我觉得每晚睡八个小时很重要。I think__________ __________ __________to sleep eight hours a night.


I think__________ __________ __________to sleep eight hours a night.


我开着灯睡觉。I go to sleep_____ _____ _____ _____.

23. How many hours of sleep is good for students' health?A. Less than 9 hours.B. Over 9 hours.C. Only 9 hours.D. 7 hours.

The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ______.A. approximately six hoursB. around ten hoursC. about eight hoursD. not stated here

During sleep, the fatigue (疲劳) of the body disappears and recuperation ( 恢复) begins. The tired mind gathers new energy. Once awake, the memory improves, and annoyance and problems are seen in a better perspective.Some adults require little sleep; others need eight to ten hours in every twenty-four. Infants sleep sixteen to eighteen hours daily and, as they grow older, the amount gradually diminishes. Young students may need twelve hours; university students may need ten. A worker with a physically demanding job may also need ten, whereas an executive worker under great pressure may manage on six to eight. Many famous people are reputed to have required little sleep. Napoleon, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin apparently averaged only four to six hours a night.Whatever your individual need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. By that age you will also have developed a sleep routine: a favorite hour, a favorite bed, a favorite position, and a formula you need to follow in order to rest comfortably. Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep. Several people have reached more than 115 hours ?nearly five days, whereas animals kept awake for from five to eight days have died of exhaustion. The limit for human beings is probably about a week.1、The writer implies that _________A、sleep is important for good mental and physical healthB、a light sleep is as restful as a deep sleepC、memory is improved during sleepD、sleep is relatively unimportant for human beings2、From the amount of sleep Napoleon, Edison and Darwin required, we can infer that_______.A、they were famous great menB、 they were executive workersC、 they were intelligent peopleD、 they were involved in mentally demanding work3、The amount of sleep required ________.A、varies greatly from individual to individualB、 depends on an individual''s ageC、 relates to an individual''s occupationD、 all of the above.4、According to the passage, the sleeping routine will be built at the age of _________.A、10B、20C、30D、405、From animal experiments, we can conclude that the final result of the lack of sleep is probably _________A、mental illnessB、mental breakdownC、susceptibility to illnessD、death

What does the author advise people to do ?A. Sleep in the way animals do.B.Consult a doctor if they can’t sleep.C.Follow their natural sleep rhythm.D.Keep to the eight-hour sleep pattern.

共用题干第二篇Sleep DeficitJudging from recent surveys,most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic(流 行病)of sleepiness in the nation."I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,"says Dr. David.Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足)crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries,sleep scien- tists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night."The best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm,and it was dark."By the 1950s and 1960s,that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically,to between 7.5 and 8 hours,and most people had to wake up to an alarm clock."People cheat on their sleep,and they don't even realize they're doing it,"says Dr. David."They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous.Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep,researchers say,is the complexity of the day.Whenever pressures from work,family,friends and community mount,many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme.In our society,you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5hours' sleep.If you'ye got to get 8.5 hours,people think you lack drive and ambition.To determine the consequences of sleep deficit,researchers have put subjects through a set of psycho- logical and performance tests requiring them,for instance,to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier."We'ye found that if you're in sleep deficit,performance suffers,"says Dr. David."Short-term memory is weakened,as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate."The word"subjects"(Line 1,Para 4)refers to_________. A:the performance tests used in the study of sleep deficit B:special branches of knowledge that are being studied C:people whose behavior or reactions are being studied D:the psycological consequences of sleep deficit

共用题干第二篇Sleep DeficitJudging from recent surveys,most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic(流 行病)of sleepiness in the nation."I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,"says Dr. David.Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足)crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries,sleep scien- tists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night."The best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm,and it was dark."By the 1950s and 1960s,that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically,to between 7.5 and 8 hours,and most people had to wake up to an alarm clock."People cheat on their sleep,and they don't even realize they're doing it,"says Dr. David."They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous.Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep,researchers say,is the complexity of the day.Whenever pressures from work,family,friends and community mount,many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme.In our society,you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5hours' sleep.If you'ye got to get 8.5 hours,people think you lack drive and ambition.To determine the consequences of sleep deficit,researchers have put subjects through a set of psycho- logical and performance tests requiring them,for instance,to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier."We'ye found that if you're in sleep deficit,performance suffers,"says Dr. David."Short-term memory is weakened,as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate."Many Americans believe that________.A:sleep is the first thing that can be sacrificed when one is busyB:they need more sleep to cope with the complexities of everyday lifeC:to sleep is something one can do at any time of the dayD:enough sleep promotes people's drives and ambition

