If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you fresh watermelon in the fall.A.eatB.would eatC.have eatenD.will be eating

If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you fresh watermelon in the fall.


B.would eat

C.have eaten

D.will be eating


Passage FourIf you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ells- worth Huntington (1876-1947) concluded from other men's work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and: temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat is. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that mental, abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature.Fall is the next best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking!46. According to the passage, your mental ability ______.A. depends on your attitude towards people in different time of the yearB. changes for the worst when you dislike most people in hot seasonC. will be best in winter and worst in summer if you want to be creativeD. turns to be more powerful in spring than in any of the other seasons

If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you fresh watermelon in the fall.A.eatB.would catC.have eatenD.will be eating

We very much () that you are not in a position to entertain any fresh orders at present.A、regretB、regret to learnC、regretfulD、regrettable

You would laugh if anyone ____ ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant.A: willB: shallC: shouldD: would

how can you create good vacuum on the fresh water (FW) distiller ?

请教:2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷(浙江)第1大题第5小题如何解答?【题目描述】5.If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, youfresh watermelon in the fall.A.eatB.would eatC.have eatenD.will be eating

7. If you were in Sahara,you ________ the value of fresh water.A. will realizeB. realizedC. would realizeD. realize

You are loading in the winter in Albany,N.Y.,for a voyage to a port governed by the tropical load line mark. Which of the following statements is TRUE? (Hydrometer reading in Albany is 1.000)A.You may not exceed the winter load line mark when you finish loading except for the burnout to seaB.You may calculate the burnout necessary to reach the tropical zone and load extra cargo to compensateC.The freshwater allowance and burnout to sea may be subtracted from the required freeboard in AlbanyD.You may load to the winter mark less the fresh water allowance if you will be at the tropical mark upon arrival in the tropical zone

Please supply us with 250 tons of fresh water.You are requested to deliver it on board ______.A.Till FridayB.On Friday at the latestC.Until Friday afterwardsD.At Friday soonest

Before starting a gasoline engine on a motorboat,you should make sure for safety that ______.A.The gasoline tank is fullB.The bilges,cabins,etc.are thoroughly ventilatedC.You have fresh water on boardD.Each of the above is followed

Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases.You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences.If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:* you will get caught;* you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment;If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.You need to declare the followingthings EXCEPT ____________ if youhave them in your luggage.A.some metal hairclips B.dried flowersC.some moon-cakes D.a bottle of honey

教学材料:A:How do you make fruit salad B:First cut three bananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next put the fruit in a bowl.Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.Finally mix it all up.某位教师的部分教学过程如下:步骤1.播放一段Lucy在吃水果沙拉的视频。提问:Have you ever eaten fruit salad Do youlike fruit salad What can you see in Lucy’s salad 步骤2.展示实物:three bananas,three apples,a watermelon,a bowl,two teaspoon8 0lhonev,a cup of yogurt;演示mix up这个动作;呈现单词first,next,then,finally;提问Do you know how to make fruit salad 步骤3.要求学生以小组为单位进行比赛,看哪个小组能最先猜出制作水果沙拉的过程。步骤4.挑出几组学生上台边演示水果沙拉的制作过程,边用英语描述该过程。步骤5.对上台表演的每组学生的表现进行点评,并对其中的闪光点予以肯定和表扬。步骤6.播放对话原文的录音。学生听并模仿。步骤7.播放根据教学材料改编的chant录音,并要求学生模仿。步骤8.要求学生以小组为单位讨论西红柿蛋汤的制作过程,必要时教师可提供帮助。1.这位教师在教学过程中运用了哪些教学方法 这些教学方法分别体现在哪个或哪些步骤 (3分)2.在实际教学中这些教学方法有什么优点 (3分)3.对该教师这部分教学过程的设计予以评论。(4分)

Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases.You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences.If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:* you will get caught;* you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment;If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.For what purpose is the passage written?A.To inform the passengers of the law on the exportation of goods.B.To warn the passengers not to take unsafe goods.C.To tell the passengers to Australia to have their quarantine items declared.D.To urge the passengers to protect the agriculture, tourism and environment.

Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases.You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences.If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:* you will get caught;* you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment;If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.The reason why you are asked todeclare quarantine items on arrival is that ____________.A.too many overseas products could destroy Australia' s tourism industryB.animal products are often the cause of various diseasesC.as is known to us all, bad food can spread diseases easilyD.these items may carry dangerous pests or diseases into AustraliA.

