28. The word "instruments" in the passage means _______in Chinese.A.运动项目B.钢和小琴C.乐器D.工具

28. The word "instruments" in the passage means _______in Chinese.






钢中碳的含量对钢的性质有决定性影响,含碳量高,钢的性能为( )。A.塑性小,硬度大,性脆和不易加工B.塑性大,硬度小,性脆和不易加工C.塑性小,硬度大,性脆和易加工D.塑性小,硬度大,性柔和易加工

请阅读Passage 1。完成第小题。Passage 1African elephants have been slaughtered at alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world's ivory. Their population has been dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older, bigger tusked animals have already been destroyed. "The poachers now must kill times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory," explained Curtis Bohlen,Senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund.Though its record on the environment has been spotty so far, the government last week took the lead in a major conservation issue by imposing a ban on ivory imports into the US. The move came just four days after a consortium of conservation groups, including the World Wildlife Fund and Wildlife Conservation International, called for that kind of action, and it made the US the first nation to forbid imports of both raw and finished ivory. The ban, says Bohlen, sends a very clear message to the ivory poachers that the game is over.In the past African nations have resisted an ivory ban, but increasingly they realized that the decimation of the elephant herds poses a serious threat to their tourist business. Last month Tanzania and several other African countries called for an amendment to the 102 nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that would make the ivory trade illegal worldwide.The amendment is expected to be approved at an October meeting in Geneva and to go into effect next January. But between now and then, conservationists contend, poachers may go on a rampage,killing elephants wholesale, so nations should unilaterally forbid imports right away. The US government brought that argument, and by week's end the twelve nations European Community had followed with its own ban.According to the passage, "dwindle" (Para.1) means__________.查看材料A.decreaseB.enlargeC.weakenD.eliminate


小琴婚后放弃了自己的事业在家做了一名全职太太,最近小琴的丈夫有了外遇,要求同小琴离婚。小琴感觉自己要崩溃了,不知道自己以后该怎么生活。社会工作者鼓励小琴重新鼓起勇气去学习一些谋生的技能。这个过程中社会工作者扮演了( )角色。A.倡导者B.联系人C.使能者D.教育者

以下和“小米和丽丽是舍友”判断不同的是(  )。 A.阿兰和阿华是同乡B.小陈和老陈是客家人C.大琴和小琴是双胞胎D.小聪和小明是姐妹



小琴因被歹人强暴而萎靡不振,她的家人帮她找到了社会工作者小李。小李在认真倾听小琴的心声后,决定帮小琴增能。他从各个方面肯定了小琴的能力与想法,使得小琴终于有了信心与勇气面对这一切。小李肯定小琴的做法,属于增能中的(  )。A.权力分析B.透明化C.意识醒觉D.鼓励和肯定