共用题干第二篇Sleep DeficitJudging from recent surveys,most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic(流 行病)of sleepiness in the nation."I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,"says Dr. David.Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足)crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries,sleep scien- tists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night."The best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm,and it was dark."By the 1950s and 1960s,that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically,to between 7.5 and 8 hours,and most people had to wake up to an alarm clock."People cheat on their sleep,and they don't even realize they're doing it,"says Dr. David."They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous.Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep,researchers say,is the complexity of the day.Whenever pressures from work,family,friends and community mount,many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme.In our society,you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5hours' sleep.If you'ye got to get 8.5 hours,people think you lack drive and ambition.To determine the consequences of sleep deficit,researchers have put subjects through a set of psycho- logical and performance tests requiring them,for instance,to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier."We'ye found that if you're in sleep deficit,performance suffers,"says Dr. David."Short-term memory is weakened,as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate."People in the 18th and 19th centuries used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night because they had_______.A:no drive and ambition B:the best sleep habitsC:no electric lightD:nothing to do in the evening

共用题干第二篇Sleep DeficitJudging from recent surveys,most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic(流 行病)of sleepiness in the nation."I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,"says Dr. David.Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足)crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries,sleep scien- tists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night."The best sleep habits once were forced on us,when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm,and it was dark."By the 1950s and 1960s,that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically,to between 7.5 and 8 hours,and most people had to wake up to an alarm clock."People cheat on their sleep,and they don't even realize they're doing it,"says Dr. David."They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5,eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous.Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep,researchers say,is the complexity of the day.Whenever pressures from work,family,friends and community mount,many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme.In our society,you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5hours' sleep.If you'ye got to get 8.5 hours,people think you lack drive and ambition.To determine the consequences of sleep deficit,researchers have put subjects through a set of psycho- logical and performance tests requiring them,for instance,to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier."We'ye found that if you're in sleep deficit,performance suffers,"says Dr. David."Short-term memory is weakened,as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate."It can be infered from this passage that one should sleep as many hours as is necessary to_________.A:improve one’s memory dramaticallyB:be considered dynamic by other peopleC:maintain one’s daily scheduleD:feel energetic and perform adequately

根据下面资料,回答题 I′ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes on and bad genes off. In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only "reads" the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment. Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions It′s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours. Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less. Sleep restriction (six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these,220 genes were down regulated (their power was reduced), while 160 were up regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes. One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin and is linked to diabetes and insomnia. The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease. So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little. The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes. Which of the following may be concluded from the passage 查看材料A.The experiment was performed at the University of Surrey in early 2013.B.Body-clock genes are associated with heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes.C.Sleep restrictions may contribute to disease like diabetes, insomnia, and heart disease.D.7.5-8 hours' sleep pattern makes little difference compared with 6.5-7 hours' sleep pattern.

根据下面资料,回答题 I′ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes on and bad genes off. In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only "reads" the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment. Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions It′s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours. Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less. Sleep restriction (six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these,220 genes were down regulated (their power was reduced), while 160 were up regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes. One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin and is linked to diabetes and insomnia. The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease. So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little. The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes. Which of the following can be inferred from the findings of the sleep research 查看材料A.When there is a sleep restriction, genes to do with cell repair and replacement function less.B.In a sleep, several hundred genes change in the amount. The more changes, the worse results.C.When genes are up regulated, they do good to health; when genes arc down regulated, they do harm to health.D.Eight hours of sleep a day can be beneficial to our health in that it looks after our genes.

根据下面资料,回答题 I′ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes on and bad genes off. In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only "reads" the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment. Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions It′s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours. Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less. Sleep restriction (six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these,220 genes were down regulated (their power was reduced), while 160 were up regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes. One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin and is linked to diabetes and insomnia. The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease. So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little. The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes. What kind of relation is directly discussed in the passage 查看材料A.Sleeping hours and changes of genes.B.Sleeping hours and diseases.C.Changes of genes and diseases.D.Genes and health.

