Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online etailing giant,according to a media report The company will 1 cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon's operations,The Seattle Times reported on Monday,2 a person familiar with the eliminations An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that as part of our annual planning process,we are 3 head count adjustments across the company-4 reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others 5 the Times,the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick 6 of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units.The paper also said managers are under pressure to 7 lower caliber employees and show more spending discipline.Amazon has a problem right now with 8 one un named engineer told the Times The layoffs are mostly 9 in Amazons consumer retail businesses,the Times reported.The move 10 recent layoffs at Amazon's e-commerce arch-rival Walmart.Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville,Arkansas headquarters 11 it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to 12 with Amazon.For both companies,the cuts are modest in relation 13 staffing levels.Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide,according to its recently 14 annual report for 2017.That was up from 341,400 a year earlier.(15 its organic growth,Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year,notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.)Such has Amazons growth been that it is currently in the process of 16 locations for a second headquarters Earlier this month,Amazon reported 17 of 60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec.31.18 from$43.74 billilion a year earlier,fueleded by 19 sales during the holiday season It also reported a profit of 1.9 billion on the 20 of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships.6选?A.achievementB.arrangementC.growthD.advenlure

Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online etailing giant,according to a media report The company will 1 cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon's operations,The Seattle Times reported on Monday,2 a person familiar with the eliminations An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that as part of our annual planning process,we are 3 head count adjustments across the company-4 reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others 5 the Times,the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick 6 of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units.The paper also said managers are under pressure to 7 lower caliber employees and show more spending discipline.Amazon has a problem right now with 8 one un named engineer told the Times The layoffs are mostly 9 in Amazons consumer retail businesses,the Times reported.The move 10 recent layoffs at Amazon's e-commerce arch-rival Walmart.Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville,Arkansas headquarters 11 it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to 12 with Amazon.For both companies,the cuts are modest in relation 13 staffing levels.Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide,according to its recently 14 annual report for 2017.That was up from 341,400 a year earlier.(15 its organic growth,Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year,notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.)Such has Amazons growth been that it is currently in the process of 16 locations for a second headquarters Earlier this month,Amazon reported 17 of 60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec.31.18 from$43.74 billilion a year earlier,fueleded by 19 sales during the holiday season It also reported a profit of 1.9 billion on the 20 of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships.



解析:语义辨析题。空格所在句子指出,据《西雅图时报》称,随着公司近期的快速增长,亚马逊的某些部门出现了“人口过剩”的问题,因而导致裁员。由空后出现的too much staf可知,员工过多的问题是由于公司的迅速发展,因此应选[C]growth,意为“发展,增长”。[A]achievement“成就”,[B]arrangement“安排”,[D]adventure“冒险”,这几个选项均不适合与空前的quck搭配,表示造成员工太多的原因,因此排除。


The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word

共用题干Health care in the US is well known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance.Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills.The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly.It all depends on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick.In 2004,the average worker paid an extra $558 a year,according to a San Francisco report.The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004,only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers,according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included.Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students.Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it. But exact policies(保险单)differ from school to school.Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than buying directly from the insurance company.In the US,graduated students with no jobs can buy university health insurance.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online etailing giant,according to a media report The company will 1 cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon's operations,The Seattle Times reported on Monday,2 a person familiar with the eliminations An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that as part of our annual planning process,we are 3 head count adjustments across the company-4 reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others 5 the Times,the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick 6 of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units.The paper also said managers are under pressure to 7 lower caliber employees and show more spending discipline.Amazon has a problem right now with 8 one un named engineer told the Times The layoffs are mostly 9 in Amazons consumer retail businesses,the Times reported.The move 10 recent layoffs at Amazon's e-commerce arch-rival Walmart.Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville,Arkansas headquarters 11 it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to 12 with Amazon.For both companies,the cuts are modest in relation 13 staffing levels.Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide,according to its recently 14 annual report for 2017.That was up from 341,400 a year earlier.(15 its organic growth,Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year,notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.)Such has Amazons growth been that it is currently in the process of 16 locations for a second headquarters Earlier this month,Amazon reported 17 of 60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec.31.18 from$43.74 billilion a year earlier,fueleded by 19 sales during the holiday season It also reported a profit of 1.9 billion on the 20 of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships.7选?A.squeeze outB.bring upC.associate withD.put up with

In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in octoberIn Amazon go the cameras and electronic sensors canA.Ensure the safety of the market and the shoppersB.keep track of the service record of the customersC.contribute to the automation of shoppers to locate the proper goods

Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online etailing giant,according to a media report The company will 1 cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon's operations,The Seattle Times reported on Monday,2 a person familiar with the eliminations An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that as part of our annual planning process,we are 3 head count adjustments across the company-4 reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others 5 the Times,the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick 6 of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units.The paper also said managers are under pressure to 7 lower caliber employees and show more spending discipline.Amazon has a problem right now with 8 one un named engineer told the Times The layoffs are mostly 9 in Amazons consumer retail businesses,the Times reported.The move 10 recent layoffs at Amazon's e-commerce arch-rival Walmart.Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville,Arkansas headquarters 11 it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to 12 with Amazon.For both companies,the cuts are modest in relation 13 staffing levels.Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide,according to its recently 14 annual report for 2017.That was up from 341,400 a year earlier.(15 its organic growth,Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year,notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.)Such has Amazons growth been that it is currently in the process of 16 locations for a second headquarters Earlier this month,Amazon reported 17 of 60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec.31.18 from$43.74 billilion a year earlier,fueleded by 19 sales during the holiday season It also reported a profit of 1.9 billion on the 20 of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships.5选?A.Rather thanB.Regardless ofC.Along withD.According to

In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in octoberAmazon delayed the launch of Amazon Go store in thatA.there are still some minor difficulties to deal withB.the public were not ready to accept itC.the system didnt go well during the testing phaseD.the system was too complicated to be implemented

Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online etailing giant,according to a media report The company will 1 cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon's operations,The Seattle Times reported on Monday,2 a person familiar with the eliminations An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that as part of our annual planning process,we are 3 head count adjustments across the company-4 reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others 5 the Times,the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick 6 of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units.The paper also said managers are under pressure to 7 lower caliber employees and show more spending discipline.Amazon has a problem right now with 8 one un named engineer told the Times The layoffs are mostly 9 in Amazons consumer retail businesses,the Times reported.The move 10 recent layoffs at Amazon's e-commerce arch-rival Walmart.Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville,Arkansas headquarters 11 it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to 12 with Amazon.For both companies,the cuts are modest in relation 13 staffing levels.Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide,according to its recently 14 annual report for 2017.That was up from 341,400 a year earlier.(15 its organic growth,Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year,notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.)Such has Amazons growth been that it is currently in the process of 16 locations for a second headquarters Earlier this month,Amazon reported 17 of 60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec.31.18 from$43.74 billilion a year earlier,fueleded by 19 sales during the holiday season It also reported a profit of 1.9 billion on the 20 of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships.1选?A.againB.alsoC.insteadD.thus

In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in octoberIn the last paragraph,Brian Olsavsky implies thatA.revenues generated by Go shops surpass that of Whole FoodsB.there will be more Amazon retailer stores in the futureC.Whole Food stores are more competitive than Go shopsD.the retailer stores will take place of the Whore Foods

In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in octoberBy saying they’re on to the less-than-honest"(Lines 5&6,Para.4),the author meansA.the system is less likely to provide informationB.the system is far from being mature or perfectC.the system can prevent and stop shopliftingD.the system is fairly reliable and trustworthy

This week's decision by the GMB union to bring a legal case against firms delivering for Amazon,the rcommerce giant,throws into sharp relief how much the modern economy has been stretched to benefit a monopolistic form of tech-capitalism.On the surface,the action is about employment law:it argues that couriers working for three delivery companies are not entrepreneurs working for themselves who contract their labour to anyone willing to pay,but are in fact employees of Amazon's latent delivery and logistics network.If the trade union is right,then these couriers should be treated as staff and paid the minimum wage,as well as sick and holiday pay.Amazon has established itself as an essential part of the internet economy and its dominance-its sheer scale and breadth-has been enabled in part by privatising profit and socialising losses.The firm seems to be firmly establishing a model of cheap-labour doorstep delivery by recognising an easily divided workforce is more easily conquered.This model may also one day compete with the Royal Mail;Amazon is reportedly planning to launch its own delivery service to rival the state-owned US Postal Service.Amazon's skill is not just in technology but also in finance.Last year it generated UK sales of£9bn,a quarter more than the previous 12 months-while pre-tax profits halved to just£24m.Its effective UK profit margin is just indication perhaps of its low pricing strategy.In revolutionising e-commerce the company has delivered enormous benefits to consumers:but at what cost?Surely it is morally right that large employers are accountable for the treatment of workers down the supply chain,so long as they are economically dependent on them.Amazon might think differently.The tech giant wants privileged treatment because it thinks only corporate monopolies,with their economies of scale and ability to innovate,can promote growth.This view should be resisted.Amazon's service ensures consumers are better off,but undue focus on this neglects the interests of workers,rival entrepreneurs and voters.This is why the spirit of employment law must be honoured so Amazon shoulders the responsibility(and the cost)for contracted workers,or works out how to compel its suppliers to do so.Amazon clearly would like to control the pipes of capitalism,drawing off consumer demand for itself when it is lucrative to do so and charging others for use of its network.Amazon's website is the dominant platform for online retail sales.Whether it is cloud computing or what ebooks are published,Amazon wants business to be done in arenas where it sets the rules.This i.s bad for democracy.Commerce ought to reside in markets governed by regulations set by democratic political process not those chosen by the world's richest men.According to Paragraph l,the GMB unionA.hurts Amazon's regular employees.B.actually encourages Amazon's dissatisfied with employment law.D.deems the couriers to be Amazon's staff.

