Which of the folIowing statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.B.Students are task-driven.C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered.D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.

Which of the folIowing statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?

A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.
B.Students are task-driven.
C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered.
D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.


解析:考查任务型语言教学。任务型语言教学以学生为主体,以任务为中心,学生通过参与和完成一系列的任务来习得语言知识。任务型教学法的基本学习步骤分为前任务(pre.task)、任务环(task cvcle)和语言聚焦(1anguage focus)三个部分。故选D。


Foreign Language Teaching ology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Which of the following statements about Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka is TRUE?A. They were brothers.B. They were artists.C. They were florists.D. They were farmers.

All the following statements concerning the nature of language change is true except() A language change is inevitableB language change is abruptC language change is universalD language change is extensive

Which of the following statements about a lesson plan is inappropriate?A.It is a teaching guide.B.It is a blueprint to be strictly followed.C.It takes into account syllabus and students.D.It describes in advance what and how to teach.

Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching?A.Testing does not equate with assessment.B.Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning.C.The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance.D.Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.

Classroom language can also be called in-class language, which is the specially used language system by both teachers and students in classroom teaching. Which of the following is not consisted in it?A.Spoken language.B.Body language.C.Spelling language.D.Written language.

Classroom language can also be called in-class language, which is the specially used language system by both teachers and students in classroom teaching. Which of the following is not consisted in it?A.spoken languageB.body languageC.spelling languageD.written language

Which of the following statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.B.Student are task-driven.C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered.D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.

Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true?A.Instructions should be simple and clear.B.Instructions can be long and complicated for students to follow.C.Teachers can use body language to assist students to understand.D.Instructions should be kept to a minimum during activities.

Which of the following statements about meaningful practice in grammar teaching is NOT true?A.Meaningful practice aims at form accuracy.B.Meaningful practice focuses on the production and comprehension of meaning.C.There is no clear cut between mechanical and meaningful practice.D.Practice based on prompts is usually considered as meaningful practice.

Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?A.Language is a system B.Language is symbol C.Animals also have language D.Language is arbitrary

Which two statements are true about L2TP tunnels?() (Choose two.)A、Traffic is clear textB、Traffic is encryptedC、They are initiated by the LNSD、They are initiated by the LAC

Which statements about inheritance are true?()         A、 In Java programming language only allows single inheritance.B、 In Java programming language allows a class to implement only one interface.C、 In Java programming language a class cannot extend a class and implement a interface together.D、 In Java programming language single inheritance makes code more reliable.

Which three statements about subqueries are true? ()A、Asinglerowsubquerycanretrieveonlyonecolumnandonerow.B、Asinglerowsubquerycanretrieveonlyonerowbutmanycolumns.C、Amultiplerowsubquerycanretrievemultiplerowsandmultiplecolumns.D、Amultiplerowsubquerycanbecomparedusingthe";;";operator.E、AsinglerowsubquerycanusetheINoperator.F、Amultiplerowsubquerycanusethe";=";operator.

单选题Which of the following statements about the golf club is NOT true?AIt’s at the top of the cliff.BThey were not allowed to be in the club.CThey parked the car near the club.

单选题Which of the following statements about task-based language teaching is NOT true?AStudents should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.BStudents are task-driven.CTask-based language teaching is student-centered.DTask-based language teaching follows the PPP model.

单选题Which of the following statements about lesson plan is NOT true?AA clear lesson plan makes a teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.BA lesson plan can help a teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson.CA good lesson plan gives a teacher,especially a novice teacher,confidence in class.DExperienced teachers do not need to do lesson planning.

单选题Which of the following statements about Vandergrift's research is TRUE?AThe participants were postgraduates learning French as a second language.BAll the participants were taught using the conventional method, with the focus on listening strategies.CThe two groups were taught by different teachers.DThe participants were at the same initial skill level.

单选题The situational approach is a grammar-based language teaching method which focuses on________.Agrammar and vocabulariesBoral language and sentence patternsCspeaking and listeningDpronunciation and speaking

多选题Which two statements are true about simple views?()AViews can be created as read only.BViews are data segments like tables.CViews can be created on the basis of more than one table.DData manipulation language (DML) operations cannot be performed on views.

多选题Which statements about inheritance are true?()AIn Java programming language only allows single inheritance.BIn Java programming language allows a class to implement only one interface.CIn Java programming language a class cannot extend a class and implement a interface together.DIn Java programming language single inheritance makes code more reliable.

单选题The situational approach is a grammar-based language teaching method which focuses on ______Agrammar and vocabulariesBoral language and sentence patternsCspeaking and listeningDpronunciation and speaking

多选题Which three statements about subqueries are true? ()AAsinglerowsubquerycanretrieveonlyonecolumnandonerow.BAsinglerowsubquerycanretrieveonlyonerowbutmanycolumns.CAmultiplerowsubquerycanretrievemultiplerowsandmultiplecolumns.DAmultiplerowsubquerycanbecomparedusingthe;;;operator.EAsinglerowsubquerycanusetheINoperator.FAmultiplerowsubquerycanusethe;=;operator.

单选题Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?AThe method involves making a comparison between foreign language and mother language.BThe method involves correcting the mistakes timely.CMother tongue is accepted in the classroom as the target language.DEmphasis is laid upon using oral language in the classroom; some reading and writing might be done as homework.

单选题Which of the following statements about the Situational Approach is NOT true?AAdopt an inductive approach to grammar teaching.BEncourage explanations of the meaning of new items in foreign language.CFocus on language accuracy.DPractice structures and patterns through repetition and substitution activities.

单选题Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true?AInstructions should be simple and clear.BInstructions can be long and complicated for students to follow.CTeachers can use body language to assist students to understand.DInstructions should be kept to a minimum during activities.

单选题Which of the following statements about a lesson plan is inappropriate?AIt is a teaching guideBIt is a blueprint to be strictly followedCIt takes into account syllabus and studentsDIt describes in advance what and how to teach