请阅读短文,完成此题。Julia, Gillard, as education minister and then prime minister~ identified the Gonski Report on school funding, later renamed the Better School Plan, as one of her crowning achievements. Backed by the Australian Education Union and Australia's cultural-left education blob (a term coined by Britain's Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove), her argument is that Gonski will deliver excellence and equity in education by massively increasing government expenditure. The Gonski funding model, involving a base level of funding known as a School Resourcing Standard and additional loadings related to disadvantage, is also lauded as bring clarity, transparency and consistency to school funding. Not so. As noted by the National Comission of Audit, the flaws and weaknesses in the report are manifest.Under the heading "Complexity of the funding model," section 9.7 Appendix Volmne 1, the statement is made that" new school funding arrangements are complex, inconsistent and lack transparency". Instead of having a national funding model, we have a situation where the states and territories and Catholic and independent school sectors have their own approaches to allocating finding to schools.So much for the argument that the Gonski model represents an improvement on the Howard government's supposedly opaque and insistently applied socio-economic status (SES) mode. The Schooling Resource Standard is also criticized for not being "based on a detailed analysisof the cost of delivering education" and the formula employed for quantifying disadvantage for using faulty data leading to students "being misidentified as being inside or outside definitions of educationally disadvantaged".Citing international research and an analysis carried out by the ALP federal .member forFraser, Andrew Leigh, when an academic at the Australian National University, the audit report oncludes there is little, if any, relationship between increased expenditure and raising standards.Mirroring the argument put by Jennifer Buckingham in her School Funding on a Budget, the audit report argues "increasing funding does not necessarily equate to better student outcomes". common sense suggests, and contrary to the Australian Education Union's "I Give a campain, a more way to raise standards is to have a rigorous curriculum, effective and oommittcd teachers, strong parental engagement and schools, within broad guidelines, that hane the flexibility to manage themselves.To applaud the commission of audit's analysis of school funding should not be taken asunqualified support. The suggestion that the states, and most likely their education departments, should control how funding to independent school is allocated is a mistake. Slate schools, on the whole, compete against non-government schools, and allowing state governments or their education bureaucracies to decide how funding is allocated to independent schools represents a conflict of interest.Which of the following titles best expresses ,the ideas of the passage?__________查看材料A.Needed: a Better Model for EducationB.Gonski: the Advantages and DisadvantagesC.Needed: a Better Model for Funding SchoolsD.Gonski: a Funding Model Favored by the Prime Minister

Julia, Gillard, as education minister and then prime minister~ identified the Gonski Report on school funding, later renamed the Better School Plan, as one of her crowning achievements. Backed by the Australian Education Union and Australia's cultural-left education blob (a term coined by Britain's Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove), her argument is that Gonski will deliver excellence and equity in education by massively increasing government expenditure. The Gonski funding model, involving a base level of funding known as a School Resourcing Standard and additional loadings related to disadvantage, is also lauded as bring clarity, transparency and consistency to school funding. Not so. As noted by the National Comission of Audit, the flaws and weaknesses in the report are manifest.
Under the heading "Complexity of the funding model," section 9.7 Appendix Volmne 1, the statement is made that" new school funding arrangements are complex, inconsistent and lack transparency". Instead of having a national funding model, we have a situation where the states and territories and Catholic and independent school sectors have their own approaches to allocating finding to schools.
So much for the argument that the Gonski model represents an improvement on the Howard government's supposedly opaque and insistently applied socio-economic status (SES) mode. The Schooling Resource Standard is also criticized for not being "based on a detailed analysisof the cost of delivering education" and the formula employed for quantifying disadvantage for using faulty data leading to students "being misidentified as being inside or outside definitions of educationally disadvantaged".
Citing international research and an analysis carried out by the ALP federal .member forFraser, Andrew Leigh, when an academic at the Australian National University, the audit report oncludes there is little, if any, relationship between increased expenditure and raising standards.
Mirroring the argument put by Jennifer Buckingham in her School Funding on a Budget, the audit report argues "increasing funding does not necessarily equate to better student outcomes". common sense suggests, and contrary to the Australian Education Union's "I Give a campain, a more way to raise standards is to have a rigorous curriculum, effective and oommittcd teachers, strong parental engagement and schools, within broad guidelines, that hane the flexibility to manage themselves.
To applaud the commission of audit's analysis of school funding should not be taken asunqualified support. The suggestion that the states, and most likely their education departments, should control how funding to independent school is allocated is a mistake. Slate schools, on the whole, compete against non-government schools, and allowing state governments or their education bureaucracies to decide how funding is allocated to independent schools represents a conflict of interest.