根据下面资料,回答题 I′ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes on and bad genes off. In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only "reads" the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment. Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions It′s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours. Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less. Sleep restriction (six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these,220 genes were down regulated (their power was reduced), while 160 were up regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes. One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin and is linked to diabetes and insomnia. The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease. So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little. The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes. What can we learn about Professor Derk-Jan Dijk′ s experiment 查看材料A.The experiment was carried out to find the answer to how genes affect sleep.B.The experiment took a period of more than two weeks to reach a conclusion.C.His volunteers were divided into two groups with two different sleeping patterns.D.Blood samples of the volunteers were checked afterwards to decide how many genes changed in sleeping.

Power Napping is Good f the I.Q. Today we hear me me about the imptance of getting enoughsleep—about eight hours a night. Sleep can help heal give energy toboth the body the brain. ____1____ It seems almost certain that the thirdof our lives that we spend asleep has a great effect on the two-thirds that weare awake. Sleep affects our emotions, memy, focus, behavi. Studies show that people in developed countries spend less timeasleep me time at wk commuting. Dr. Karine Spiegel, at theUniversity of Chicago, has found that the average length of sleep has gone downfrom nine hours a night in 1910 to seven--a-half hours a night today.However, our bodies cannot function well without enough sleep. ____2____Accding to Canadian scientist Dr. Stanley Cen, every hour of lost sleep at nightcauses us to lose one I.Q. point the next day. F example, when someone getsonly five six hours of sleep each night f a week, the person’s I.Q. couldgo down 15 points me. ____3____ Most sleep experts say that humans need at least eight hours ofsleep every day, but it should be in two stages: a long sleep at night ashter nap in the afternoon. Some companies help their employees follow thisadvice. ____4____ They say this makes the wkers much me efficient. To study sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep), scientistsuse a test called the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). During the test, aperson stays in a darkened, quiet room during the daytime. Scientists believethat a sleep-deprived person will fall asleep quickly. If it takes ten minutes longer to fall asleep, the person is probably getting enough sleep. Scientists have also found that the time of year seems to affect howmuch sleep we need. ____5____ However, in the summer, people sometimes sleep aslittle as six hours, without having any problems.   词汇: emotion n. 情绪 commuting n. 乘公交车上下班,通勤 I.Q. n. 智商(全称为intelligent quotient) deprivation n. 剥夺,匮乏 Sleep Latency Test n. 睡眠潜伏期   注释: 1.have/has an effect on... 对……有效果的 2.go down from... to...从………降至……  练习:A.They allow them to “power nap” in the afternoon, if only f 20 minutes.B.Losing just one two hours of sleep a night, over a long period oftime, can cause serious health problems.C.People usually sleep longer in the winter, sometimes as much as 14hours a night.D.People in power are me intelligent because they take naps.E.Medical experts now believe that sleep is even me imptant fhealth than diet exercise.F.That’s why, without enough sleep, a nmally intelligent person may startto have difficulty doing daily tasks.