根据以下材料,回答How often do you let other people′snonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter, rude boss,or an insensitive employee 1 your day?One day I was in a taxi and we headed 2 the airport. We were driving in the 3 lane when suddenly a black car drove outof a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his 4 and slid sideways, and at the very lastmoment our car stopped and 5 the other car by just inches! The driverof the other car looked around and started 6 at us. My taxi driver just 7 and waved at the guy. And I mean he wasreally 8 . So I asked, "Why did you just do that? This guyalmost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" This is when my taxidriver taught me what I now call "The Law of the Garbage Truck".He explained that many people are likegarbage trucks. They run around full of 9 , full of frustration,full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage 10 up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they′ll dump it on 11 . Don′t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and moveon. Believe me. You′ll be 12 . Don′t take their garbage and 13 it to other people at work, at home, oron the streets. Life′ s too short to wake up in the morning with 14 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what′s 15 in your life. Roy Baumeister, a psychologyresearcher from Florida State University, found in his extensive research thatyou 16 bad things more often than good thingsin your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you 17 them more frequently. Therefore, love thepeople who treat you right and ignore the ones who don′t. Life is ten percentwhat you make it and ninety percent how you 18 it!When you follow "The Law of theGarbage Truck", you take back control of your life. You make room for thegood by 19 go of the bad. Have a marvelous,garbage-free Day! The seeds you plant today 20 the harvest you will reap tomorrow.A.roads B.children C.you D.dustbins

Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases.You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences.If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:* you will get caught;* you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment;If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.If you don′t declare quarantine items, ____________.A.you can probably get away with itB.you are sure to be discovered and punisheD.C.you can turn to the customs officers forhelpD.you can give them away to a quarantine officer

问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.Practice 1  Attention SUPERVALUE shoppers. Our bakery is about to close and all items are marked off, Enjoy cakes, pies, breads, muffins, and cookies, all baked fresh today from our bakery. All of our fresh-baked goods are now 15to 50 percent off. They won’t last long so stop by before they are all gone. Thank you for shopping with us and have a nice day.

单选题— ______  —Yes, yes, I do. I have a coffee machine, and I like to treat myself to fresh coffee at breakfast.  —And start off the day well.AWould you like something to drink?BHelp yourself to some coffee.CWhat would like to drink, Coke or Sprite?DDo you make fresh coffee yourself?

单选题You enter configuration mode with the configure command. You need to abort the changes that you have made and start again with a fresh copy of the active configuration. Which command should you use?()Arollback 0Bload activeCreset configDclear candidate config

单选题M: Mary, er... Last Friday. Do you remember how much time you spent working?  W: Well, I was spring-cleaning at home actually, and it just seems______. I suppose about six hours actually.Ato do happilyBto go quicklyCto do nothingDto go on and on

单选题If you were inspecting the valve springs on an auxiliary diesel engine, your best indication of impending spring failure would be ()Aa glazed surface on the springBnicks in the protective coatingCa build up of sludge depositsDcracks in the surface of the spring

单选题Before dismantling the pipe, would you ()the oil retained in the hose with ()?Aflash;fresh airBwash;fresh waterCflush;compressed airDrush;diesel oil

单选题Please supply us with 250 tons of fresh water. You are requested to deliver it on board().Atill FridayBon Friday at the latestCuntil Friday afterwardsDat Friday soonest

单选题Before marine sewage treatment plant works () should be filled with fresh water.Adeposition chamberBoxidation poolCdisinfection chamberDall chamber

问答题Directions: English Club at your university intends to extend and take in new members, encouraging individuals to join in with their own fresh ideas. Write a letter, introduce yourself first and then explain what your ideas are, what kind of job you plan to do and how you will practice your ideas if you are lucky enough to be taken in.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the AnswerSheet.

问答题Practice 6Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “In contrast to the mass enthusiasm for returning home for family union during the Spring Festival, there are some, becoming known as the “home-fear group”, who have deep reservations about going back home.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

单选题While you are working in a space,the fixed CO2 system is accidentally activated.You should().ASecure the applicators to preserve the charge in the cylindersBContinue with your work as there is nothing you can do to stop the flow of CO2CRetreat to fresh air and ventilate the compartment before returningDMake sure all doors and vents are secured

单选题You should not divide the fresh water()three trips.AinBintoCtoDfor