在平时成绩记录器中,下列代码运行后,Total的意义是 ToTal = 0:i = 5:flat = 1 While flat If Cells(i, 1) <> "" And Cells(i, 2) <> "" Then ToTal = ToTal + 1 i = i + 1 Else flat = 0 End If WendA.学生人数B.作业次数C.至少交过一次作业的学生人数D.以上都不对

在平时成绩记录器中,下列代码运行后,Total的意义是 ToTal = 0:i = 5:flat = 1 While flat If Cells(i, 1) <> "" And Cells(i, 2) <> "" Then ToTal = ToTal + 1 i = i + 1 Else flat = 0 End If Wend







有一过程如下:Sub Sub1(m As Integer,total As Long)Dim i As Integertotal=1For i=1 To mtotal=total*iNextEnd Sub调用它的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim tot As Long,a As Integera=Val(InputBox("请输入数据"))Call Sub1(a,tot)Print totEnd Sub则输入数据5,运行结果为【 】。

c++,运行下面代码出错 #include iostreamusing namespace std;struct student_info{ string name; int chinese; int math; int english;};student_info student[5];void inputinfo(){ int i = 0; char a[20]; for(i = 0;i 5;i++) { cout"enter the "i+1" student's information "endl; cout"enter the name"endl; cina; student[i].name = a; cout"enter chinese performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].chinese; cout"enter math performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].math; cout"enter english performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].english; }}void outputinfo(){ int i = 0; while(i 5) { couti+1" student's information"endl; coutstudent[i].name.c_str()endl; cout"chinese "endl; coutstudent[i].chineseendl; cout"math "endl; coutstudent[i].mathendl; cout"english "endl; coutstudent[i].englishendl; i++; }}int avgfunction(int arr[],int n){ int i = 0; int total = 0; for(i = 0;i n;i++) { total += arr[i]; } return total / n;}void computavg() //这里是否正确?{ int theavg = 0; theavg = avgfunction(student[i].chinese,5); }int main(){ inputinfo(); outputinfo(); computavg(); cin.get(); return 0;} 帮我找出错误 然后改过来 择优为满意答案 不分先后

下面的程序的功能是将数组array下标为奇数的元素相乘(数组的位置是从0开始的),并将乘积存放到变量total中。请在程序的每条横线处填入适当的语句,使程序的功能完整。注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有的语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当的语句。public class JiShuJi{public static void main(String args[ ]){int array[ ]={1,2,3,5,7,9};long total= ________________________;for(int i=1;i<=__________________ i++){____________________i++;}System.out.println(total);}}

下面程序的功能是将数组array下标为奇数的元素相乘(数组的位置是从0开始的),并将乘积存放到变量 total中。请在程序的每条横线处填写—个位运算符,使程序的功能完整。注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有的语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当的语句。源程序代码文件清单如下:public class JiShuJi{public static void main(String args[]){int array[ ]={1,2,3,5,7,9};long total=for(int i=1;i<=______;i++){______;i++;}System.out.println(total);}}

下列程序的执行结果是( )。 Privaae Sub Form_Activate Dim score(3)As Integer,total As Integer Dim aa_score As Variant score(1)=50:score(2)=14:score(3)=36 total=0:i=0 For Each aa_score In score i=i+1 total=total+aa_score Print i,aa_score,total Next End SubA.1 0 0 2 50 50 3 14 64 4 36 100B.1 50 50 2 14 64 3 36 100C.0 50 50 1 14 64 2 36 100 3 36 100D.0 0 0 1 50 50 2 14 64

阅读以下函数说明和C语言函数,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】有n个整数,使其前面各数顺序向后移m个位置,最后m个数变成最前面的m个数。【函数】main(){int number[20],n,m,i;printf("the total numbers is:");scanf("%d",n);printf("back m:");scanf("%d",m);for(i=0;i<=n-1;i)scanf("%d,",number[i]);(1);for(i=0;i<=n-1;i)printf("%d,",number[i]);}move(array,n,m)int n,m,array[20];{int *p,array_end;array_end=(2);for(p=array[n-1];(3);p--)*p=(4);*array=array_end;m--;if(m>0) (5);}

有如下的程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行的循环次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total * Counter + 1 Print total Counter=Counter +1 If total > 10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10A.4B.10C.15D.20

有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total + Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter <=10A.5B.10C.15D.20

设有下面的循环: i=0 While i<=1 i=i+3 Print i Wend 则运行后的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.4

有如下的程序段,该程序段的执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click() total=0 Counter=l Do Print Counter total=total+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>=10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20

有过程如下:Sub fact (m As Integer, total As Long) Dim i As Integer total = 1 for i = 1 To m total = total*i Next iEnd Sub调用它的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_ Click () Dim tot As Long Dim a As Integer a = Val InputBox (“请输入数据”)) Call fact (a, tot) Print totEnd Sub则输入数据5,运行结果为 ______。A.100B.120C.200D.50

