设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String * 10 TelNum As String * 20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1. B. Name. B. TelNum Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:\Person. txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 End Sub

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String * 10 TelNum As String * 20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。

A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End Sub

B.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1. B. Name. B. TelNum Close #1 End Sub

C.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B Close #1 End Sub

D.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open" c:\Person. txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 End Sub


假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type BooksName As String*10TelNuin As String*20End Type要求在执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。将以下程序补充完整。Private Sub Command1_Clickk()DimB As Booksopen"c:\person.txt"For output As 1B.Name=InputBox("请输入姓名")B.TelNum=InputBox("请输入电话号码")write 1,______close 1End Sub

要建立一个学生成绩的随机文件,如下定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、三门课 程成绩(百分制)组成,下列程序段正确的是( )。A.Typepestudl no As Integer name As String score(1 To 3)As Single End TypeB.Typestudl no As Integer no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Typestudl no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 3)As Single End TypeD.Typestudl no As Integer name As String score(1 To 3)As Single End Type

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是 ______。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt"For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1,B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,Name,TelNum Close #1 End Sub

( 35 )设在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type BooksName As String * 10TelNum As String * 20End Type在窗体上画一个名为 Command1 的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程 Command1_Click 时,在顺序文件Person.txt 中写入一条 Books 类型的记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是A ) Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen “ Person.txt ” For Output As #`1B.Name=InputBox( “ 输入姓名 ” )B.TelNum=InputBox( “ 输入电话号码 ” )Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNumClose #1End SubB ) Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen “ Person.txt ” For input As #`1B.Name=InputBox( “ 输入姓名 ” )B.TelNum=InputBox( “ 输入电话号码 ” )Print #1,B.Name,B.TelNumClose #1End SubC ) Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen “ Person.txt ” For Output As #`1B.Name=InputBox( “ 输入姓名 ” )B.TelNum=InputBox( “ 输入电话号码 ” )Write #1,BClose #1End SubD ) Private Sub Command1_Click()Open “ Person.txt ” For input As #`1Name=InputBox( “ 输入姓名 ” )TelNum=InputBox( “ 输入电话号码 ” )Print #1, Name, TelNumClose #1End Sub

假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books NalTle As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 要求当执行事件过程ComlBandl_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是( )。A.Ptivate Sub Commandl_Click() DimB As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Output As#1B.Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”)C.Private Sub Conullandl_CHCk() DimBAs Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Ouputut As#1 Name=hputBox(“输入姓名”) Temum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Whte#1,B Close#1 End Sub D.Privam Sub Commnandl_Click() DimBAsBook Open"C:\Person.tx

(12)要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,下列定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、五门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是。A.Type stu no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End Type B.Type stuno As Integename As String*10score()As SingleEnd TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End Type D.Type stuno As Integername As Stringscore()As SingleEnd Type

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type Books Name As String *10 Te1Num As String *20End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c":\Person.txt"For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.Te1Num=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.Te1Num Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c":\Person.txt"For Input As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.Te1Num=InputBox("输入电话号码") Prite #1,B.Name,B.Te1Num Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c":\Person.txt"For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.Te1Num=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Open"c":\Person.txt"For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") Te1Num=InputBox("输入电话号码") Prite #1,Name,Te1Num Close #1 End Sub

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type Books Name As String ( 10 Te1Num As String * 20End Type在窗体上添加一个名为Command1的命名按钮。要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。请在横线中填入适当的内容,将程序补充完整。Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As____ Open "c:\person.txt"For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.Te1Num=InputBox("输入学号") Write#1,B.Name,B.Te1Num Close #1End Sub

假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型Type BooksName As String * 10TelNum As String * 20End Type要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是( )。A.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1B.Name = InputBox("输入姓名")B.TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码")Write #1, B.Name, B.TelNumClose #1End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen "c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1B.Name = InputBox("输入姓名")B.TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码")Print #1, B.Name, B.TelNumClose #1End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BooksOpen "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1Name = InputBox("输入姓名")TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码")Write #1, BClose #1End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim B As BookOpen "c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1Name = InputBox("输入姓名")TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码")Print #1, B.Name, B.TelNumClose #1 End Sub

