请阅读短文,完成第小题。BRITISH universities can be depressing. The teachers complain about their pay and students worry they will end up frying burgers or jobless. Perhaps they should try visiting McDonald's University in London's East Finchley. Students are often "rough and ready", with poor qualifications and low self-esteem. But ambition-igniting murals display the ladder of opportunity that leads from the grill to the comer office (McDonald's chief executives have always started at the bottom). A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities. Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britain's best 25 employers.McDonald's is one of Britain's biggest trainers. It gets about 1 million applicants a year, accepting only one in 15, and spends ~40m($61m) a year on training. The Finchley campus, opened by Margaret Thatcher, then the local MP, in 1989, is one of the biggest training centres in Europe--many of the classrooms are equipped with booths for interpreters. It is part of a bigger system. An employee's web-portal, Our Lounge, provides training as well as details about that day's shifts, and allows employees to compete against each other in work-related video games.The focus is on practicalities. A retired policeman conducts a fast-paced class on conflict management. He shows a video of a woman driven mad by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time. He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer, and every hand goes up. Students are then urged to share their advice.Self-esteem and self-management are on the syllabus, too. Steven Covey's" Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is a popular test. A year-long apprenticeship program emphasizing English and maths leads to a nationally recognized qualification. Mcdonald's has paid for almost 100iople to get degrees from Manchester Metropolitan university.The company professes to be unfazed by the fact that many alumni will end up working elsewhere. It needs to train people who might be managing a business with a 5 million turnover by Ihtir mid-2Os. It also needs to satisfy the company's appetite for senior managers, one of whom will eventually control the entire global McDonald's empire.For what purpose did the school ask a retired policeman to offer a class?查看材料A.To teach the students how to manage conflicts.B.To urge the students how to deal with customers.C.To share his personal experience with the students.D.To urge the students to share ideas with one another.

BRITISH universities can be depressing. The teachers complain about their pay and students worry they will end up frying burgers or jobless. Perhaps they should try visiting McDonald's University in London's East Finchley. Students are often "rough and ready", with poor qualifications and low self-esteem. But ambition-igniting murals display the ladder of opportunity that leads from the grill to the comer office (McDonald's chief executives have always started at the bottom). A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities. Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britain's best 25 employers.
McDonald's is one of Britain's biggest trainers. It gets about 1 million applicants a year, accepting only one in 15, and spends ~40m($61m) a year on training. The Finchley campus, opened by Margaret Thatcher, then the local MP, in 1989, is one of the biggest training centres in Europe--many of the classrooms are equipped with booths for interpreters. It is part of a bigger system. An employee's web-portal, Our Lounge, provides training as well as details about that day's shifts, and allows employees to compete against each other in work-related video games.
The focus is on practicalities. A retired policeman conducts a fast-paced class on conflict management. He shows a video of a woman driven mad by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time. He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer, and every hand goes up. Students are then urged to share their advice.
Self-esteem and self-management are on the syllabus, too. Steven Covey's" Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is a popular test. A year-long apprenticeship program emphasizing English and maths leads to a nationally recognized qualification. Mcdonald's has paid for almost 100iople to get degrees from Manchester Metropolitan university.
The company professes to be unfazed by the fact that many alumni will end up working elsewhere. It needs to train people who might be managing a business with a 5 million turnover by Ihtir mid-2Os. It also needs to satisfy the company's appetite for senior managers, one of whom will eventually control the entire global McDonald's empire.

For what purpose did the school ask a retired policeman to offer a class?

A.To teach the students how to manage conflicts.
B.To urge the students how to deal with customers.
C.To share his personal experience with the students.
D.To urge the students to share ideas with one another.


解析:根据第三段第二句“A retired policeman conducts afast-paced class on conflict management.”可知,培训的重点在于教导学生如何管理冲突,故选A。



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阅读《大同》中的一段文字,并回答下列 24~26 小题。第 24 题 解释这段文字中加点字的含义。隐:作:兵:小康:

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阅读下面一段课文,回答下列 21~23 小题。第 21 题 解释文中加点字的含义。成立:祚薄:儿息:婴:

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阅读下面一段课文,回答下列 24~26 小题。第 24 题 解释这段文字中加点字的含义。逆:就:滋:淫辞:

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阅读下面一段课文,回答下列 24~26 小题。第 24 题 阅读全诗,分析这首诗的抒情层次。

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阅读下面一段短文,然后回答下列 36~38 小题。第 36 题 概括本片段的大意。作者的观点是什么?

阅读《报刘一丈书》中的一段文字,回答下列 24~26 小题。第 24 题 解释这段文字中加点字的含义。袭:盥栉:

(二)短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:With a breaking leg. He was walking to school the other

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请仔细阅读以下程序并完成要求。 If((a>2&&b4|| d 请仔细阅读以下程序并完成要求。If((a>2&&b<3)&&(c>4|| d<5)){Flag=1;}Else{Flag=0;)请分别按照语句覆盖、判定覆盖、条件覆盖、判定/条件覆盖测试用例。


请教:C++/MFC面试题第1大题第3小题如何解答?【题目描述】3.请给出如下程序的结果int aaa = 0x01;htonl(aaa) = ____。

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