She only needs a minute amount of money.A:.certainB: fairC: fullD: small

She only needs a minute amount of money.

B: fair
C: full
D: small


解析:题干意为“她只需要很少的钱。” 句中划线词是形容词,意为“微小的”,与tiny, ultra-telescopic是同义词。D项small意为 “小的,细微的”;例句:This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。A项意为“必然的,已确定的”;B项意为“公平的,合理的”;C项意为“满的,完全的”;故选D。


Why does the woman invite the man to tea?A.She needs some friends to talk with.B.She will give the man some useful information.C.She needs some help from the man.

As I am sure Jenny is very honest, I ______ she stole the money. A.guessB.believeC.suspectD.doubt

I was paid last week, but I can’t remember the exact_____of money. A、number.B、quality.C、amount.D、altitude.

听力原文:M: All you need to open a savings account is $20. But in order to earn reasonable interest you should maintain a balance of at least $ 2,000.W: I only have $ 200 but I'll open an account anyway.Q: What information does the man give the woman?(12)A.That she needs $200 to open an account.B.That savings accounts earn low interest.C.That she should not open an account.D.That $ 2,000 will earn reasonable interest.

to cope withto stand atto lead toto meet upto amount to1.Consumer spending on sports-related items ________ £9.75 billion last year. 2.He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would ________ job cuts. 3.She has had to ________ losing all her previous status and money. 4.Support for the two sides is ________ between 42 and 44 per cent. 5.They _______ in 1956, when they were both young schoolboys.

____ about the food in the restaurant ,but she also refused to pay for her meal . A.She did not only complainB.Not only she did complainC.Not only did she complainD.She not only did complain

She’d like to offer money to ________ needs it to continue his or her study.A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.whomever

She ___here a minute ago. A.isB. wasC.beD. been

We seldom see you, but you are off the next minute.() A.see you only once in a green moonB.see you only once in a blue moonC.see you only once in a silver moonD.see you only once in a brown moon

Why was the young woman who had lost her wallet invited to dinner?A.She was familiar with the writer"s aunt.B.She was familiar with the writer"s uncle.C.She happened to be invited so as to amount to 4 persons for dinner.D.She was friend of writer"s uncle and aunt.

An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.A.she is not within a special areaB.she is within a special areaC.she has just departured from a special areaD.she is about to enter a special area

Not only__________very well,but also__________well.A.she cooks;does she danceB.she cooks;she dancesC.does she cook;she dancesD.does she cook;does she dance

She often has difficulty expressing her needs, desires and______.A.preparationsB.presencesC.presentationsD.preferences

Only then__________that she had made a mistake.A.she realizedB.did she realizeC.had she realizedD.she had realized

During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of()AhealthBpovertyCwealthDprosperity

A customer needs the ability to recover their data if a total system failure occurs.  Which two of the following are the most important considerations in determining the solution?()A、Network utilizationB、Total amount of storage installedC、Amount of open files in the backupD、Amount of critical data in the backup or restore

The international trade needs the () to fulfill its transaction.A、Great amount of shippedB、TracksC、LogisticsD、Ships

单选题The wind is ESE,and a sailing vessel is steering NW. Which fog signal should she sound?()AOne blast at one-minute intervalsBOne blast at two-minute intervalsCTwo blasts at one-minute intervalsDOne prolonged and two short blasts at two-minute intervals

单选题_____ABecause she likes to live near a playground.BBecause the new apartment is cheaper.CBecause she needs a quieter place.DBecause the present apartment is too small.

单选题The vessel has stayed in port for seven days because she needs().ArepairsBrepairingCrepairedDbeing repaired

单选题Mrs. Beverley Lancaster was awarded £67,000 for ______.Aillness caused by her jobBher successful and good workCthe courage she showed in courtDthe amount of work she did

单选题The term SEAWORTHY TRIM means()the ship must be in trim to meet the perils of the passage by sea to the next port not only in the sense that she should be left with an adequate amount of cargo to keep her on an even keel,but also that where necessary part of her cargo should be bagged to stop it shifting while out at sea.AitBthatCwhereDwhile

单选题AShe thinks she needs more acting experience.BShe is excited about learning new acting skills.CShe thinks she is not very skilled at acting.DShe thinks she is better at acting than directing.

填空题If only she (know) ____ that her behavior was not welcome, she would have been more careful with it.

单选题During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of()AhealthBpovertyCwealthDprosperity

单选题Lisa’s parents died when she was only a small child, so she was ______ up by her grandparents.ApickedBtakenCbroughtDgrown

填空题____ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG(味精).