设在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了下列记录类型: Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End,Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1 Click 时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条Books类型的记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是( )。A.Private Sub Command1 Click( ) Dim B AS Books Open"Person txt"For Output As#1 Name=InputBox(”输入姓名”) relNum=lnputBox(”输入电话号码”) Wlite#1 B Name,B TelNum Ch,se#1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1 Click( ) Dim B AS Books Open"Person txt"For Input As#1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,B.Name,B.TelNam Close#1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1 Click( ) Dim BAS Books Open"Person txt"For Output As#1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1,B Close#1 End SubD.Private Sub Commandl Click( ) Open"Person txt"For Input As#1 Name=lnputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=lnputBox("输入电话号码") Prim#1 Name TelNum Close#1 End Sub

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型______。 Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Commandl的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Commandl_click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。A.Ptivate Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"C:\Person.txt"For Output AS#1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1,BName,BTeLNum Clodr#1 End SubB.Ptivate Sub Commandl_C1iok() Dim B As Books Opcn"c:\Person.txt"For Input As#1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InpuBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,BName,@B@TelNum C1ose#1 End SubC.Private Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Output As #1 BName=InputBox("输入姓名") BTelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write#1、B Close#1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1 C1ick() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Input As #1 Name=InputBox('输入姓名') TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print#1,Name,TelNum Close#1 End Sub

以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是_________。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.TypedefTelBook NameString*10 TelNum Integer End Type

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type Books Name As String *10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_ Click时,在顺序文件 Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。A.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Books Open "C:\Person. txt" for Output As #1 x. Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) x. TelNum=InPutBox(“输入电话号码”) Write #1,x.Name,x.TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Books Open "c:\Person. txt" for Input As #1 x.Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) x. TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Print #1,x. Name,x. TelNum Close #1End SubC.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Books Open "c:\Person. txt" for Output As #1 x. Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) x. TelNum= InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Write #1,x Close #1End SubD.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Books Open "c:\Person. txt" for Input As #1 x. Name= InputBox(“输入姓名”) x.TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Print #1,Name,TeINum Close #1End Sub

以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是A.TypeTelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer EndTypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer EndTypeTelBookD.Typedef TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型: Type Books Name As String * 10 TelNum As String * 20 EndType 在窗体中添加一个名为Commandl的命令按钮,要求单击命令按钮时,在顺序文件 Ptxt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的程序段是 ( )A.Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open"d:\P1.txt"For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox( "姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("电话号码") Write #1,B. Name,B. TelNum Close #1 EndSubB.Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open" d:\Pl.txt" For Input As B. Name=InputBox ("姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Print #1,B. Name,B. TelNum Close #1 EndSubC.Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim B As Books Open"d:\P1. txt"For Output As B. Name=InputBox("姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Write #1,B Close #1 EndSubD.Private Sub Commandl Cliek() Open"d:\P1.txt" For Input As Name=InputBox("姓名") TelNum=InputBox ("电话号码") Print #1,Name,TelNum Close #1 EndSub

以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是 ______。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNun As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.TypedefTelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type

设在工程文件中有—个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型:Type Books Name As String *10 TelNum As String*20End Type在窗体上画—个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Petson.txt中写入一条Books类型的记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是 ______。A.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim B As Books Open "Person.txt" For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) B. TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Write #1, B. Name, B. TelNum Close #1End SubB.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim B As Books Open "Person.txt" For Input As #1 B. Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) B.TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”). Print #1, B. Name, B.TelNum Close #1End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "Person.txt" For Output As #1 B.Name= InputBox(“输入姓名”) B.TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Write #1,B Close #1End SubD.Private Sub Command1_ Click() Open "Person. txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox(“输入姓名”) TelNum=InputBox(“输入电话号码”) Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1End Sub

要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,如下定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、5门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是( )。A.Type sru no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeB.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeD.Type stu no As Integer name As String score()As Single End Type

