The key benefit of( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.A.plan Cost ManagementB.Control CostC.Estimate CostD.Determine Budget

The key benefit of( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.

A.plan Cost Management
B.Control Cost
C.Estimate Cost
D.Determine Budget




Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:ABecome more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureBManage high risk repetitive workCProvide clients with multiple points of contactDProvide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesEAll of the above

A project manager who, in a deference of opinion with the project controls engineer on how costs are to be reported, dictates the format of the cost report may be said to have a conflict management style.A WithdrawingB ForcingC ConfrontationalD AuthoritarianE Combative

The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .A Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E B and C

93 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .A. Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B. Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C. Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D. Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E. B and C

198 What tool have project managers come to use to identify all of the costs associated with a project. A. A bill of materialsB. A Gantt chartC. An arrow diagram network.D. A work breakdown structure.E. B and C only

You are working on the cost budget for one project. Which of the following is true() A.This process assigns cost estimates to project activities including risks and contingency plans.B.The cost baseline will be used to measure variances and future project performance.C.This process assigns cost estimates for expected future period operating costs.D.The cost baseline is the expected cost for the project.

99 A project manager who, in a deference of opinion with the project controls engineer on how costs are to be reported, dictates the format of the cost report may be said to have a conflict management style. A. WithdrawingB. ForcingC. ConfrontationalD. AuthoritarianE. Combative

● Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:A Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureB Manage high risk repetitive workC Provide clients with multiple points of contactD Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesE All of the above

● A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project (73)whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic (74)for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved.(73)A. phasesB. processesC. segmentsD. pieces(74)A. planB. fractionC. mainD. framework

(b) Analyse how effective project management could have further improved both the process and the outcomesof the website re-design project. (10 marks)

Estimating schedule activity costs involves developing an(69)of the costs of the resources needed to complete each schedule activity. Cost estimating includes identifying and considering various costing alternatives. For example, in most application areas, additional work during a design phase is widely held to have the potential for reducing the cost of the execution phase and product operations. The cost estimating process considers whether the expected savings can offset the cost of the additional design work. Cost estimates are generally expressed in units of(70)to facilitate comparisons both within and across projects.The(71 )describes the business need, justification, requirements, and current boundaries for the project. It provides important information about project requirements that is considered during cost estimating.A.accuracyB.approximationC.specificationD.summary

A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project (73) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic (74) for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved.A.phasesB.processesC.segmentsD.pieces

● ()is primarily concerned with defining and concerning what is and is not included in the project.()A. Project Time ManagementB. Project Cost ManagementC. Project Scope ManagementD. Project Communications Management

It seems that the new project in Nanjing will be even() than your current project. A、goodB、bestC、better

- Hi Bob, I’d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project. -() A、My pleasure, It is really an interesting project.B、Fine, thank you. It is really an interesting project.C、Thank you, John. It is really an interesting project.

● Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.(75) is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement, and failing to meet requirements.(75)A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

Requirements management is the process of ( 73 ),analyzing, tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a ( 74 ) process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome (product or service) should conform.A.communicatingB.collectingC.filingD.documenting

The key benefit of ( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.A.Plan Cost ManagementB.Control CostC.Estimate CostD.Determine Budget

(接上一题)It is a(2)process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which aproject outcome(product or service)should conform.A.persistentB.continuingC.permanentD.continuous

Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance ______ is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement and failing to meet requirements.A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

