Brief particulars of voyage should be declared in ______.A.CREW LISTB.PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC.PASSENGER LISTD.GENERAL DECLARATION

Brief particulars of voyage should be declared in ______.






Upon the formulation of policies, the government should make sure their () so as to make effects.A、passingB、enforcementC、publicationD、progress

If the officer of the watch must leave the voyage plan, he should _____?A.Make a note in the logbookB.Inform the materC.No special action necessaryD.Check the new plan

When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook


Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ______.A.CREW LISTB.PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC.PASSENGER LISTD.GENERAL DECLARATION

On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a ______.A.Notice of ReadinessB.Master Certificate of ServiceC.Shipmasters DeclarationD.Vessel Utilization and Performance Report

Marks and Nos.,Number and kind of packages,description of goods should be declared in ______.A.SHIP'S STORE LISTB.PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC.CARGO DECLARATIOND.GENERAL DECLARATION

Of the following items,______ is not to be provided in the General Declaration.A.position of the ship in the portB.brief particulars of the voyageC.brief description of the cargoD.number and kind of packages of the goods carried

Should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient temperature is lower than might be encountered later on in the voyage,______.A.the hold should be ventilatedB.the hold should not be ventilatedC.the hold should be air should be introduced into the hold

A vessel brought alongside should be fended off the towing vessel by ______.A.crew members using their armsB.crew members using the strong muscles of their legsC.fendersD.No fending is necessary due to the rugged construction of most towing vessels

Research recently conducted on the side effects of the medication __________ that it should not be prescribed to diabetic patients.A.has foundB.has been foundC.findsD.was finding

As a policeman,you should not ignore any particulars in an accident.A:secrets B:detailsC:benefits D:words

单选题In the voyage, when carrying out abandon ship drill, should be test every time().Athe emergency lighting system for muster and abandon shipBair/oil emergency shut-downCM-Eemergency operationDmain/auxiliary steering gear changing

单选题In the voyage, duty officer should inform () situation to the duty engineer immediately.Ain/ut portBpassing through big bridgeCbig steering angle for direction changingDin/out port and passing through big bridge

单选题After repair, the voyage trial of the M-E should be done ()Aafter the mooring trial has passedBbefore the mooring trialCunder the surveyors supervisionDafter repair


单选题During the voyage, the derrick should be stowed ().AforeBaftCfore and aftDlowered

单选题On an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban,South Africa,you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong().Aoffshore setBonshore setChead currentDfair or following current

单选题Which material should NOT be used to secure cargo on deck for a voyage().ASteel chainBWire ropeCSteel strappingDFiber rope

单选题Marks and Nos.,Number and kind of packages,description of goods should be declared in ().ASHIP'S STORE LISTBPERSONAL EFFECTS LISTCCARGO DECLARATIONDGENERAL DECLARATION

单选题Uncleared crew curios remaining on board during a domestic coastwise voyage after returning from foreign should be().Alisted in the Official LogbookBcleared prior to the next foreign voyageCnoted in the Traveling Curio ManifestDretained under locked security by the owner

单选题The()should ensure that the holds in which chemical packages are stowed are properly supervised during the loading operations and these packages are regularly inspected for leakage or damage on the voyage.Aberth operatorBharbour supervisorCmaster of a shipDport authority

单选题When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the ()Aengine room logbookBvoyage logbookCengine room logbook or voyage logbookDengine room logbook and voyage logbook

单选题When replacing a part with a spare one, we should fill in tile spare parts consume table in time and make a mark in brief for ()Athe reason of replacingBthe course of replacingCcrews who do this workDwhere and when the replacing being done

问答题Directions: You should write a composition on the topic Positive and Negative Effects of Computer. You should write about 160 words. Now write the composition on the Answer Sheet.

单选题Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ().ACREW LISTBPERSONAL EFFECTS LISTCPASSENGER LISTDGENERAL DECLARATION

单选题A seaman lost his continuous discharge book during the voyage. Upon discharge from Articles,he should be issued a().Aletter of service on company letterhead signed and sealed by the masterBRecord of Entry in a Continuous Discharge Book for use in applying for a duplicate bookCCertificate of Discharge with the white copy forwarded to the CommandantDMutual Release (CG-2119),and the articles should be annotated as to the loss