根据下列内容,回答203-206题。Chinese and US students will have greater access to educational exchange programmes as thetwo countries have agreed to expand and promote educational co-operation.Further co-operation in higher education, language learning and teaching, and primary andsecondary education were highlighted in a memorandum of understanding signed by educationministers from both countries on Thursday.Margaret Spellings, US secretary of education, described the memorandum as historic at abreakfast panel discussion hosted by the China Chamber of Commerce on Friday in Beijing, thelast stop of her East Asia tour following Tokyo and Seoul.She said the United States is"deadly serious" about promoting educational co-operation andexchange with China. Her delegation, consisting of 12 US university presidents, is the first everhigh-profile delegation of us college and university presidents to China."It's even more compelling that on this first ever delegation, China is one of the firsts of thefirst, as our trip starts from East Asia," Spellings said.Education co-operation and exchanges between the United States and China have beendeveloping rapidly in recent years. More than 63,000 Chinese students are currently studying inthe United States, while there has also been a rise in the number of US students studying in China.A recent report from the New York--based Institute of International Education, one of theworld's largest international education organizations shows that 6,389 US students came to Chinain the 2005-2006 academic year, up 35 percent year-on-year. The report also lists China as theonly Asian country among the top 10 popular destinations for US students to study abroad.Spellings said she was pleased with the numbers but not satisfied."US students do want tocome to study in China, and we need to help them do that as well as to help Chinese students tocome to our country."On Friday, Premier Wen Jiabao met with Spellings and her delegation in Beijing. The passage suggests that__________.A.following Beijing, Margaret Spellings and her delegation will visit Tokyo and Seoul in EastAsia.B.the US will further streamline the visa application process, making it easier for Chinesestudents.C.the US often send delegations of college and university presidents to China in recent years.D.China as well as Japan are among the most popular countries that the US students want tostudy in.

Chinese and US students will have greater access to educational exchange programmes as thetwo countries have agreed to expand and promote educational co-operation.
Further co-operation in higher education, language learning and teaching, and primary andsecondary education were highlighted in a memorandum of understanding signed by educationministers from both countries on Thursday.
Margaret Spellings, US secretary of education, described the memorandum as historic at abreakfast panel discussion hosted by the China Chamber of Commerce on Friday in Beijing, thelast stop of her East Asia tour following Tokyo and Seoul.
She said the United States is"deadly serious" about promoting educational co-operation andexchange with China. Her delegation, consisting of 12 US university presidents, is the first everhigh-profile delegation of us college and university presidents to China.
"It's even more compelling that on this first ever delegation, China is one of the firsts of thefirst, as our trip starts from East Asia," Spellings said.
Education co-operation and exchanges between the United States and China have beendeveloping rapidly in recent years. More than 63,000 Chinese students are currently studying inthe United States, while there has also been a rise in the number of US students studying in China.
A recent report from the New York--based Institute of International Education, one of theworld's largest international education organizations shows that 6,389 US students came to Chinain the 2005-2006 academic year, up 35 percent year-on-year. The report also lists China as theonly Asian country among the top 10 popular destinations for US students to study abroad.
Spellings said she was pleased with the numbers but not satisfied."US students do want tocome to study in China, and we need to help them do that as well as to help Chinese students tocome to our country."
On Friday, Premier Wen Jiabao met with Spellings and her delegation in Beijing.
The passage suggests that__________.

A.following Beijing, Margaret Spellings and her delegation will visit Tokyo and Seoul in EastAsia.
B.the US will further streamline the visa application process, making it easier for Chinesestudents.
C.the US often send delegations of college and university presidents to China in recent years.
D.China as well as Japan are among the most popular countries that the US students want tostudy in.




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根据下列内容,回答 79~83 题:A.口含片B.咀嚼片C.阴道片D.舌下片E.溶液片第 79 题 白内停片( )。

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根据下列选项,回答 59~62 题:第 59 题 青霉素G

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下列生化异常不应出现的是( )根据下列题干,回答{TSE}题:

根据下列选项,回答 86~87 题:第 86 题 “后天之本”指的是( )。

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根据下列材料回答下列各 题。{TS}

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根据下列条件,回答 46~50 题:在上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2002年末的每股税后利润为0.20元,市场利率为2.5%。根据上述内容回答下列问题。第46题:该只股票的静态价格为( )元。A.4B.5C.8D.20

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