(b) Write a letter to Joanne setting out the value added tax (VAT) registration requirements and advising onwhether or not she should or could register for VAT and if registered if she could recover the VAT suffered onthe consultancy fees and computer purchased in October 2005. (7 marks)
Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with theunderpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevantcalculations. (10 marks)
(d) Advise Trent Limited of the consequences arising from the submission of the incorrect value added tax (VAT)return, assuming that the company has previously had a good compliance record with regard to accountingfor VAT. (6 marks)
(ii) The UK value added tax (VAT) implications for Razor Ltd of selling tools to and purchasing tools fromCutlass Inc; (2 marks)
以下声明语句中错误的是______。A.Constvar1=123B.Dimvar2='ABC'C.Dim intSum As IntegerD.Static vat3 As Integer