The wind flow from the horse latitudes to the doldrums is deflected due to ______.A.Coriolis forceB.The mid-latitude,semi-permanent highC.Differing atmospheric pressuresD.The prevailing westerlies

The wind flow from the horse latitudes to the doldrums is deflected due to ______.

A.Coriolis force

B.The mid-latitude,semi-permanent high

C.Differing atmospheric pressures

D.The prevailing westerlies


In “The Rocking-Horse Winner” the boy Paul died immediately after he fell off from the rocking-horse.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

On a weather map, a large letter “H” means ______.A.a high pressure area with cool, dry air, and fair weatherB.a high pressure area with warm, moist air, and inclement latitudes, with rough seas and strong windsD.a heavy squall line near the “H”

SHIFT OF WIND DIRECTION IN AN ANTICLOCKWISE MANNER, FOR EXAMPLE FROM NORTH TO WEST ( OPPOSITE OF VEERING ) defines ______.A.Backing (of wind)B.Veering (of wind)C.Shifting of windD.altering of wind

The region of high pressure extending around the Earth at about 35°N latitude is called the_____A.prevailing latitudesC.troposphereD.doldrums

To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8

The diurnal pressure variation is most noticeable in the ______.A.polar latitudesC.roaring fortiesD.doldrums

The consistent winds blowing from the horse latitudes to the doldrums are called the ______.A.prevailing westerliesB.polar windsD.roaring forties

The "horse latitudes" are regions of ______.A.brisk prevailing windsB.light airs and calmsC.abundant blue sea grass vegetationD.None of the above

A vessel is "listed" when it is ______.A.down by the headB.down by the sternC.inclined due to off-center weightD.inclined due to wind

On the pole side of the trade wind belt,there is an area of high pressure with weak pressure gradients and light,variable winds.This area is called the ______.A.Prevailing westerliesB.Geostrophic windsC.DoldrumsD.Horse latitudes

The horse latitudes are characterized by ______.A.weak pressure gradients and light,variable windsB.the formation of typhoons or hurricanes in certain seasonsC.steady winds in one direction for six months followed by wind reversal for the next six monthsD.steady winds generally from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere

The velocity of the apparent wind can be more than the true wind,and come from the same direction,if certain conditions are present.One condition is that the ______.A.Ship's speed must be less than the true wind velocityB.True wind must be from dead asternC.True wind velocity must be faster than the ship's speedD.True wind must be from dead ahead

You are at sea in an inflatable liferaft.In high latitudes,the greatest danger is ______.A.asphyxiation due to keeping the canopy closedB.hypothermia caused by cold temperatureC.collapse of the raft due to cold temperaturesD.starvation

In the southern hemisphere the wind flow associated with a low pressure system will have which of the following characteristic?________.A.the wind velocity is least near the center of the e direction of the flow is counterclockwiseC.both A and BD.neither A nor B

简述货车溜放风阻力 car rolling resistance due to wind effect。

单选题The horse latitudes are characterized by().Aweak pressure gradients and light,variable windsBthe formation of typhoons or hurricanes in certain seasonsCsteady winds in one direction for six months followed by wind reversal for the next six monthsDsteady winds generally from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题The “horse latitudes” are regions of().Abrisk prevailing windsBlight airs and calmsCabundant blue sea grass vegetationDNone of the above

单选题The consistent winds blowing from the horse latitudes to the doldrums are called the().Aprevailing westerliesBpolar easterliesCtrade windsDroaring forties

单选题A vessel is listed when it is().Adown by the headBdown by the sternCinclined due to off-center weightDinclined due to wind

单选题The vessel was drifted off from her()due to strong wind.AcourseBtrackCdirectionDtrend

单选题The largest waves (heaviest chop) will usually develop where the wind blows().Aat right angles to the flow of the currentBagainst the flow of the currentCin the same direction as the flow of the currentDover slack water

单选题The direction of the surface wind is().Adirectly from high pressure toward low pressureBdirectly from low pressure toward high pressureCfrom high pressure toward low pressure deflected by the earth's rotationDfrom low pressure toward high pressure deflected by the earth's rotation

单选题Most of your vessel’s superstructure is forward. How will the vessel lie when drifting with no way on?().AWith the wind from aheadBWith the wind off the port beamCWith the wind off the starboard beamDWith the wind from abaft the beam

单选题The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas is called().AlistBheelCtrimDflotation

问答题简述货车溜放风阻力 car rolling resistance due to wind effect。

单选题A katabatic wind blows().Aup an incline due to surface heatingBin a circular patternCdown an incline due to cooling of the airDhorizontally between a high and a low pressure area

单选题On the pole side of the trade wind belt,there is an area of high pressure with weak pressure gradients and light,variable winds. This area is called the().Aprevailing westerliesBgeostrophic windsCdoldrumsDhorse latitudes