What information is NOT found in the chart title?A.Survey informationB.ScaleC.Date of first editionD.Projection
What information is NOT found in the chart title?
A.Survey information
C.Date of first edition
To determine what causes the majority of quality problems in a process, a very useful tool is the:A . cause and effect diagrams.B . flow chart.C . control chart.D . pareto chart.E . trend chart.
153 To determine what causes the majority of quality problems in a process, a very useful tool is the: A. cause and effect diagrams.B. flow chart.C. control chart.D. pareto chart.E. trend chart
● To determine what causes the majority of quality problems in a process, a very useful tool is the ().()A. cause and effect diagrams B. flow chartC. control chart D. pareto chart
line chart窗口3的信息来自于哪个地方() A.chart 1的 additional infoB.chart 1的 eventC.chart 1的 change msD.chart 1的Information Elements
A pilot chart does NOT contain information about ______.A.average wind conditionsB.tidal currentsC.magnetic variationD.average limits of field ice
Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______.A.Summary of CorrectionsB.Local Notice to MarinersC.Daily MemorandumD.Chart Correction Card
Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic linesC.found in a note on the chartD.All of the above
The survey information upon which a chart is based is found ______.A.at the top center of the next lineB.near the chart titleC.at the lower left cornerD.at any convenient location
What information is found in the chart title?A.Date of the first editionB.Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revisionC.Information on the sounding datumD.Information on which IALA buoyage system applies
Information for updating nautical charts is primarily found in the ______.A.Notice to MarinersB.Coast PilotsC.nautical chart catalogsD.Sailing Directions
All of the following can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the ______.A.percentage of frequency of wave heightsB.percentage of poor visibility conditionsC.sea surface temperaturesD.amounts of precipitation
According to the press release,what can be found on the company’s web site?A. News of future company projectB. Details of the latest advertising campaignC. A statement about Mr. Charlie McGregerD. Information about Ms. Jackie Johnson
line chart窗口3的信息来自于哪个地方() A、chart 1的 additional infoB、chart 1的 eventC、chart 1的 change msD、chart 1的Information Elements
单选题An electronic chart system meeting IMO specifications for complying with chart carrying requirements is an().AE-NavigationBIntegrated Bridge systemCElectronic Chart SystemDElectronic Chart Display and Information System
单选题ECDIS should be capable of()all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated.AExhibitingBExistingCDemonstratingDDisplaying
单选题The survey information upon which a chart is based is found ().Aat the top center of the next lineBnear the chart titleCat the lower left cornerDat any convenient location
单选题The information on ocean voyage planning with routeing details for powered and sailing vessels is likely found in().AOcean Passages for the WorldBSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011CWeekly Admiralty Notices to MarinersDThe Mariners Handbook
单选题You want to create a pie-style chart using the Chart Wizard. What must be you do to determine the fields available for use in this chart? ()ASelect the block that contains the data to appear in the pie chart. BSelect the table that contains the data to appear in the pie chart. CSelect the view that contains the data to appear in the pie chart. DNothing. The wizard will automatically create the pie chart based on the highlighted data.
单选题Which information is found in the chart title().AA rhumb line appears as a straight lineBDistance is measured at the midlatitude of the track lineCMeridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer poleDParallels,except the equator,appear as curved lines
单选题All of the following can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the().Apercentage of frequency of wave heightsBpercentage of poor visibility conditionsCsea surface temperaturesDamounts of precipitation
单选题What information is NOT found in the chart title? ()ASurvey informationBScaleCDate of first editionDProjection
单选题What information is found in the chart title? ()ADate of the first editionBDate of the edition and,if applicable,the revisionCInformation on the sounding datumDInformation on which IALA buoyage system applies
单选题Which information does the outer ring of a compass rose on a nautical chart provide().AvariationBtrue directionsCmagnetic directionsDannual rate of variation change
单选题What does ECDIS stand for?()AElectrical Chart Display and Indication SystemBElectronic Chart Display and Information systemCElectric Chart Display and Information SystemDElectronic Chart Display and Indicating system
单选题Information for updating nautical charts is primarily found in the().ANotice to MarinersBCoast PilotsCnautical chart catalogsDSailing Directions
单选题Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ().ASummary of CorrectionsBLocal Notice to MarinersCDaily MemorandumDChart Correction Card
单选题A pilot chart does NOT contain information about ().Aaverage wind conditionsBtidal currentsCmagnetic variationDaverage limits of field ice