如下程序中,插入选项中哪一条where语句,可以选择变量Hire_date中的记录“February 23, 2019”. data newstaff; set staff; <insert WHERE statement here> run;A.where hire_date='23feb2019'd;B.where hire_date='23feb2019';C.where hire_date='02/23/2019'd;D.where hire_date='02/23/2019';

如下程序中,插入选项中哪一条where语句,可以选择变量Hire_date中的记录“February 23, 2019”. data newstaff; set staff; <insert WHERE statement here> run;

A.where hire_date='23feb2019'd;

B.where hire_date='23feb2019';

C.where hire_date='02/23/2019'd;

D.where hire_date='02/23/2019';




关于INSERT-SQL语句描述正确的是() A、可以向表中插入若干条记录本B、在表中任何位置插入一条记录C、在表尾插入一条记录D、在表头插入一条记录

下列SQL语句中,能够完成插人功能的是()。A. INSERT INTO学生表VALUES(' 2006001' ,’王小明’,’男’)B. UPDATE学生表SET姓名=’王莉’WHERE学号='2006001'C. DELETE学生表SET姓名=’王莉’WHERE学号='2006001'D. DELETE FROM学生表WHERE性别=’男’

对于Insert语句的使用说法正确的是()。 A、Insert一次只能插入一行的元组B、Insert只能插入不能修改C、Insert可以指定要插入到哪行D、Insert可以加Where条件

一家航空公司把一年中飞行距离超过10000里的客户全部信息从名为flyers的表中转移到一张称为flyersclub的表中,该操作的语句为()A. insert into flyersclub from flyers where idistancetravelled>=10000B. insert flyersclub where idistancetravelled>=10000C. insert into flyersclub from flyers where (idistancetravelled)values>=10000D. insert flyersclub (idstancetravelled) values from flyers whe

In which four clauses can a subquery be used? () A. in the INTO clause of an INSERT statementB. in the FROM clause of a SELECT statementC. in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statementD. in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statementE. in the SET clause of an UPDATE statementF. in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement



下列叙述中,错误的是 ______。A.用INSERT-SQL语句可以插入一条记录B.用INSERT-SQL语句可以插入多条记录C.使用INSERT-SQL语句可以插入记录的部分数据D.使用INSERT-SQL语句插入记录时列名的排列顺序必须与表定义时的顺序一致

一家航空公司把一年中飞行距离超过10000里的客户信息转移到一张称为flyersclub的表中,他们的详细情况被记录在表flyers,下列sQL语句描述正确的是——。A.insert flyersclub where idistancetravelled=1 0000B.insert into flyersclub from flyers where idistancetravelled=10000C.insert into flyersclub from flyers where(idistancetravelled)values=10000D.insert flyersclub(idstancetravelled)values from flyers where idistancetravelled=10000

In which four clauses can a subquery be used?()A、in the INTO clause of an INSERT statementB、in the FROM clause of a SELECT statementC、in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statementD、in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statementE、in the SET clause of an UPDATE statementF、in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement


要在tbAddress表中更新记录,下面()语句是正确的。A、Update tbAddress Set strName="萌萌",intAge=22 Where ID=2B、Update tbAddress Set strName=萌萌,intAge=22 Where strName=萌萌C、Update tbAddress Set dtmSubmit=2008-10-1 Where strName="萌萌"D、Update tbAddress Set intAge=18


下列()是SQL语言查询出员工E_mail地址的语句。A、select staffno from staff where E_mail=NULLB、select staffno from staff where E_mail NULLC、select staffno from staff where E_mail is NULLD、select staffno from staff where E_mail is not NULL

若update emp set salary=1000 中缺少where 条件:()A、更改表中所有记录B、更改第一条记录C、记录未更改。D、提示错误:缺少where字句





Where is the run date for an ’at’ job located?()A、Within the job environment set upB、Within the user data of the at jobC、In the file name preceeded with a useridD、In a special file used by the cron daemon


单选题Which of the following datatypes are used in situations where you want an ordered set of data elements, where every element is the same datatype, and where you predefine the number of elements that appear in the set?()AREF BTABLE CCLOB DVARRAY


单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) HIRE_DATE DATE Which UPDATE statement is valid?()AUPDATE employees SET first_name = 'John' SET last_name = 'Smith' WHERE employee_id = 180;BUPDATE employees SET first_name = 'John', SET last_name = 'Smoth' WHERE employee_id = 180;CUPDATE employee SET first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Smith' WHERE employee_id = 180;DUPDATE employee SET first_name = 'John', last_name = 'Smith' WHERE employee_id = 180;

多选题In which four clauses can a subquery be used? ()Ain the INTO clause of an INSERT statementBin the FROM clause of a SELECT statementCin the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statementDin the WHERE clause of a SELECT statementEin the SET clause of an UPDATE statementFin the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement

单选题下列()是SQL语言查询出员工E_mail地址的语句。Aselect staffno from staff where E_mail=NULLBselect staffno from staff where E_mail NULLCselect staffno from staff where E_mail is NULLDselect staffno from staff where E_mail is not NULL

单选题Where is the run date for an ‘at’ job located?()AWithin the job environment set upBWithin the user data of the at jobCIn the file name preceeded with a useridDIn a special file used by the cron daemon