The word “tallied” (Line 3, Para. 2) probably means ______.A.calculatedB.corresponded toC.listedD.gave

The word “tallied” (Line 3, Para. 2) probably means ______.


B.corresponded to




The word “reach” (Line 2, Para. 2) probably means ________.(A) get in touch with(B) get to(C) arrive at(D) meet the needs of

The phrase“on the rise”(Para. 1 ) most probably means“_________ ”A. declineB. increaseC. improveD. decrease

The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means[A] fun.[B] craze.[C] hysteria.[D] excitement.

The word “thaw”(Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means _____ .[A] aggravation of tension[B] improvement in relation[C] intensification in attacks[D] ending of coordination

The word “they” in Line 5,Para. 2 refers to_.A.older thingsC.childrenD.interests

The word “passing”(Line 7, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____.[A] instant [B] trivial [C] simple [D] negligible

The word “tough”(Line 7, Paragraph 2) most probably means_____.[A] piercing to the truth[B] using vulgar language[C] mean and hostile[D] difficult to understand

The word “bummer” (Line 5. paragraph 5) most probably means something ________.[A] religious[B] unpleasant[C] entertaining[D] commercial

The word “binge” (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.[A] eat excessively[B] refuse to eat[C] fail to digest[D] enjoy a good appetite

The underlined word \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\thwart\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\________\\\.[A] destroy[B] forbid[C] cure[D] prevent

The word" registered" in the last line most probably means ______A) markedB) approachedC) listedD) booked

The word "accentuate" (Line 5, Para.3) most probably means "______".A.relieveB.accelerateC.worsenD.improve

The word \infiltrated\ (Line 5, Para. 5) probably means ______.A. actedB. mixedC. taughtD. filtrated

The underlined word \\\hacker\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\hacker\\\ (Para. 1) most probably means \\\________\\\.[A] highly recognizable names behind many of the computer technologies used today[B] the negative connotation of those computer users[C] a game, employing the tools that are readily available via the Internet[D] people who break into computer systems

The word “phonograph” (Line 5-6, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____.[A] record player[B] radio[C] musical technique[D] music culture

The word “patriarch” (line 2, paragraph 2) most probably means_____.[A] founder [B] monarch [C] elder [D] forerunner

The word“perception”(Line 2,Para.3)most probably means_____.( )[A]observation[B]standard[C]performance[D]understanding

The word "bonfire" ( Line 5, Para.3.) most probably means_______.( )[A] success[B] reduction[C] faiiure[D] expansion

单选题The word “xenophobia” (para. 2) means “______.”ApartialityBarbitarinessCdiscriminationDantipathy

单选题The word “gizmos” (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means ______.AprogramsBexpertsCdevicesDcreatures

单选题The word temperate in the sentence “The climate is temperate ...”(Line 14),most probably means _____.AHotBmildCdryDcold

单选题The phrase ‘in lieu of’ (line 2, paragraph 4) most probably means ______.Aon behalf ofBin line withCwith regard toDinstead of

单选题The word “down-to-earth” (Para. 3) most probably means _____.AchangeableBexpensiveCreasonableDfixed

单选题The word “enthusiasm” (Line 1, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to _____ .Agreat loveBgreat hatredCproblemDadvantage

问答题What does the word “province” (Line 2, Para. 1) mean?

单选题The word “cinch” (Line 3, Para. 1 ) most probably means______.Aa very easy thing.Ba very complex thing.Ca great challenge.Dan extremely hard problem.

单选题The word “muscle” (Line 5, Para. 1) probably means ______.Astrengthen with pressure.Breplace with force.Cstop by law.Dtake charge.