We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite.A.startingB.1aunchingC.fightingD.shouting

We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite.






You'd better stop(). We're listening to the news. A、to talkB、talkingC、talk

The news _____ very interesting! Tell me more!A. is B. are C. were D. was

_____that caused him to serve dinner two hours later than usual. A、It was we being late.B、It was our being late.C、It was we were too late.D、It was because we were late.

_____ tomorrow, we should be glad.A、Were they to arriveB、They were to arriveC、They would arriveD、They arrive

All of them ____ at the bad news.A、surprisedB、was surprisedC、were surprisingD、were surprised

The news came()we won the first prize in the competition.A. thatB. whichC. whether

The news today () pretty good. A、isB、areC、wasD、were

Rarely ()the opportunity to inform. our customers of such good news.A、had we haveB、do we haveC、we will haveD、did we had

We () in the river near our village when we were little girls. A、used to swimB、used to swimmingC、are used to swimmingD、were used to swim

____ were all very tired, but none of ____ would stop to take a rest. A、We ; usB、Us ; weC、We ; ourD、We ; we

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.30.The best title for this text could be.A.Facebook-a News Giant That Would Rather Show Us Baby PicturesB.Facebook Is Reluctant to Be a News WebsiteC.Facebook,a New Bom Baby in the Age oflntemetD.Facebook's Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.29.Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox believe that.A.serious news is the most valuable to be posted to their users.B.the standards ofnews they post are accurate and objective.C.they have the conventional governing policy ofits news.D.the intefaction with friends is the most important news.

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.28."Take a back seat to cute pictures of babies"probably means that.A.babies are more important for the specific users.B.babies are the whole world for some users.C.we should support and care about our babies.D.most people prefer pictures of adorable babies.

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.26.According to the first paragraph,we can infer that Facebook.A.was originally designed to be a news website.B.presents important news to its l.65 billion users.C.values the relationship with your family and friends most.D.doesn't want to work with media business.

( )When we saw his face,we knew_______was bad.A.the newsB.some newsC.a newsD.news

When we were having a meeting, the director()the bad news by telephone.Awas tellingBwas toldCcould tellDwould tell

We can()wait to hear the news.ArarelyBhardlyCnearlyDseldom

When we were having a meeting, the director()the bad news by telephone.A、was tellingB、was toldC、could tellD、would tell

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as a complement(补语)?AWe were greatly encouraged by the news of China’s having launched another man-made satellite.BHis wish is everyone’s having a good time.CI saw an old man getting on the bus.DThe smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother

单选题I opened the letter and it contained an important information that told us to stay where we were.AitBan important informationCthatDwhere we were

单选题From the passage, we can conclude that owners of home computers ______.Acan order news through wire services instead of subscribing to news in print formBshould be happy because they get news quickly than other peopleClive an easier life because they get news convenientlyDshould be happy the computers will replace other print forms of news

问答题练习17  Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings—battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed—took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.

单选题When we were having a meeting, the director()the bad news by telephone.Awas tellingBwas toldCcould tellDwould tell

单选题What do we learn from the last paragraph?AIf we focus our attention on the thing, we might forget another.BMemory depends to a certain extent on the environment.CRepetition helps improve our memory.DIt we keep forgetting things, we’d better return to where we were.

单选题Three days later, word came _____ our country had sent up another man-made satellite.AwhenBwhichCthatDwhere

单选题We can()wait to hear the news.ArarelyBhardlyCnearlyDseldom

问答题Practice 14  Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings—battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed—took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. (1) Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.