有以下程序main( ){ int a[][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,0}},(*pa) [3], i;pa=a;for(i=0;i<3;i+ +) if(i<2) pa[1][i] = pa[1][i]-1;else pa[1][i] = 1;cout<<a[0][1]+a[1][1]+a[1][2]<<end1;}执行后输出结果是A.7B.6C.8D.无确定值

单击一次命令按钮之后,下更程序代码的执行结果为______ 。 Public Sub Proc(a() As Integer) Static i As Integer Do a(i) = a(i) + a(i + 1) i=i+1 Loop While i < 2 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Cliek() Dim m As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim x(10) As Integer For i = 0 To 4 x(i) = i + 1 Next i For i = 1 To 2 Call Proc (x) Next i For i = 0 To 4 Print x(i); Next i End SubA.3 4 7 5 6B.3 5 7 4 5C.1 2 3 4 5D.1 2 3 5 7

以下能够正确计算1+2+3+…+10的程序是A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0 ForI=1 To 10 Sum=Sum+I Next I Print Sum End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0,I=1 Do While I<=10 Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Print Sum End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0: I=1 Do Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Loop While I<10 Print Sum End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Sum=0: I=1 Do Sum=Sum+I I=I+1 Loop Until I<10 Print Sum End Sub

阅读下列程序,写出程序的运行结果【】。 include void main() { charstr1[ ]: "Hello, 阅读下列程序,写出程序的运行结果【 】。include<iostream. h>void main() { char str1[ ]: "Hello, World?;char str2[100];int i=0;do{if (str1[i]>= 'a' str1[i]<= 'z' )str2[i]=str1[i]-32;elsestr2[i]=strl [i];i++;}while(strl[i]!='\0');str2[i]='\0';cout<<str1<<end1;cout<<str2<<end1;}

下列程序的输出结果为【】。include void main(){ char a[]="abcdabcabfgacd"; int i1 下列程序的输出结果为【 】。include <iostream. h>void main(){char a[]="abcdabcabfgacd";int i1=0,i2=0,i=0;while (a[i]){if (a[i]=='a') i1++;if (a[i]=='q') i2++;i++;}cout<<i1<<''<<i2<<end1;}

以下程序的输出结果是 main( ) { int i=0,a=0: while(i<20) { for{::) { if((i%10)==0)break; else i--; } i+=11;a+=i; } cout<<a<<end1; }A.21B.32C.33D.11

设有下面的循环。 i=0 While i<=1 i=i + 3 Print i Wend 则运行后的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.4

当Form1_Click事件发生时,窗体上显示的第三行是( )。 Dim i As Integer,j As Integer,a(5,5) As Integer For i=1 To 5 For j=1 To 5 If(i<=j)Then a(i,j)=1 Else a(i,j)=0 End If Next j Next i For i=1 To 5 For j=1 To 5 Print a(i,j), Next j Print Next i End SubA.0 0 0 1 1B.0 0 1 1 1C.0 1 1 1 1D.1 1 1 1 1

设有下面的循环: i=0 While i 设有下面的循环: i=0 While i<=1 i=i + 3 Print i Wend则运行后的输出结果是A.1B.2C.3D.4

运行下面的程序 I=0 DO WHILE I<10 IF INT (1/2)=I/2 ?"偶数" ELSE ? "奇数" ENDIF I=I+1 ENDDO 问语句?"奇数"被执行的次数是A.5B.6C.10D.11

以下代码的运行结果为:public class Calc {public static void main (String args []) {int total = 0;for (int i = 0, j = 10; total >30; ++i, --j) {System.out.println(" i = " + i + " : j = " + j);total += (i + j);}System.out.println("Total " + total);}}A. 产生运行错误B. 产生编译错误C. 输出 "Total 0"D. 产生如下输出:i = 0 : j = 10i = 1 : j = 9i = 2 : j = 8Total 30


有如下程序段: int total = 0; for ( int i = 0; i  4; i++ ){ if ( i == 1) continue; if ( i == 2) break;total += i;} 则执行完该程序段后total的值为()A、0B、1C、3D、6


单选题若要实现total=1+2+3+4+5求和,以下程序段错误的是(  )。Aint i=1,total=1; while(i5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }Bint i=1,total=0; while(i =5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }Cint i=0,total=0; while(i 5){  i+=1;  total+=i; }Dint i=0,total=0; while(i =5){  total+=i;  i+=1; }

单选题以下程序段中,循环次数不超过10的是(  )。Aint i=10;do{i=i+1;}while(i0);Bint i=int i=5;do{i+=1;}while(i0);Cint i=1;do{i+=2;}while(i!=10);Dint i=6;do{i-=2;}while(i!=1);

单选题有如下程序段: int total = 0; for ( int i = 0; i  4; i++ ){ if ( i == 1) continue; if ( i == 2) break;total += i;} 则执行完该程序段后total的值为()A0B1C3D6