5、Ann Arbor 分期ⅢE提示()A.结外器官受累B.脾脏受累C.肝脏受累D.骨髓受累

5、Ann Arbor 分期ⅢE提示()







Ann will leave for Spain(). A、next Friday in the afternoon at 5B、at 5 in the afternoon next FridayC、next Friday afternoon at 5D、at 5 next Friday afternoon

Ann Arbor分期法的缺点是A、不可以判断预后B、不能作为治疗的依据C、没有考虑肿块大小对预后的影响D、治疗应用困难E、太繁琐

女性,32岁,右颈部无痛性淋巴结肿大半个月,发热1周,最高体温 38.3℃。查体:右颈部和左腋下各触及1个3.0cm×2.0cm的淋巴结,其他部位淋巴结未见肿大,肝肋下刚触及,脾肋下1cm。颈部淋巴结活检为非霍奇金淋巴瘤,骨髓检查示:淋巴瘤细胞占 12%。按照Ann Arbor提出的淋巴瘤临床分期方案,该患者的分期属于A.ⅡAB.ⅢBC.ⅣAD.ⅣB

Ann has decided to be a great inventor when she grows up.(改为同义句)Ann has _____a _____to be a great inventor when she grows up.

Pat: Will you go to the meeting?Ann: ______

27. Who are Alice’s friends?A. Ann and TomB. Tom and Lin TaoC. Ann and I.in TaoD. Ann, Tom and Lin Tao.

Pat: Where did you get that computer?Ann: ______.

符合恶性淋巴瘤Ann Arbor-Cotswolds分期中B症状标准的是A、原因不明发热,T>38.5℃,持续1周B、原因不明发热,T>38℃,持续3dC、原因不明发热,T>38.5℃,持续3dD、原因不明发热,T>38℃,持续1周E、不论何种原因发热,T>38.5℃,持续1周

按照Ann Arbor提出的HL的临床分期方案分成Ⅰ~Ⅳ期,哪些说法是正确的A.I期病变仅限于1个淋巴结区或单个结外器官局部受累B.Ⅱ期病变局部侵犯淋巴结以外的器官及横膈同侧2个以上的淋巴结区C.Ⅲ期横膈上下均有淋巴结病变D.Ⅳ期肝或骨髓受到累及E.Ⅳ期2个淋巴结区或多个结外器官局部受累

男,40岁,近半年来乏力、消瘦,不明原因发热1周入院。查体:双扁桃体及右下颈、右腋下淋巴结肿大,扁桃体病理活检:非霍奇金淋巴瘤。按Ann Arbor-Cotswolds分期为A、Ⅰ期B、ⅡB期C、ⅡA期D、ⅡBE期E、ⅡAE期

关于T细胞淋巴瘤,叙述错误的是 A、成熟T/自然杀伤(NK)细胞淋巴瘤是一大类异质性的肿瘤B、EB病毒(EBV)是T细胞淋巴瘤的病因之一C、目前常用的T细胞淋巴瘤的分期系统仍是Ann-arbor分期D、大多数成熟T/自然杀伤(NK)细胞淋巴瘤预后优于B细胞淋巴瘤E、间变性淋巴瘤激酶(ALK)阳性的间变大细胞淋巴瘤预后较好

关于霍奇金淋巴瘤的治疗,叙述正确的是 A、有B症状者首选放射治疗B、Ann Arbor临床分期系统在非霍奇金淋巴瘤中应用,而在霍奇金淋巴瘤中很少应用C、常用化学治疗方案:ABVD,MOPPD、常用化学治疗方案:CHOPE、常用化学治疗方案:CHOP+美罗华