共用题干SleepingPeople who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie-in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital forhealth and well-being,the six-year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for less than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm."Individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep.From a health standpoint,there is no reason to sleep longer,"said Daniel Kripke , a professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California, San Diego.Dr. Kripke said,"We don't know if long sleep periods lead to death.Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health."The scientists,who were funded by the American Cancer Society,found that the best survival rates were among the men and women who slept for seven hours a night.Those who slept for eight hours were 12 per cent more likely to die during the six-year period of the study,when other factors such as diet and smoking were taken into account.Even those who spent a mere five hours a night in bed lived longer than those who slept eight or more hours.However,an increasing death rate was found among those who slept for less than five hours.Dr. Kripke said,"Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short-and long-duration (持续时间)sleep had higher mortality rates. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between seven and eight hours a night,until now." Most of the participants slept for 7 hours a night during the study.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干SleepingPeople who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie-in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital forhealth and well-being,the six-year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for less than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm."Individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep.From a health standpoint,there is no reason to sleep longer,"said Daniel Kripke , a professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California, San Diego.Dr. Kripke said,"We don't know if long sleep periods lead to death.Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health."The scientists,who were funded by the American Cancer Society,found that the best survival rates were among the men and women who slept for seven hours a night.Those who slept for eight hours were 12 per cent more likely to die during the six-year period of the study,when other factors such as diet and smoking were taken into account.Even those who spent a mere five hours a night in bed lived longer than those who slept eight or more hours.However,an increasing death rate was found among those who slept for less than five hours.Dr. Kripke said,"Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short-and long-duration (持续时间)sleep had higher mortality rates. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between seven and eight hours a night,until now." The findings indicate that it is all right to sleep for 6.5 hours a night.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干SleepingPeople who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie-in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital forhealth and well-being,the six-year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for less than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm."Individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep.From a health standpoint,there is no reason to sleep longer,"said Daniel Kripke , a professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California, San Diego.Dr. Kripke said,"We don't know if long sleep periods lead to death.Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health."The scientists,who were funded by the American Cancer Society,found that the best survival rates were among the men and women who slept for seven hours a night.Those who slept for eight hours were 12 per cent more likely to die during the six-year period of the study,when other factors such as diet and smoking were taken into account.Even those who spent a mere five hours a night in bed lived longer than those who slept eight or more hours.However,an increasing death rate was found among those who slept for less than five hours.Dr. Kripke said,"Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short-and long-duration (持续时间)sleep had higher mortality rates. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between seven and eight hours a night,until now." Sleeping for less than 5 hours each night is better than sleeping for 5 hours.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干SleepingPeople who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie-in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital forhealth and well-being,the six-year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for less than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm."Individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep.From a health standpoint,there is no reason to sleep longer,"said Daniel Kripke , a professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California, San Diego.Dr. Kripke said,"We don't know if long sleep periods lead to death.Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health."The scientists,who were funded by the American Cancer Society,found that the best survival rates were among the men and women who slept for seven hours a night.Those who slept for eight hours were 12 per cent more likely to die during the six-year period of the study,when other factors such as diet and smoking were taken into account.Even those who spent a mere five hours a night in bed lived longer than those who slept eight or more hours.However,an increasing death rate was found among those who slept for less than five hours.Dr. Kripke said,"Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short-and long-duration (持续时间)sleep had higher mortality rates. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between seven and eight hours a night,until now." The study shows that the longer you sleep each night,the longer you'll live.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干SleepingPeople who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie-in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital forhealth and well-being,the six-year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for less than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm."Individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep.From a health standpoint,there is no reason to sleep longer,"said Daniel Kripke , a professor of psychiatry(精神病学)at the University of California, San Diego.Dr. Kripke said,"We don't know if long sleep periods lead to death.Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health."The scientists,who were funded by the American Cancer Society,found that the best survival rates were among the men and women who slept for seven hours a night.Those who slept for eight hours were 12 per cent more likely to die during the six-year period of the study,when other factors such as diet and smoking were taken into account.Even those who spent a mere five hours a night in bed lived longer than those who slept eight or more hours.However,an increasing death rate was found among those who slept for less than five hours.Dr. Kripke said,"Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short-and long-duration (持续时间)sleep had higher mortality rates. However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between seven and eight hours a night,until now." More than one million Americans participated in the six-year study.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

他们工作四小时,休息八小时。()A、They work four hours and have four hours for rest.B、They work eight hours and have four hours for rest.C、They work four hours and have eight hours for rest.D、They work eight hours and have eight hours for rest.



单选题Sleep is a funny thing because ______.Athe longer one sleeps, the less sound sleep he getsBthe more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occursCmany people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fineDmany people who sleep six hours a night still feel energetic in the day

