单选题My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern.This sentence().Aindicates the engine's particularsBtells the engine's functionCshows the engine's typeDrefers to the engine's information

My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern.This sentence().

indicates the engine's particulars


tells the engine's function


shows the engine's type


refers to the engine's information


解析: 暂无解析


My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern. This sentence ______.A.indicates the engine’s particularsB.tells the engine’s functionC.shows the engine’s typeD.refers to the engine’s information

When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

Before "stand by" is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usual to give the main diesel engine a brief trial ahead and astern.A.with powerB.on powerC.with airD.on air

How many orders are included in standard ship orders? Can you list some?

The Semantic Web will be superior to today’s web in that it _____.[A]surpasses people in processing numbers[B]fulfills user’s original expectations[C]deals with language and reason as well as number[D]responds like a rebellious adult

Permission is kindly requested to ______ in celebration of our National Day.A.dress my ship overallB.raise my ship overallC.hoist my ship overallD.display my ship from stem to stern

“Full speed ahead” and “Full speed astern” are ______ given by the officers or the pilots.A.sailing ordersB.speed ordersC.wheel ordersD.telegraph orders

Do you require any further assistance? My ship is safe now and no assistance is necessary. This VHF communication generally takes place during ______.A.salvage operationB.cargo dischargingC.bunkeringD.towing operation

My friend's reply was courteous but firm.A:efficientB:respectableC:well-informedD:respectful

My friend's reply was courteous but firm.A: well-informed B: respectfulC: efficientD: respectable

My friend's reply was courteous but firm.A:efficient B:respectableC:well-informed D:respectful

The ()(驾驶台) is a ship’s eyes and ears.A、poop deckB、‘tween deckC、bridgeD、engine room

单选题The supercharger takes air out of the surrounding atmosphere and then feeds it to the engine’s ().Ainlet valvesBexhaust valvesCemergency valvesDrun-return valves

单选题The well preparation of stowage plan will().Aincrease the ship's officers' knowledgeBextend the ship's officers' knowledgeCimprove the ship's cargo-handling equipmentDraise the working efficiency

单选题AIt takes skill.BIt pays well.CIt’s full-time job.DIt’s admired worldwide.

单选题()of my ship’s propeller is very strong.AThe running reflectionBThe turning effectCThe moving speedDThe changing sensibility

单选题Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.Adress my ship overallBraise my ship overallChoist my ship overallDdisplay my ship from stem to stern

单选题The pilot wants to know()my ship’s maximum speed is.Ahow muchBhow manyCaboutDwhat

单选题When the ship in the condition of stand-by and engine trials, usually put the engine telegraph in the () position.Astand byBslow aheadCslow asternDB or C

单选题One hour before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check ()Atachometer and engine telegraphBoil and water reservesCclock and engine telegraph and test the rudderDcrews

单选题Equipment requirement vary according to().AShip owner‟s willBeconomic conditionCthe area in which the ship operatesDdifferent orders of all countries

单选题The third officer’s duty is to()when vessel is commanded under the pilot or captain.Aoperate the wheel and stand byBkeep a lookout and operate steering gearCenter telegraph orders in the bell bookDoperate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book

单选题Do you require any further assistance? My ship is safe now and no assistance is necessary. This VHF communication generally takes place during().Asalvage operationBcargo dischargingCbunkeringDtowing operation

单选题The telegraph is the()(设备)that connects the engine room and the bridge.AgearBequipmentCengineDsextant

单选题My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern. This sentence().Aindicates the engine's particularsBtells the engine's functionCshows the engine's typeDrefers to the engine's information

单选题I hereby request permission()the ship’s main engine for routine maintenance.AimmobilizeBto immobilizeCimmobilizationDimmobilizing

单选题Prior to a ship’s departure, () may not always be tested.Afire fighting pumpBthe steering gearClife boat engineDthe main engine

单选题My ship’s name()Yanyuan.AareBwasCisDwere