paths available and total number of SCSI adapters

What does the FREQ column show when running the tprof option? ()A、Total amount of Ticks used by all usersB、Total amount of Ticks used by all processesC、Total amount of Ticks used by a specific userD、Total amount of Ticks used by a specific type of process

The ORDERS table has these columns: ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULL ORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2) The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs. Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()A、SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;B、SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;C、SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;D、SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;E、SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;

单选题若要实现total=1+2+3+4+5求和,以下程序段错误的是(  )。Aint i=1,total=1; while(i5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }Bint i=1,total=0; while(i =5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }Cint i=0,total=0; while(i 5){  i+=1;  total+=i; }Dint i=0,total=0; while(i =5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }

单选题The total of such areas gets divided _______ between the total number of flats per floor: the larger the number of flats per floor, the lesser is this area _______ gets added to the area of the flat.Asufficiently; whereBproportionately; thatCequally; asDadequately; when

单选题Which statements concerning the effect of the statement gfx.drawRect(5, 5, 10, 10) are true, given that gfx is a reference to a valid Graphics object?()AThe rectangle drawn will have a total width of 5 pixels.BThe rectangle drawn will have a total height of 6 pixels.CThe rectangle drawn will have a total width of 10 pixels.DThe rectangle drawn will have a total height of 11 pixels.

单选题TPM是下面哪项的英文缩写?()A Total Productive MaintenanceB Total Productive ManufacturingC Total Perfect ManagementD Total People Motivation

单选题View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDERS table. Which task would require subqueries?  ()A  displaying the total order value for sales representatives 161 and 163B  displaying the order total for sales representative 161 in the year 1999C  displaying the number of orders that have order mode online and order date in 1999D  displaying the number of orders whose order total is more than the average order total for all online orders

单选题The fire pumps must be capable of delivering a total quantity of water at a defined head, not less than () of the total bilge pumping capacity.Aone-thirdBtwo-thirdsCone-fourthDtwo-fourths

单选题A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a dry dock. Under these circumstances,the vessel’s owner can claim().Aactual total lossBconstructive total lossCgeneral averageDparticular average

单选题The total quantity of oil discharge into the sea()for existing tankers 1/15000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo or which the residue formed a part().Adoes not exceedBshould exceedCshould be up toDshould be no more than

单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning simple parallel resistance circuits?()AThe total current flow equals the sum of the individual currentsBThe total current flow equals the reciprocal of the sum of the individual currentsCThe total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistanceDThe total voltage equals the sum of the individual voltages across each resistance

单选题A vessel’s KG is determined by().Adividing the total longitudinal moment summation by displacementBdividing the total vertical moment summation by displacementCmultiplying the MT1 by the longitudinal momentsDsubtracting LCF from LCB

单选题Which of the following statements concerning a simple parallel resistance circuit is correct?()AThe voltage drop across each resistor is the sameBThe total current flow equals the reciprocal of the sum of the individual currentsCThe total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistancesDThe total voltage equals the sum of the individual voltages across each resistance

单选题有如下程序段: int total = 0; for ( int i = 0; i  4; i++ ){ if ( i == 1) continue; if ( i == 2) break;total += i;} 则执行完该程序段后total的值为()A0B1C3D6

单选题What does the FREQ column show when running the tprof option?()A Total amount of Ticks used by all users B Total amount of Ticks used by all processes C Total amount of Ticks used by a specific user D Total amount of Ticks used by a specific type of process

单选题A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a drydock. Under these circumstances,the vessel’s owner can claim().Aactual total lossBconstructive total lossCgeneral averageDparticular average