患者女,30岁。半年前无明显诱因出现双下肢皮肤瘙痒,但无发热和盗汗,无体重减轻,偶有咳嗽,无胸闷、气短乏力等不适。当地医院行胸片及胸部CT检查发现纵隔肿物,约4cm×3cm大小。患者既往体健,无特殊病家族史。患者最可能的诊断为( ) (内、放)A、淋巴瘤B、胸腺癌C、肺癌D、淋巴结结核E、胸骨后甲状腺肿F、生殖细胞肿瘤(提示 患者疗前CT示:左前纵隔不规则软组织肿物,约4cm×4cm×3cm。余肺未见异常结节或实变。纵隔4R、3区、6区多发淋巴结,最大短径约1.4cm。胸腔及心包未见积液。)淋巴瘤大纵隔的定义是( ) (内、放)A、纵隔肿块最大径≥5cmB、纵隔肿块最大径≥7cmC、纵隔肿块最大径≥15cmD、前后位胸片上纵隔肿瘤最大横径大于5/6胸椎椎体间胸廓内径1/3E、前后位胸片上纵隔肿瘤最大横径大于5/6胸椎椎体间胸廓内径1/2F、前后位胸片上纵隔肿瘤最大横径大于5/6胸椎椎体间胸廓内径1/4根据Ann Arbor分期,淋巴瘤B症状包括( ) (内、放)A、皮肤瘙痒B、发热C、盗汗D、体重下降E、皮疹F、饮酒后淋巴结肿痛(提示 患者行胸腔镜下纵隔肿物活检术,术后病理明确为:霍奇金淋巴瘤,结节硬化型。完善检查,血象、肝肾功能、骨髓检查、腹部CT大致正常。ESR:10mm/h。)根据目前检查,患者分期为( ) (内、放)A、Ann Arbor ⅠB期,早期预后良好组B、Ann Arbor ⅠBX期,早期预后不良组C、Ann Arbor ⅡBX期,早期预后良好组D、Ann Arbor ⅡBX期,早期预后不良组E、Ann Arbor ⅠA期,早期预后良好组F、Ann Arbor ⅠA期,早期预后不良组(提示 患者行ABVD方案化疗4周期效评价CR。)按照患者目前情况,接下来的治疗应该( ) (内、放)A、因为患者疗效评价CR,所以等待观察B、因为患者疗效评价CR,所以巩固治疗,采用自体骨髓干细胞移植C、因为患者疗前存在大肿块,所以做放疗,仅对大肿块区域进行照射D、对疗前受累的区域进行累及野放疗E、患者存在众多不良预后因素,所以应行扩大野的照射,采用次全淋巴结放疗F、患者存在众多不良预后因素,所以应行扩大野的照射,采用斗篷野放疗对于HD早期预后良好组的患者,化疗后给予累及野放疗的最小合适剂量为( ) (放)A、15GyB、20GyC、25GyD、30GyE、35GyF、40Gy

一淋巴瘤患者,根据Ann Arbor临床分期系统,提示为临床III期的是 A、仅有颈左侧淋巴结累及B、颈左侧淋巴结、右腹股沟淋巴结和脾累及C、双侧腹股沟淋巴结累及D、颈左侧淋巴结及纵隔淋巴结累及E、全身淋巴结累及

女性,32岁,右颈部无痛性淋巴结肿大半个月,发热1周,最高体温38.3℃。查体:右颈部和左腋下各触及 1个3.0cm X2.0cm的淋巴结,其余部位淋巴结未见肿大,肝肋下刚触及,脾肋下1cm。颈部淋巴结活检为非霍奇金淋巴瘤。骨髓检査示:淋巴瘤细胞占12%。按Ann Arbor提出的淋巴瘤临床分期方案,该患者的分期属于A. IIA B.ⅢB C. IVA D.IVB