Which of the following titles best expresses ,the ideas of the passage?__________

A.Needed: a Better Model for Education
B.Gonski: the Advantages and Disadvantages
C.Needed: a Better Model for Funding Schools
D.Gonski: a Funding Model Favored by the Prime Minister


解析:本文主要是在讲Julia Gillard所推崇的一种基金模式。故选D。


自主阅读能力是早期阅读教育的关键() 此题为判断题(对,错)。



windows7新增的便签功能,便于用户快速记录一些简短文字内容。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

教科书中文言文选文多是文质兼美、词句考究的短文。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


阅读下面一段短文,然后回答下列 36~38 小题。第 36 题 概括本片段的大意。作者的观点是什么?

通过阅读来启发学生的写作热情,一般采用两种方式。一种是自由阅读,自由写作;另一种是为写作而安排阅读,通过阅读来获得材料,获得灵感,完成写作。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

幼儿园早期阅读活动中的阅读环境是指丰富的阅读物质环境。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

阅读以下说明和c++码,将应填入(n)处的字名写在的对应栏内。[说明] 以下函数完成求表达式的值,请填空使之完成此功能。float sum ( float x ){ float s=0.0;int sign = 1;(1);for(inti=1;(2); i+ +){t=t*x;s=s+(3);sign = - sign;(4);}

根据阅读的方式不同,可以将阅读分为精读、略读、浏览。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

良好的阅读习惯包括阅读态度和阅读方法两个方面。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

阅读下面短文。回答 26~25 题。第 26 题 下列关于“托迈”的说法,正确的一项是:

请仔细阅读以下程序并完成要求。 If((a>2&&b4|| d 请仔细阅读以下程序并完成要求。If((a>2&&b<3)&&(c>4|| d<5)){Flag=1;}Else{Flag=0;)请分别按照语句覆盖、判定覆盖、条件覆盖、判定/条件覆盖测试用例。


二、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。共3题,每题1分,共3分。 阅读下面短文,回答从的 114~116 题目。Martin Luther King Jr.was born in Georgia in 1 929.When was still a boy Martin learned that his people,the black Americans,when often treated differently from most of( )fellow Americans.Many could not attend good schools,get good jobs,or live in nice houses because of the color of their ( ) .Manin knew that in a free country this was wrong.He wanted to help his black brothers,( )he decided to go to school and become a minister.第114题:( )A.hisB.thoseC.mostD.their

阅读下面短文。回答 21~25 题。第 21 题 不能说明第一段中提到的“步行须遵制合礼”的一项是:

阅读下面短文.回答 18~22 题。第 18 题 从原文看,下列关于大运河保护迫在眉睫原因的分析,错误的一项是:







问答题研究者想探讨这样一个问题:文章的生字密度对学生阅读理解成绩的影响。研究者感兴趣四种生字密度:1:5、1:10、1:15、1:20。  被试:采用随机取样的方法选取被试40人,男性20人,女性20人。视力或矫正视力正常。平均年龄为14.5岁。  材料:选取历史方面的四篇短文(1:5、1:10、1:15、1:20),这四篇短文除了生字密度不同外,在文章的长度、语法的难度上均进行了匹配。每个学生要阅读四篇短文中的每一篇,四篇短文的阅读顺序进行了随机化平衡处理。分析这个实验的自变量、因变量,以及此实验采用什么类型的实验设计(被试间设计还是被试内设计)。



问答题作文提示:  阅读下面一段话后,请谈谈你的看法。(字数:150字左右)  身处他乡,没有朋友,没有亲人在身边时,想家、寂寞便会如影随形。寂寞是每个人都会遇到的情况,寂寞的时候,你如何排遣?如何战胜它?请以“战胜寂寞”为题,写一篇短文。