酒店双人间用英语可以说成“double room”或者“twin room”。

酒店双人间用英语可以说成“double room”或者“twin room”。

book a hotel?make a reservation


________, its very tidy. A.As her room is smallB.Small as her room isC.As small her room isD.Small as her room

请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹proj2下的工程proj2。此工程中包含一个源程序文件main.cpp,其中有“房间”类Room及其派生出的“办公室”类0ffice的定义,还有主函数main的定义。请在程序中“//****found****”下的横线处填写适当的代码并删除横线,以实现上述类定义。此程序的正确输出结果应为: 办公室房间号:308 办公室长度:5.6 办公室宽度:4.8 办公室面积:26.88 办公室所属部门:会计科 注意:只能在横线处填写适当的代码,不要改动程序中的其他内容,也不要删除或移动“///料料found??料”。 includeisotream using namespaee std; class Room{ //“房间”类 int room_n0;//房间号 double length;//房间长度(m) double width;//房间宽度(n1) public: Room(int the—room—n0,double the~length,double the—width):loom—no(the—room—no),length(the— length),width(the—width){} int theRoomNoeonst{return iDonl—n0;} //返回房间号 double theLengthconst{return length;}//返回房间长度 double theWidthconst{return width;}//返回房间宽度 //**********found********** double theAreaconst{_______________}//返回房间面积(矩形面积) }; class Office:public Room{//“办公室”类 char*depart;//所属部门 public: Office(int the_room_n0,double the_length,double the_width,eonst char木the_depart) //**********found********** :_______________{ depart=new char[strlen(the depart)+1]; //**********found********** strcpy(_______________); } ~Office{delete[]depart;} const char*theDepartmentconst{return depart;}//返回所属部门 }; int main{ //**********found********** Office_______________; cout”办公室房间号:”au_office.theRoomNoendl ”办公室长度:”an office.theLengthendl ”办公室宽度:”an 0ffice.theWidthendl ”办公室面积:”an office.theAreaendl ”办公室所属部门:”all—office.theDepartmentendl; return 0; }

Our hotel has good___ with a bath, an air-conditioner and a computer. A.facilities and every room is equippedB.to be assistant managerC.have reserved a double roomD.been

下列英语单词意思是“驾驶台”的是_______。A.Mess roomB.BridgeC.Engine roomD.Store room

21. This is ________ room. The twin sisters like it very much.A. Lucy's and Lily'sB. Lucy's and LilyC. Lucy and Lily'sD. Lucy and Lily

What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?__________A.Rent us a double room.B.Book us a double room.C.We'd like to have a double room.D.Let's have a double room.

A:Where shall we have the meeting? B:()AThe first conference room is spaciousBThe first conference room isn't goodCIn the first conference room

在双人间中放置两张双人床,这种客房称为()A、double-doule roomB、holly wood roomC、standard roomD、deluxe room

国外某些酒店为了显示其规格和经营方式,在双人间中放置两张双人床。这种有两张双人床的客房称为()。A、Double-double roomB、standard roomC、standard suiteD、special room

引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room is next to the captain’s cabin.

英译中:There’s a 10% discount for a double room.

A:Where shall we have the meeting? B:()A、The first conference room is spaciousB、The first conference room isn't goodC、In the first conference room

“总统套间”的英文表达是()。A、Deluxe RoomB、PresidentialC、SuiteD、Double Room

Double room指的是在房内放两张单人床,称为标准间。()

引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.D、The pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

下列英语单词意思是“驾驶台”的是()。A、Mess roomB、BridgeC、Engine room

根据所配置床的种类的不同,双床间可分为()A、Twin RoomB、Hollywood Twin RoomC、Double-Double RoomD、Double-Single Room

管理理人员抽查的重点是()A、每间VIP房B、抽查OK房、长住房C、抽查客人房和计划卫生的大清扫D、每间Hollywood Twin Room

Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels.  How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()A、 Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.B、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.C、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.D、 A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

当一对夫妇前来住宿时,服务员最好向他们推荐哪种客房()。A、senior suiteB、triple roomC、business roomD、Holly wood twin room

“总统套间”的英文表达是()。A、Deluxe RoomB、Presidential SuiteC、suiteD、Double Room

在高档饭店中很少见到的房型是()。A、Single RoomB、Double RoomC、Twin RoomD、Triple Room

在酒店客房的不同房型中,double room表示()。A、单人间B、大床间C、三人间D、套间

单选题引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()AThe pilot room is next to the chart room.BThe pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .CThe pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.DThe pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

单选题What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?ARent us a double room.BBook us a double room.CWe'd like to have a double room.DLet 's have a double room.

单选题下列英语单词意思是“驾驶台”的是()。AMess roomBBridgeCEngine room

单选题在双人间中放置两张双人床,这种客房称为()Adouble-doule roomBholly wood roomCstandard roomDdeluxe room

判断题Double room指的是在房内放两张单人床,称为标准间。A对B错