In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in octoberAmazon will have a huge advantage ifA.more Go stores can be replaced by the Whole FoodsB.the lining-up technology can be applied to more storesC.customers can get fast lining up service in storesD.customers can shop faster when purchasing in stores

This week's decision by the GMB union to bring a legal case against firms delivering for Amazon,the rcommerce giant,throws into sharp relief how much the modern economy has been stretched to benefit a monopolistic form of tech-capitalism.On the surface,the action is about employment law:it argues that couriers working for three delivery companies are not entrepreneurs working for themselves who contract their labour to anyone willing to pay,but are in fact employees of Amazon's latent delivery and logistics network.If the trade union is right,then these couriers should be treated as staff and paid the minimum wage,as well as sick and holiday pay.Amazon has established itself as an essential part of the internet economy and its dominance-its sheer scale and breadth-has been enabled in part by privatising profit and socialising losses.The firm seems to be firmly establishing a model of cheap-labour doorstep delivery by recognising an easily divided workforce is more easily conquered.This model may also one day compete with the Royal Mail;Amazon is reportedly planning to launch its own delivery service to rival the state-owned US Postal Service.Amazon's skill is not just in technology but also in finance.Last year it generated UK sales of£9bn,a quarter more than the previous 12 months-while pre-tax profits halved to just£24m.Its effective UK profit margin is just indication perhaps of its low pricing strategy.In revolutionising e-commerce the company has delivered enormous benefits to consumers:but at what cost?Surely it is morally right that large employers are accountable for the treatment of workers down the supply chain,so long as they are economically dependent on them.Amazon might think differently.The tech giant wants privileged treatment because it thinks only corporate monopolies,with their economies of scale and ability to innovate,can promote growth.This view should be resisted.Amazon's service ensures consumers are better off,but undue focus on this neglects the interests of workers,rival entrepreneurs and voters.This is why the spirit of employment law must be honoured so Amazon shoulders the responsibility(and the cost)for contracted workers,or works out how to compel its suppliers to do so.Amazon clearly would like to control the pipes of capitalism,drawing off consumer demand for itself when it is lucrative to do so and charging others for use of its network.Amazon's website is the dominant platform for online retail sales.Whether it is cloud computing or what ebooks are published,Amazon wants business to be done in arenas where it sets the rules.This i.s bad for democracy.Commerce ought to reside in markets governed by regulations set by democratic political process not those chosen by the world's richest men.Which of the following is true about Amazon,according to Paragraph 3?A.It saw a sharp rise in profits last year.B.lts revolution comes at the expense of consumers.C.Its growth owes a lot to supply chain workers.D.lts business declines due to the low price strategy.

Text 2 You would think that the young and digitally intellectual-the generation that grew up with computers at their fingertips-would be the least likely age group to fall victim of online fiaud.But the opposite is true."We've bought into stereotypes about fraud victims-they're usually seen as wlnerable and elderly,or gullible and poorly educated,"says Emma Fletcher,product manager at the BBB Institute."These stereotypes are strongly held-and they are wrong.We are all at risk,but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be deceived."Similarly,a 2016 report by Norton,the antivirus company,found that 44 per cent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year,compared with just 16 per cent ofbaby boomers.Research by Barclays this year backs this up.The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses.Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks,millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive action,such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer system collapse.One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better.Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the generations above them.But this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe,whereas,perhaps surprisingly,older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason.Younger people spend far more time online.They shop more there(meaning their card details are entered more ofien and stored in many more databases)and they share much more personal information online.According to Ofcom's 2016 Media Use and Attitudes Report,more than 90 pcr cent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts.For those aged between 55 and 64,this figure drops t0 51 per cent.For those 65 and over,it's 30 per cent.Interestingly,though,according the Office ofNational Statistics,older people are more likely to be victims ofrepeat fraud.This may be because they tend to be more trusting.Research at the University of California suggests that this isn't just because they grew up in more innocent times.Rather,age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older,they tend to trust more and question less.29.According to Paragraph 5,one more reason that millennials are deceived is that theyA.have social media accounts.B.use credit card more ofien.C.left much privacy trails online.D.are too much self-confident.

