The word “ uncertained ” means _________ .A. 相同的 B. 犹豫的 C. 令人满意的

The word “ uncertained ” means _________ .

A. 相同的 B. 犹豫的 C. 令人满意的


The underlined word "incredible" most probably means in Chinese.A.难以置信的B.令人兴奋的C.感到绝望的D.荒谬可笑的

word中,利用( )可以建立具有相同结构的文件A.模板B.样式C.格式D.视图

The underlined word "deter" in Paragraph 3 most probably means .A. discourage B. remove C. benefit D. free

Word中,()视图方式使得显示效果与打印结果相同。 A.普通B.大纲C.页面D.主控文档

The underlined word “deny” in the passage means “__________”.A. 误解 B. 否认 C. 疏远 D. 减轻

In this passage, the word attain means ______.A. seeB. pushC. buryD. reach

28. The underlined word "shortage" in the second paragraph means "_____ in Chinese.A.问题B.短处C.缺乏D.资源

The word "immersed" in the second paragraph means“______”.A. liftedB. raisedC. roseD. under water

The word "drowsy" in the last paragraph means ______.A. sickB. stand upC. asleepD. a little sleepy

28. The word "instruments" in the passage means _______in Chinese.A.运动项目B.钢和小琴C.乐器D.工具

Word 2010 处理的文档内容输出时与页面显示模式显示的( )。 A. 大部分相同B. 完全相同C. 完全不同D. 一部分相同

word2010处理的文档内容输出时与页面显示模式显示的()。 A.一部分相同B.大部分相同C.完全不同D.完全相同

对于(),解雇是最好的选择。 A.绩效令人满意且可晋升者B.绩效令人满意但不可晋升者C.绩效不令人满意但可改善者D.绩效不令人满意且无法改善者


Word 2010处理的文档内容输出时与页面视图显示的______。A.完全不同B.完全相同C.一部分相同D.大部分相同

The word \infiltrated\ (Line 5, Para. 5) probably means ______.A. actedB. mixedC. taughtD. filtrated

28. The underlined word "relatives" means "_______ " in Chinese.A . 律师B.亲属C.裁判D.经理

The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means 。A. mind B. admitC. believe D. expect

The word “ pouch ” means ________ .A. 育儿袋 B. 肌肉 C. 尾巴

The word “bummer” (Line 5. paragraph 5) most probably means somethingA. religious B. unpleasant C. entertaining D. commercial

The word "sponsor" in paragraph two means ______.A. guaranteeB. guardC. guestD. guardian

The last word of the passage "counts" most probably means ______.A. is most importantB. is includedC. is consideredD. is numbered

在Word的页面视图方式下,在屏幕上看到的与打印出来的文稿(文字、图片、页眉、页脚等)布局格式( )。A.不相同B.完全相同C.文字格式相同D.图形位置相同

When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back. “trigger word” here means a word that initiates a process or course of action.A对B错

When it hears the trigger word, it plays it back. “trigger word” here means a word that initiates a process or course of action.

单选题The word “proper” in the second paragraph means _____.AsmallBbigCrightDwrong

单选题The underlined word “delighted” means _____.AsureBsorryCsurprisedDpleased