Passage FourMost people do not think of fishes and other sea animals as having voices, and of those who are aware of the fact that many of them can "speak", few understand that these "conversations" have significance. Actually, their talk may be as meaningful as much of our own. For example, some sea animals use their "voices" to locate their food in the ocean expanses (广阔的区域); others use their "voices" to let their fellows know of their locations; and still others, as a means of obtaining mates. Sometimes, "speaking" may even mean the difference between life and death to a sea animal. It appears in some cases that when a predator (食肉动物) approaches, the prey (被捕的动物) depends on no more than the sounds it makes to escape.Fish sounds are important to man, also. By listening to them, he can learn a great deal about he habits of creatures that make them, the size of the School they form, the patterns of their migrations, and the nature of the environments in which they live. He can also apply this nformation to the more effective utilization of the listening spots he has set up to detect enemy submarines (潜水艇). A knowledge of fish sounds can avoid confusion and unneeded effort when a "new" sound is picked up and the sound sentry (哨兵) must decide whether or not to call an alarm.46. Among the people who know that many sea animals have voices, few ______.A. know the meaning of their conversationsB. realize that they can communicate with each otherC. realize that they can make speechesD. could understand their conversations

Passage Four

Most people do not think of fishes and other sea animals as having voices, and of those who are aware of the fact that many of them can "speak", few understand that these "conversations" have significance. Actually, their talk may be as meaningful as much of our own. For example, some sea animals use their "voices" to locate their food in the ocean expanses (广阔的区域); others use their "voices" to let their fellows know of their locations; and still others, as a means of obtaining mates. Sometimes, "speaking" may even mean the difference between life and death to a sea animal. It appears in some cases that when a predator (食肉动物) approaches, the prey (被捕的动物) depends on no more than the sounds it makes to escape.

Fish sounds are important to man, also. By listening to them, he can learn a great deal about he habits of creatures that make them, the size of the School they form, the patterns of their migrations, and the nature of the environments in which they live. He can also apply this nformation to the more effective utilization of the listening spots he has set up to detect enemy submarines (潜水艇). A knowledge of fish sounds can avoid confusion and unneeded effort when a "new" sound is picked up and the sound sentry (哨兵) must decide whether or not to call an alarm.

46. Among the people who know that many sea animals have voices, few ______.

A. know the meaning of their conversations

B. realize that they can communicate with each other

C. realize that they can make speeches

D. could understand their conversations


AThe undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secrets there. Scuba diving is a new sport today. It can take you into a wonder-ful undersea world.You will find many strange animals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus. Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green.When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, you can-t dive too deep. And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. It-s cold, and it,s dark, too. The deeper it is, the less sunlight there is. At about 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is very dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side. Besides the cold and the darkness, deep-sea animals face a third danger-other animals.Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some am-mals eat meat. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. They need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other animals' meal.( )21. Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because ________ .A.they want to catch fishB. they want to find the secrets of the undersea worldC. the sea is deepD, there are all kinds of plants in the sea

23. How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea?A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four

Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the【31】of the year, or manured a field; but we know【32】about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so【33】so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are【34】that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are,【35】they are not the most civilized. Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in【36】an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and【37】them how to do it most efficiently — this, after all, is【38】conquerors and generals have done -- is not being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other【39】by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of other side, and then【40】that that side which has killed most has won.(31)A.numberB.lengthC.depthD.width

Passage ThreeMany visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a short moment.At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. People will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.Americans who live in cities often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example. But When they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. If you need help and say, "I am a stranger here. Can you help me?' Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you help. If this happens, do not be discouraged (气馁); just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.41. Many people who first visit the United States will find that______.A. America is a highly developed countryB. Americans are impatient and unfriendly peopleC. the fast pace in American life often causes much troubleD. American city people seem to be always in a rush

Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership ( 伙伴关系 ) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫 ) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals ( 珊瑚 ) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants act as "dustman", taking some of the waste products form. the corals and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are ever prevented from lighting so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.1、Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ( ).A、they can eat its parasitesB、 they depend on the sheep for existenceC、 they enjoy traveling with the sheepD、 they find the position most comfortable2、The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ( ).A、birds and parasitesB、birds and sheepC、parasites and sheepD、sheep, birds and parasites3、What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? ( )A、Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.B、 Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.C、 Some plants depend on each other for fooD、 Some animals live better together.4、What does this article talk about? ( )A、Two kinds of animals for a partnership.B、Most animals only have connection with animals.C、The connection between the living things.D、Corals have some connection with plants.

most of australia’s unique plants and animals are imported from other continents. ()

Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II. ( 10 points)Do animals have rights.'? This is how the question is usually put. It sounds like a useful, ground clearing way to start. 46) Actually, it isn't, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.On one view of rights, to be sure, it necessarily follows that animals have none. 47) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. Therefore, animals cannot have rights. The idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd, for exactly the same reason, so is the idea that tigers have rights. However, this is only one account, and by no means an uncontested one. It denies rights not only to animals but also to some people—4or instance to infants, the mentally incapable and future generations.In addition, it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it, how do you reply to somebody who says "I don' t like this contract" ?The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. 48 ) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consider- ation humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. This is a false choice. Better to start with another, more fundamental, question: is the way we treat animals a moral issue at all?Many deny it. 49) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans.This view which holds that torturing a monkey is morally equivalent to chopping wood, may seem bravely "logical". In fact it is simply shallow: the confused center is right to reject it. The most elementary form. of moral reasoning—the ethical equivalent of learning to crawl—is to weigh others' interests against one's own. This in turn requires sympathy and imagination: without there is no capacity for moral thought. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. 50)When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind' s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.46.____________________

Questions 61-65 are based on Passage Two:Passage TwoNew rules and behavior. standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out inMarch. The Middle School is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have high marks. They should not dye(染) their hair,smoke ordrink because they are students. The following are some of the new rules.Have you ever copied someone else's work in an exam? Don't do that again! That's not something an honest student should do.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Birdloving Month in China. Is your school cloing anything to celebrate it? You should join!And you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. Be friendly to the people around you. Try to think of others,not only yourself.Be open to new ideas. Do you think people can live on the moon? Maybe you'll find another earth someday. Don't look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them,because new ideas make life better for everyone.Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you.lf you have to go home late,you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for students. But some things on the Internet aren't good for children,so try to look at web pages (网页) that are good foryou.What's the meaning of "look down on" in the passage? ( )A. 向下看B.轻视C.在……上面看D.上下打量

Communication is important because it can help people to ______.A.understand the world and other people better around us.B.teach each other to speak, write, read and draw.C.know what other people are thinking aboutD.learn about mountains,blue sea and other things.

Which of the following statements can best be inferred from the passage?A. Fishes only "speak" to communicate with each other.B. Researches are now being made to study the significance of fish sounds.C. Sea animals have a sharper hearing ability than men.D. Sounds made by fish cannot be transmitted through the air.

The coastal State may,where necessary having regard to the safety of navigation,require foreign ships exercising the right of innocent passage through its territorial sea to use such ______ as it may designate or prescribe for the regulation of the passage of ships.A.contiguous zonesB.the territorial seaC.coastal seaD.sea lanes and traffic separation schemes

The state of Maine generally has cooler temperatures than( ).A.there are most other statesB.most other states which haveC.most other states haveD.having most other states

--____________work in future? --I have no idea.A.Where do you think will peopleB.Where do you think people willC.Do you think where will peopleD.Do you think where do people

Most of us entirely value human life,____________ some people think of animals as being equally important.A.andB.orC.butD.unless

共用题干The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!The deeper one goes down in the sea,the fewer fishes and plants he can find.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

问答题Practice 8  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Some people think people have benefited from modern communications technology, but other people think some people have not benefited at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

问答题◆Topic 9: Primary Functions of University Education  Questions for Reference:  1. Most people think that teachers should teach students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Please discuss this view.  2. Why do you think lots of teachers pay much more attention to teaching students academic subjects than other aspects?  3. What’s your opinion of the primary functions of university education? Why do you think so?

问答题The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. This is a false choice. Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice. Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other her humans. But the most elementary form of moral reasoning is to weigh others’ interests against one’s own. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. When that happens, it is not a mistake, it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.

单选题Does Mr. Bacon think the British spend more money on their animals than their children?AYes, the British people are very animal-minded.BNo, a group of people are cruel to their animals.CIt depends on the people.

问答题Topic 4:Talk about Virtue  Questions for reference:  1) What virtues can you name?  2) Which one do you think it the most important one?  3) What should we do in order to establish concept of honor and disgrace among people?

问答题How do older people think of younger people’s habits?

单选题The paragraph before this passage most probably deals with ______.Aminor diseases other than coldsBthe recommended treatment of coldsCa factor that affects susceptibility to coldsDmethods of preventing colds among elderly people

单选题The passage is primarily concerned with ______.Ainforming readers of different sea creaturesBdescribing predatory microscopic organismsCsolving some long-lasting mysteries about the seaDdiscussing the environment for various fishes

单选题How should we understand the richness of these three civilizations according to the passage?AIt meant people’s ability to produce commodities.BIt meant people’s ability to domesticate plants and animals.CIn population it meant the ability to raise a ruling class.DIn population it meant the ability to draw other peoples to the area.

单选题Does Mr. Bacon think animals are good for people’s health?AYes, they are companion to old people.BNo.CNot mentioned.

问答题Follow-up questions:  (1)Are you ready to achieve the instructed sales promotion target?  (2) Which feature do you think is the most important for sales promotion?  (3)As a young lady/guy, what kind of products attract you the most?  (4) Compared with other products, which aspect of your product do you think is better?  (5)Do you think it is wise for a company to set a low price to attract customers? Why or why not?

单选题According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _____.Aasking older people many questionsBlistening to skilled people's adviceCmaking mistakes and correcting themDdoing what other people do