Amaze-Mart has announced plans to set up additional online stores in key cities in Asia, beginningwith Bangkok.The Seattle-based electronic commerce firm currently () its online stores from the US, Canada andA.functionsB.operatesC.evaluatesD.serves

资料:For promotions to remain effective, RT company has to analyze the impact of different campaigns. Word of mouth promotions can be more difficult to measure than some traditional methods of promotion. Although healthy sales are an important measure, RT uses other measures to evaluate the effectiveness of its activities. For example:Setting targets for sales returns from the smaller promotional activities.Evaluating the amount of editorial coverage its activities receive in the media.Measuring the number of blogs related to RT's products and the frequency of comment on these blogs.Evaluating the online influence of RT activities in the social media. For example, on Twitter there are around 260000 followers of RT activities.On Facebook,more than 21000000 consumers like RT.Conducting an annual brand health-check with consumers to ensure that they like the brand.Measuring the outcomes of RT promotions is not just about return on investment. These figures do not create the whole picture. This is because it can be difficult to value word of mouth promotions on paper. Sales returns do not take not account other factors such as longer-term brand loyalty.What is the passage about?A.the sales report of RT campaigns.B.the sales report of RT Facebook and Twitter have influenced the to evaluate promotional activities.

In addition,far( )Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed. A.more B.less C.fewer D.better

The company plans to shut()four factories and cut 1,000 jobs.AoutBdownCawayDoff

单选题After the age of 40 ______.Amost workers are tired of their present jobsBmany workers tend to stick their present jobsCpeople find their jobs more rewarding than beforeDpeople still wish to hunt for more suitable jobs

单选题The company plans to shut()four factories and cut 1,000 jobs.AoutBdownCawayDoff

单选题In context, which of the following is the best revision of sentence 5?ABranson is a tourist town, like those near ski or beach retorts: each year, hundreds of thousands of travelers visit during the months when its shows are in season.BBranson is a tourist town like ski and beach restore; it is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year during the months when its shows ere in season.CLike the ones near ski and beach resorts, Branson is a tourist town, visited by hundreds of thousands of seasonal travelers during the months when their shows are in it.DVisited by hundreds of thousands of travelers during the months when its shows are in season, every year Branson is like a tourist town near beach or ski resorts.EBranson is a tourist town: hundreds of thousands of travelers like those who visit ski or beach resorts visit Branson during the months each year when its shows are in season.

单选题The company gave some financial assistance toAallow more people to study at a high levelBpromote retailing jobs in schoolsCtrain students in schools management

单选题In order to produce more, many measures are available EXCEPT _____.Ato make jobs more varied.Bto give workers more freedom when they are producingCto make their jobs more interestingDto give more money for less working hours

多选题Which three statements are true regarding persistent lightweight jobs?()APersistent lightweight jobs modify several tables in the data dictionary to generate a lot of redo.BThe user cannot set privileges on persistent lightweight jobs.CPersistent lightweight jobs are useful when users need to create a large number of jobs in a short time.DPersistent lightweight jobs are useful when users need to create a small number of jobs that run infrequently.EThe use of a template is mandatory to create persistent lightweight jobs.

单选题AThe jobs are around the country.BThe jobs are overseas.CThe jobs are on the other side of the state.DThey are local jobs.

单选题According to Gary, most of the jobs offered in The Times’job section areAjobs around the country.Bjobs overseas.Cjobs on the other side of the state.Dlocal jobs.

单选题The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and hundreds of jobs are at()AportraitBstakeCfileDstick

单选题MRK Consulting Ltd has been operating in the global market since 1988. We have successfully placed hundreds of IT Banking professionals in leading companies in the Finance, Banking and IT industries.AMRK is a leading company in Finance and IT Industries.BThere are many IT and Banking talents working with MRK.CMRK has helped many people found good jobs.