名词解释题物质流通率 ratio of material flow

物质流通率 ratio of material flow


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following is associated with a buyer's request for material to meet a particular need:A material warrantyB material guaranteesC implied warranty of salabilityD implied warranty of fitness for a particular purposeE A and C only

If a firm has a quick ratio of 1, the subsequent payment of an account payable will cause the ratio to increase.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

What Netflow component can be applied to an interface to track IPv4 traffic?() A.flow monitorB.flow recordC.flow samplerD.flow

下列属于物质流通过信息流反映的安全评价信息是( )。

Which of these terms refers to call issues that cause variations in timing or time of arrival?()A、queuingB、jitterC、packet lossD、digitized samplingE、signal-to-noise ratio ratio



物质流通率 ratio of material flow

交通流率(Rate of flow)


What Netflow component can be applied to an interface to track IPv4 traffic?()A、flow monitorB、flow recordC、flow samplerD、flow

What are the four vPath packet flow steps? ()A、 perform flow lookupsB、 intercept packets on service enabled portsC、 run packets through the vPath flow managerD、 classify the packetsE、 flow manager emits an action for the packetsF、 enforce the action determined by the flow manager

Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.

问答题If there are only red, blue, and green marbles in a jar, what is the ratio of red to blue marbles?  (1) The ratio of red to green marbles is 2:3.  (2) The ratio of green to blue marbles is 6:5.


单选题If the compression ratio is increased on any diesel engine, ()Athe expansion ratio will decreaseBcombustion will be slowed downCthermal efficiency will decreaseDthermal efficiency will increase

单选题Increasing the compression ratio of a diesel engine while maintaining the designed rate of fuel flow will result in ()Aincreased horsepowerBreduced efficiencyCincreased heat lossDlower cylinder pressures

单选题Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.

名词解释题交通流率(Rate of flow)

单选题For a given fuel, a change in the compression ratio will affect the ignition lag by which of the listed means?()AAn increase in compression ratio will increase the ignition lagBAn increase in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lagCA decrease in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lagDA decrease in ignition lag will increase the compression ratio

单选题The ignition quality of a fuel oil is an important operational consideration because it()Aindicates the amount of abrasive material in the fuelBaffects the starting ability of a cold engineCdetermines the amount of fuel penetration engineDaffects the compression ratio of an operating engine

单选题The ratio of the height of a vessel’s rudder to its width is referred to as the().Aaspect ratioBconstriction ratioCrudder ratioDsteering ratio


单选题In a fixed displacement axial piston hydraulic motor, the speed is varied by()Aregulating the ratio between torque and speed via the torque limiter at the motorBdirecting the motor output flow through a bypass lineCmaintaining a constant flow and pressure inputDcontrolling the input flow rate

单选题Under tropical conditions, control valves have fully opened, but the room still hot.What measures can be taken in such a case?()AKeep the plant running all timeBStart another blowerCIncrease the ratio of circulated to fresh airDReduce the seawater flow to the condenser

单选题The ratio of r to s is 3 to 4. The ratio of s to t is 2 to 9. What is the ratio of r to t?A1 to 3B1 to 6C2 to 9D3to10E4 to 5

填空题The ratio of a to b is the same as the ratio of 1.4 to 7. If a=14, what is the value of b?____