The town of Brighttown in Euraria has a mayor (elected every five years by the people in the town) who is responsible for, amongst other things, the transport policy of the town.A year ago, the mayor (acting as project sponsor) instigated a ‘traffic lite’ project to reduce traffic congestion at traffic lights in the town. Rather than relying on fixed timings, he suggested that a system should be implemented which made the traffic lights sensitive to traffic flow. So, if a queue built up, then the lights would automatically change to green (go). The mayor suggested that this would have a number of benefits. Firstly, it would reduce harmful emissions at the areas near traffic lights and, secondly, it would improve the journey times for all vehicles, leading to drivers ‘being less stressed’. He also cited evidence from cities overseas where predictable journey times had been attractive to flexible companies who could set themselves up anywhere in the country. He felt that the new system would attract such companies to the town.The Eurarian government has a transport regulation agency called OfRoad. Part of OfRoad’s responsibilities is to monitor transport investments and it was originally critical of the Brighttown ‘traffic lite’ project because the project’s benefits were intangible and lacked credibility. The business case did not include a quantitative cost/benefit analysis. OfRoad has itself published a benefits management process which classifies benefits in the following way.Financial: A financial benefit can be confidently allocated in advance of the project. Thus if the investment will save $90,000 per year in staff costs then this is a financial benefit.Quantifiable: A quantifiable benefit is a benefit where there is sufficient credible evidence to suggest, in advance, how much benefit will result from the project. This benefit may be financial or non-financial. For example, energy savings from a new building might be credibly predicted in advance. However, the exact amount of savings cannot be accurately forecast.Measurable benefit: A measurable benefit is a benefit which can only be confidently assessed post-implementation, and so cannot be reliably predicted in advance. Increase in sales from a particular initiative is an example of a measurable benefit. Measurable benefits may either be financial or non-financial.Observable benefit: An observable benefit is a benefit which a specific individual or group will decide, using agreed criteria, has been realised or not. Such benefits are usually non-financial. Improved staff morale might be an example of an observable benefit.One month ago, the mayoral elections saw the election of a new mayor with a completely distinct transport policy with different objectives. She wishes to address traffic congestion by attracting commuters away from their cars and onto public transport. Part of her policy is a traffic light system which gives priority to buses. The town council owns the buses which operate in the town and they have invested heavily in buses which are comfortable and have significantly lower emissions than the conventional cars used by most people in the town. The new mayor wishes to improve the frequency, punctuality and convenience of these buses, so that they tempt people away from using their cars. This will require more buses and more bus crews, a requirement which the mayor presents as ‘being good for the unemployment rate in this town’. It will also help the bus service meet the punctuality service level which it published three years ago, but has never yet met. ‘A reduction in cars and an increase in buses will help us meet our target’, the mayor claims.The mayor has also suggested a number of initiatives to discourage people from taking their cars into the town. She intends to sell two car parks for housing land (raising $325,000) and this will reduce car park capacity from 1,000 to 800 car spaces per day. She also intends to raise the daily parking fee from $3 to $4. Car park occupancy currently stands at 95% (it is difficult to achieve 100% for technical reasons) and the same occupancy rate is expected when the car park capacity is reduced.The new mayor believes that her policy signals the fact that Brighttown is serious about its green credentials. ‘This’, she says, ‘will attract green consumers to come and live in our town and green companies to set up here. These companies and consumers will bring great benefit to our community.’ To emphasise this, she has set up a Go Green team to encourage green initiatives in the town.The ‘traffic lite’ project to tackle congestion proposed by the former mayor is still in the development stage. The new mayor believes that this project can be modified to deliver her vision and still be ready on the date promised by her predecessor.Required:(a) A ‘terms of reference’ (project initiation document, project charter) was developed for the ‘traffic lite’ project to reduce traffic congestion.Discuss what changes will have to be made to this ‘terms of reference’ (project initiation document, project charter) to reflect the new mayor’s vision of the project. (5 marks)(b) The new mayor wishes to re-define the business case for the project, using the benefits categorisation suggested by OfRoad. Identify costs and benefits for the revised project, classifying each benefit using the guidance provided by OfRoad. (14 marks)(c) Stakeholder management is the prime responsibility of the project manager.Discuss the appropriate management of each of the following three stakeholders identified in the revised (modified) project.(i) The new mayor;(ii) OfRoad;(iii) A private motorist in Brighttown who uses his vehicle to commute to his job in the town. (6 marks)

A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic () for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved.A. planB. fractionC. mainD.framework

The key benefit of( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how the project costs will be managed throughout the project.A.Plan Cost Management B.Control CostC. Estimate CostD. Determine Budget

( ) is the process of documenting. Analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project. A.Integrated management B.Configuration management C.Scope management D.Requirements management

You are working on the cost budget for one project. Which of the following is true()A、This process assigns cost estimates to project activities including risks and contingency plans.B、The cost baseline will be used to measure variances and future project performance.C、This process assigns cost estimates for expected future period operating costs.D、The cost baseline is the expected cost for the project.

A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project()(1) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic ()(2) for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved.空白(2)处应选择()A、planB、fractionC、mainD、framework

单选题You are working on the cost budget for one project. Which of the following is true()AThis process assigns cost estimates to project activities including risks and contingency plans.BThe cost baseline will be used to measure variances and future project performance.CThis process assigns cost estimates for expected future period operating costs.DThe cost baseline is the expected cost for the project.

单选题analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a()process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome(product or service)should conform.ApersistentBcontinuingCpermanentDcontinuous