单选题Requirements management is the process of ()AcommunicatingBcollectingCfilingDdocumenting

Requirements management is the process of ()









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Which of the following is not a scope management process?A . InitiationB . Scope planningC . Scope DefinitionD . Scope change controlE . Scope verification

In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed?A. definition phaseB.engineeringC.maintenanceD.development phase

The(69)Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements.A.PlannlngB.ExecutingC.Monitoring and ControllingD.Closing

The( )Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project’s requirements. A.Planning B.Executing C.Monitoring and Controlling D.Close-out

Project Integration Management includes the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.()process does not belong to Project Integration Management.A.Developing project charterB.Developing project management planC.Analyzing project risksD.Monitoring and controlling project

An Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) is built upon a commercial(71)that promises the seamless(72)of all the information flowing through the company -- financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information. In implementation, all ERP systems include several features. The system is installed on a typical database management system. It requires initial setup according to the organization's process, but it may be(73)according to the organization's unique process requirements through a tool set contained within the ERP applications. Using ERP,(74)can be prescribed to automate approval processes through established chains of commanD. One of the methods used to effect rapid implementation of the ERP system is to conduct concurrent(75)sessions during the early stages of ERP implementation.A.operating systemB.middlewareC.software packageD.management system

Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?() A. ASMBB. PMONC. RBALD.SMON

()is the process of determining. documenting and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectivesA.Collecting requirementsB.Defining requirementsC.Creating WBSD.Requirements analysis

Requirements management is the process of ( 73 ),analyzing, tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a ( 74 ) process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome (product or service) should conform.A.communicatingB.collectingC.filingD.documenting

Requirements management is the process of (1),analyzing,tracing,prioritizing andagreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevantstakeholders.A.communicatingB.collectingC.filingD.documenting

()is the process of documenting,analyzing,tracing,prioriiting on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to stakeholders it is a continuous process throughout a projectA.integratend managementB.configurationmanagemenC.scopemanagementD.requirementmanagement

The information security management system preseryes the abfidentiality integrity and availability of lnformation by applyinga/an() management process and gives confidence to interested partiesA.qualityB.informationC.riskD.data]

A project is a[temporary](请作答此空)of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).A.taskB.workC.sequenceD.activity

The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is(71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the(72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the(73),which describes management and user requirements,costs and benefits,and outlines alternative development strategies.The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75),which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.system charterB.system scope definitionC.system blueprintD.system requirements document

The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is(71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the(72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the(73),which describes management and user requirements,costs and benefits,and outlines alternative development strategies.The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75),which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.application architectureB.system datA.modelC.system process modelD.implement environment

( )is the process of determining,documenting ,and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. A.Collecting requirements B.Defining requirements C.Creating WBS D.Requirements analysis

( )is the process of determining,documenting ,and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. A.Collecting requirements B.Defining requirementsC.Creating WBS D.Requirements analysis

Requirements management is the process of (73) ,analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. A.communicating B.collecting C.filing D.documenting

Requirements management is a ( ) process throughout a project.A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome(product or service)should conform. A.persistent B.continuing C.permanent D.continuous

( ) is the process of documenting. Analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project. A.Integrated management B.Configuration management C.Scope management D.Requirements management

Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of( )to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,( )reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from ( ). All system analysis approaches require some form of(请作答此空)which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. ( )is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities. A. requirement discoveryB. business process redesignC. cause-and-effect analysisD. total quality management

( ) is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project.A、Integrated managementB、Configuration managementC、Scope managementD、Requirements management

Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?()A、ASMBB、PMONC、RBALD、SMON

Requirements management is the process of ()A、communicatingB、collectingC、filingD、documenting

Which background process of a database instance, using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects asa foreground process into the ASM instance?()A、ASMBB、PMONC、RBALD、SMON

单选题Which background process of a database instance,using Automatic Storage Management (ASM), connects as a foreground process into the ASM instance?()A ASMBB PMONC RBALD SMON

单选题What is a useful tool to get solution requirements and pricing in the sales process?()ASmart AssistBQuote BuilderCPartner CentralDVisio

单选题The()Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements.APlanningBExecutingCMonitoring and ControllingDClosing