Ann Curry is a famous news presenter of the NBC News"Today"show.When she was 15 she?happened to walk into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves.The man behind the counter,Mac McCarley,asked if she′d like a job.She needed to start saving?for college,so she said yes.Ann worked after school and during summer vacations,and the job helped pay for her first year?of college.During college she would do many other jobs:she served coffee in the students′union,was a hotel maid and even made maps for the US Forest Service.But selling books was one of the?most satisfying jobs.One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Ann for books on cancer(癌症).The?woman seemed anxious.Ann showed her practically everything they had and found other books they?could order.The woman left the store less worried,and Ann has always remembered the pride she?felt in having helped her customer.Years later,as a television reporter in Los Angeles,Ann heard about a child who was born with?problems with his fingers and his hand.His family could not afford a surgical(外科的)operation,and the boy lived in shame,hiding his hand in his pocket all the time.Ann persuaded her boss to let her do the story.After the story was broadcast,a doctor and a?nurse called,offering to perform the surgical operation for free.Ann visited the boy in the recovery room after the operation.The first thing he did was to hold?up his repaired hand and say,"Thank you."What a sweet sense of satisfaction Ann Curry felt!At McCarley′s bookstore,Ann always sensed she was working for the customers,not the store.Today it′s the same.NBC News pays her,but she feels as if she works for the people who watch the?programmes,helping them make sense of the world.How did Ann help the child get the operation he needed?A.Ann persuaded the boy to speak on TV.B.Ann paid for the operation herself.C.Ann's boss agreed to raise money.D.Ann's news report moved some doctors.

Paul, this is my friend, Ann.()AVery well, thank you.BHow do you like the party?CGlad to meet you, Jack.DGlad to meet you, Ann.

按照分期Ann Arbor方法肿瘤位于双侧上颈区应定为Ⅱ期淋巴瘤。()

在非霍奇金病(NHL)Ann Arbor-Colswolds分期中,II期的定义是什么?

You are the Exchange administrator for the Xxx Corporation’s Exchange 2010organization.Jennifer Brown is a user in the Accounting department who will be on leave for 30 to 40 days.You would like to forward all mail for Jennifer Brown’s mailbox to Ann Garcia during her absence.When Jennifer returns from leave, she should be able to see all the messages that were forwarded to Ann Garcia. What should you configure?()A、Set-Mailbox -Identity "Jennifer Brown" -ForwardingAddress "ann@Xxx " -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $falseB、Set-Mailbox -Identity "Jennifer Brown" -ForwardingAddress "ann@Xxx " - DeliverToMailboxAndForward $trueC、Add-ADPermission -Identity ’CN=Jennifer Brown,OU=Accounting,DC=Xxx,DC=com’ - User ’XXX/Ann’ -ExtendedRights ’Send-as’D、Add-MailboxPermission -Identity ’CN=Jennifer Brown,OU=Accounting,DC=Xxx,DC=com’ -User ’XXX/Ann’ -AccessRights ’FullAccess’

判断题按照分期Ann Arbor方法肿瘤位于双侧上颈区应定为Ⅱ期淋巴瘤。()A对B错

单选题Paul, this is my friend, Ann.()AVery well, thank you.BHow do you like the party?CGlad to meet you, Jack.DGlad to meet you, Ann.

单选题霍奇金病Ann Arbor分期中()。A双颈淋巴结受侵应诊断为Ⅱ期B双颈淋巴结受侵应诊断为Ⅰ期C膈上原发伴脾受侵为Ⅳ期D膈下原发伴脾受侵为Ⅲ期E双腋淋巴结受侵为Ⅰ期

单选题霍奇金病Ann Arbor和既往的临床分期比较,主要变化之一是()。A病变局部直接侵犯影响病人的预后B淋巴结直接侵犯临近器官或结构认为是广泛弥漫性转移或受侵C根据病人是否有全身症状分为A和B两组D不再用下标E表示淋巴结直接侵犯结外器官E韦氏环不归于结内器官

单选题Ma femme et moi, nous sommes partis à Québec _____, c’était un très beau voyage.Al’année suivanteBl’année dernièreCl’année prochaineDl’année précédente

单选题Paragraph 6 mainly tells us ______.Awhat Ann saw in the PhilippinesBwhy Ann invented Hollow FlashlightChow Ann’s family encouraged her interestDwhat prize Ann got for Hollow Flashlight

问答题在非霍奇金病(NHL)Ann Arbor-Colswolds分期中,II期的定义是什么?