假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 要求当执行事件过程Commandl_Click时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是:A. Prirate Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"C:\Person.txt"For Output As #1B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名")B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Pdrate Sub Commandl Cliok() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Input As #1B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名")B.TeINum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Output As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNunl=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Commandl Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt"For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") Temum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNuin Close #1 End Sub

下列数据类型定义中,正确的是A.Type Student Num As Long Name As String End TypeB.Type Student Num As Integer Name As String * 10 End TypeC.Private Type Num As Long Score As Single End TypeD.Private Type Student Name As String Score(10)As String * 10 End Type

要建立一个随机文件记录学生的信息,下列定义了学生的记录类型,由学号、姓名、五门课程成绩(百分制)组成,下列的定义正确的是( )。A.Type stu no As Integer name As String score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeB.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score()As Single End TypeC.Type stu no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 5)As Single End TypeD.Type stu no As Integer name As String score()As Single End Type

以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是______。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum AS Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type TelBookD.Typedef TelBook NameString*10 TelNum Integer EndType

由如下程序: Type Student Num As Integer Name As String * 13 End Type Dim stu(30)As Student 该程序段定义了两个程序成分,它们分别是 ______。A.记录类型和记录数组B.记录类型和记录变量C.显示类型和记录数组D.记录变量和记录数组

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1,B.Name,B.TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, B.Name, B.TelNum Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1 B.Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, Name, TelNum Close #1 End Sub

设在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了下列记录类型:Type BooksName As String*10TelNum As String*20End,Type在窗体上画一个名为Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1 Click 时,在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条Books类型的记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是( )。A.Private Sub Command1 Click( )Dim B AS BooksOpenPerson txtFor Output As#1Name=InputBox(”输入姓名”)relNum=lnputBox(”输入电话号码”)Wlite#1 B Name,B TelNumCh,se#1End SubB.Private Sub Command1 Click( )Dim B AS BooksOpenPerson txtFor Input As#1Name=InputBox(输入姓名)TelNum=InputBox(输入电话号码)Print#1,B.Name,B.TelNamClose#1End SubC.Private Sub Command1 Click( )Dim BAS BooksOpenPerson txtFor Output As#1Name=InputBox(输入姓名)TelNum=InputBox(输入电话号码)Write#1,BClose#1End SubD.Private Sub Commandl Click( )OpenPerson txtFor Input As#1Name=lnputBox(输入姓名)TelNum=lnputBox(输入电话号码)Prim#1 Name TelNumClose#1End Sub

以下能正确定义数据类型TelBook的代码是( )。A.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TypeB.Type TelBook Name As String*10 TelNum As Integer End TelBookC.Type TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer. EndType TelBookD.Typedef TelBook Name String*10 TelNum Integer End Type

设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型 Type Books Name As String* 10 TelNum As String * 20 End Type 在窗体上画一个名为 Command1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1 Click时, 在顺序文件Person.txt中写入一条记录。 下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是 ______。A.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1 B.Name = InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B.Name, B.TelNumB.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt, For Input As # 1 B.Name = lnputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, B.Name, B.TelNttmC.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person.txt" For Output As #1 B.Name = InputBox("输入姓名") B.TelNum = InputBox("输入电话号码") Write # 1, B Close #D.Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person.txt" For Input As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1,Name,TelNum Close #1 End Sub

假定在工程文件中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下记录类型: Type Books Name As String*10 TelNum As String*20 End Type 要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在顺序文件Person. txt中写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是______。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Write #1, B. Name, B. TelNum Close #1 End SubB.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person txt" For Output As #1 B. Name=InputBox("输入姓名") B. TelNum=InputBox("输入电话导码") Print #1, B. Name, B. TelNum Close #1 End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open"c:\Person. txt" For Output As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, B Close #1 End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim B As Books Open "c:\Person txt" For Output As #1 Name=InputBox("输入姓名") TelNum=InputBox("输入电话号码") Print #1, B Name, B. TelNum Close #1 End Sub