statute对应下列哪个选项? that prescribes the procedures and methods for enforcing rights and duties and for obtaining redress.B.To institute and carry forward legal action against for redress or esp. punishment of a crimeC.A judicial decision that should be followed by a judge when deciding a later similar caseD.A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government

statute对应下列哪个选项? that prescribes the procedures and methods for enforcing rights and duties and for obtaining redress.

B.To institute and carry forward legal action against for redress or esp. punishment of a crime

C.A judicial decision that should be followed by a judge when deciding a later similar case

D.A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government

A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government


Hold No. 4 must be cleaned up to meet the ________ of the cargo surveyorsA.rulesB.necessityC.requirementD.statute

有关查询设计器,正确的描述是 A)“联接”选项卡与SQL语句的GROUP BY短语对应 B)“筛选”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应 C)“排序依据”选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应 D)“分组依据”选项卡与SQL语句的JOIN ON短语对应

在下列有关查询设计器的叙述中,正确的叙述是( )。A. “杂项”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应B. “筛选”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应C. “排序依据”选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应D. “分组依据”选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应

A corporate taxpayer has under-reported its taxable revenue in 2002 and hence underpaid value added tax (VAT) and enterprise income tax (EIT). In 2014, the taxpayer was charged by the tax authority with committing an act of tax evasion in 2002.Which of the following statements is correct?A.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes due, plus a late payment surcharge and a penaltyB.There is no need for the taxpayer to pay any additional taxes, late payment surcharge or penalty as the statute of limitation is ten yearsC.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes, but no late payment surcharge or penalty as the statute of limitation is ten years for late payment surcharge and penaltiesD.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes and a late payment surcharge but not a penalty as the statute of limitation is five years for penalties

在下列有关查询设计器的叙述中,正确的叙述是( )。 A.“杂项”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应S 在下列有关查询设计器的叙述中,正确的叙述是( )。A.“杂项”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应B.“筛选”选项卡与SQL语句的HAVING短语对应C.“排序依据”选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应D.“分组依据”选项卡与SQL语句的ORDER BY短语对应

Apart from special contract or statute every Shipowner is ______ a liability akin to that of a common carrier,irrespective of whether the goods were shipped by a Charterer or on a general

下列选项,哪个适合填入问号处?( )

按《建筑抗震设计规范》规定,抗震设计使用的地震影响系数曲线下降段起点对应的周期值为下列哪个选项?( )A.地震活动周期 B.结构自振周期C.设计特征周期 D.地基固有周期

对海港防洪堤进行稳定性计算时,下列哪个选项的水位高度所对应的安全系数最小?(  )A、最高潮位B、最低潮位C、平均高潮位D、平均低潮位












单选题Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited()the terms of the contract or the statute.AwithBonCforDby


单选题Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited by the terms of().ASTCWBIMDGCSOLASDThe contract or the statute





单选题沥青混合料层永久变形量设计指标对应的力学响应是下列哪个选项?(  )A竖向压应变B水平拉应变C竖向压应力D水平拉应力