单选题Passage2People often complained about not gettinga good night's sleep,but sleep patterns differ from person to person. Most adults require six to eight hours of sleep to function well,while others survive on only a few hours. Still,most people today think of sleep as one continuous period of downtime. This is not the way people used to sleep. According to researchers in earlier times,people divided sleep by first sleep a few hours,waking up,then going back to sleep.Before the 18th century,people had no gas or electricity in their homes. Fire,candles,or oil lamps were the common forms of lighting. This lack of artificial lighting in homes contributed to people's sleep patterns. It made sense for people to go to bed early. If you live in this time period,you might be a hard-working farmer,and you would come home,eat and quickly fall into bed exhausted. You would probably go to sleep at 9:00 or 10:00 P.M. In this first period of sleep-called first sleep-you would typically sleep until midnight or shortly afterwards.Halfway through the night during a period some call the watch,or watching period. When you came out of first sleep,you would stay in bed and relax quietly. You might talk with a bedfellow,meditate on the day's events or the meaning of a dream,or just let your mind wander. If you enjoyed writing or drawing,you might get out of bed to write a poem or story or draw a picture.Then you would start to feel sleepy, so would return to bed and fall asleep again for your second sleep. This period would continue until early morning when daylight arrived. Again, with no artificial lighting in homes, people naturally woke up early to take advantage of sunlight.Today, human may consider divided sleep a strange habit, but sleep researchers say that it is actually a more natural sleep pattern. Dr. Thomas Wehr of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has studied human sleep. He thinks that modern sleep problems occur because the orderly, natural way of sleep is breaking through the more recent continuous sleep pattern. Wehr and other scientists believe that artificial lighting has altered the way people sleep. In a research study, he asked 15 adults to rest and sleep in darkness for 14 hours(from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.). At first, the subjects took a few hours to get to sleep, and then slept 11 hours a night. Then overtime, they switched to divided sleep. They fell asleep for about 3 or 5 hours in the evening, stay awake for an hour of two and then slept again for four hours till early morning.Unlike the people in the study, we modern humans generally do not practice divided sleep. However, many of us have the experience of waking up in the middle of the night. We usually consider this a sleeping problem, but perhaps we should look at it as natural behavior. Divided sleep may be the way we should all be sleeping. A first sleep followed by a relation period and a second period of sleep could help all of us to beat the stress of our fast-paced lives.What conclusion does the writer make about divided sleep?AIt is one type of sleeping problem.BIt may help people handle daily stress.CIt is not the best sleep pattern for everyone.DIt is even a common practice in modern times.

单选题他们工作四小时,休息八小时。()AThey work four hours and have four hours for rest.BThey work eight hours and have four hours for rest.CThey work four hours and have eight hours for rest.DThey work eight hours and have eight hours for rest.

单选题Passage2People often complained about not getting"a good night's sleep",but sleep patterns differ from person to person. Most adults require six to eight hours of sleep to function well,while others survive on only a few hours. Still,most people today think of sleep as one continuous period of downtime. This is not the way people used to sleep. According to researchers in earlier times,people divided sleep by first sleep a few hours,waking up,then going back to sleep.Before the 18th century,people had no gas or electricity in their homes. Fire,candles,or oil lamps were the common forms of lighting. This lack of artificial lighting in homes contributed to people's sleep patterns. It made sense for people to go to bed early. If you live in this time period,you might be a hard-working farmer,and you would come home,eat and quickly fall into bed exhausted. You would probably go to sleep at 9:00 or 10:00 P.M. In this first period of sleep-called first sleep-you would typically sleep until midnight or shortly afterwards.Halfway through the night during a period some call the watch,or watching period. When you came out of first sleep,you would stay in bed and relax quietly. You might talk with a bedfellow,meditate on the day's events or the meaning of a dream,or just let your mind wander. If you enjoyed writing or drawing,you might get out of bed to write a poem or story or draw a picture.Then you would start to feel sleepy, so would return to bed and fall asleep again for your second sleep. This period would continue until early morning when daylight arrived. Again, with no artificial lighting in homes, people naturally woke up early to take advantage of sunlight.Today, human may consider divided sleep a strange habit, but sleep researchers say that it is actually a more natural sleep pattern. Dr. Thomas Wehr of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has studied human sleep. He thinks that modern sleep problems occur because the orderly, natural way of sleep is breaking through the more recent continuous sleep pattern. Wehr and other scientists believe that artificial lighting has altered the way people sleep. In a research study, he asked 15 adults to rest and sleep in darkness for 14 hours(from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.). At first, the subjects took a few hours to get to sleep, and then slept 11 hours a night. Then overtime, they switched to divided sleep. They fell asleep for about 3 or 5 hours in the evening, stay awake for an hour of two and then slept again for four hours till early morning.Unlike the people in the study, we modern humans generally do not practice divided sleep. However, many of us have the experience of waking up in the middle of the night. We usually consider this a sleeping "problem", but perhaps we should look at it as natural behavior. Divided sleep may be the way we should all be sleeping. A first sleep followed by a relation period and a second period of sleep could help all of us to beat the stress of our fast-paced lives.In paragraph 5, what does the research study suggest about divided sleep?ADivided sleep is a strange way to sleep.BDivided sleep is a natural sleep pattern for human.CDivided sleep occurs when people sleep with artificial lights.DDivided sleep means sleeping 11 hours in one period.

单选题_____AIt’s early.BEight hours.CYes, I’d love to.DAt half past eight.