单选题AIt takes skill.BIt pays well.CIt’s full-time job.DIt’s admired worldwide.


It takes skill.


It pays well.


It’s full-time job.


It’s admired worldwide.


细节题。录音中提到任何人都可以破门而入进行偷窃,但是“picking somebody’s pocket”需要“skill”,故A项正确。


听力原文: For 25 years I was a full-time thief, specializing in picking pockets. Where I come from in southeast London, that's an honorable profession. Anyone call break into a house and steal things. But picking somebody's pocket takes skill. My sister and I were among the most successful pickpocket teams in London. We worked in hotel and theatre lobbies, airports, shopping centers, and restaurants. Now we don't steal anymore, but this crime is worldwide. Here is how to protect yourself:Professional pickpockets do not see victims, only handbags, jewels and money. Mothers with babies, the elderly, the disabled are all fair game. My preferred target was the lone female, handbag at her side, the right side to be exact. So if I'm next to her I can reach it cautiously with my right hand across my body. Only about one woman in a thousand carries her bag on the left, and I tended to steer clear of them. Women whose bags are hanging in front of them are tricky for the pickpocket, as there isn't a blind side. If you want to make it even harder, use a bag with handles rather than a strap. For men, one of the best places to keep a wallet is in the back pocket of tight trousers. You'll feel any attempts to move it. Another good place is in the buttoned-up inside pocket of a jacket. There's just no way in. Even better, keep wallets attached to a cord or chain that is fasten to a belt.A pickpocket needs targets who are relaxed and off guard. The perfect setting is a clothing store. When customers wander among the racks, they are completely absorbed in the items they hold up. The presence of a uniformed security guard is even better. A false sense of security makes a pickpocket's job much simpler.Why does the speaker say that picking somebody's pocket is an honorable job in southeast London?A.It takes skill,B.It's a full-time job.C.It's admired worldwide.D.It pays well.

A small boat takes pilots to and from ships, it’s called a ________A.fishing boatB.tugC.pilot boatD.barge

From the text we can conclude that the author ________.[A] is supportive of both sides[B] favors the townsfolk’s view[C] takes a detached attitude[D] is sympathetic

When the pair reached the top, they were met by Wellman’s girlfriend and a(n) _______ crowd of news reporters. A.being admiredB.admiringC.be admiringD.admired

My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern. This sentence ______.A.indicates the engine’s particularsB.tells the engine’s functionC.shows the engine’s typeD.refers to the engine’s information

The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party? ______.A.BareboatB.DispatchC.VoyageD.Demise

Mercury’s( )is so much greater than the Earth’s that it completes more than four revolutions around the Sun in the time it takes the Earth to complete one.A.velocityB.orbitC.weightD.diameter

Being a good listener is a kind of quality and that′ s __________ it takes to keep friendship.A.howB.whatC.whichD.where

Every morning Mr. Smith takes a()to his office.Aminutes' walkBminute's walkCminutes walkDminute walk

Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.()A、Yes, I beat the others.B、No, no, I didn't do it well.C、Thank you.D、It's a pleasure.

--You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang. --()A、Come again when you are freeB、Oh,I don’t think Icooked very well.C、It’s not necessary for you to say so.D、I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Do you think this is a nice place?()A、That's all right.B、You're well.C、No, it's not here.D、Yes, I think so.

Every morning Mr. Smith takes a()to his office.A、minutes' walkB、minute's walkC、minutes walkD、minute walk

单选题The supercharger takes air out of the surrounding atmosphere and then feeds it to the engine’s ().Ainlet valvesBexhaust valvesCemergency valvesDrun-return valves

单选题AIt takes a couple of days.BOnly children need some training.CIt’s unnecessary.DIt takes a few months.

单选题It often takes some time for a new couple to_______to each other's way of life.AreferBlistenCamountDadjust

单选题D’après ce document .Ala France envie ses voisinsBla France envie les autres pays européensCla France provoque l’envie des autres pays européensDla France provoque l’envie de ses voisins

单选题It often takes some time for a new couple to _____ to each other’s way of life.AreferBlistenCamountDadjust

单选题«L’Irlande, le Vietnam puis le Cuba se sont succédés comme pays en vogue pour les Français». Cette phrase veut dire que _____.Aces trois pays sont devenus alternativement les pays préférés des FrançaisBces trois pays sont devenus l’un après l’autre les pays préférés des FrançaisCces trois pays sont devenus ensemble les pays préférés des FrançaisDces trois pays ont réussi à devenir des pays préférés des Français

单选题Il fait très doux dans le pays _____ elles viennent.AqueBdontCoùDd’où

单选题My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern. This sentence().Aindicates the engine's particularsBtells the engine's functionCshows the engine's typeDrefers to the engine's information

单选题D’après l’auteur du texte, dans un pays tel que la France, le plus dangereux,c’est de _____.Aconduire follementBconduire lentementCconduire terriblementDconduire prudemment

单选题AIt takes skill.BIt pays well.CIt’s full-time job.DIt’s admired worldwide.

单选题D’après l’auteur du texte, dans un pays tel que la France, le plus dangereux,c’est de.Aconduire follementBconduire lentementCconduire terriblementDconduire prudemment

单选题Every morning Mr. Smith takes a()to his office.Aminutes' walkBminute's walkCminutes walkDminute walk

单选题The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party? ().ABareboatBDispatchCVoyageDDemise

判断题A Club member pays £2.5 for a year’s membership.A对B错

单选题With four-stroke engines, it takes four revolutions of the crank shaft to make () power stroke(s).A1B2C4D8